Загальна характеристика складових тесту 5 страница

• a kitchen sink (n)

• The ship began to sink. (v)

Sir (n)

sister (n)

sit (v)

site (n)

sitting room (n)

situated (adj)

situation (n)

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size (n)

skateboard (n & v)

ski (n & v)

skill (n)

skilled (adj)

skin (n)

skirt (n)

sky (n)

sleep (n & v)

sleeve (n)

slice (n)

slim (adj)

slip (v)

• to slip on the ice

slope (n)

• mountain/ski slope

slow (adj)

small (adj)

smart (adj)

• a smart idea (Am Eng)

• smart clothes

smell (n & v)

smile (n & v)

smoke (n & v)

smooth (adj)

• a smooth surface (level)

• a smooth ride in the new car


snack (n)

snake (n)

snow (n & v)

snowball (n)

snowboard (n & v)

snowman (n)

snowstorm (n)

so (adv & conj)

so-so (adj)

soap (n)

social (adj)

society (n)

sock (n)

sofa (n)

soft (adj)

• a soft material

• a soft drink

software (n)

soil (n)

soldier (n)

solid (adj)

some (adj, det & pron)

somebody (pron)

someone (pron)

something (pron)

sometimes (adv)

somewhere (adv)

son (n)

song (n)

soon (adv)

• I’ll come soon.

• as soon as I can

sore (adj)

sorry (adj)

sort (n)

• the same sort

sort out (phr v)

• We need to sort out this problem.

sound (n & v)

• the sound of music (n)

• It sounds like/as if…(v)

soup (n)

sour (adj)

• a sour taste

south (adj & adv, n)

southeast (adj & n)

southwest (adj, adv & n)

souvenir (n)

space (n)

• a parking space

• write in the spaces

• not enough space

• outer space

spade (n)

spare (adj & v)

• spare cash, spare time (adj)

• to spare the time (v)

speak (v)

special (adj)

speech (n)

speed (n)

spell (v)

spend (v)

• to spend money/time

spill (v)

spinach (n)

spite (n)

• in spite of (prep phr)

spoil (v)

spoon (n)

sport (n)

spot (n)

spy (n & v)

square (adj & n)

• a square room (adj)

• a market square (n)

squash (n)

stadium (n)

staff (n)

stage (n)

• to perform on a stage

stain (n & v)

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stairs (n pl)

stall (n)

• market stall

stamp (n)

• a postage stamp

stand (v)

standard (n)

star (n)

• stars in the sky (n)

• a film star (n)

start (n & v)

• a good start (n)

• to start a race (v)

state (adj & n)

• a state school (n)

statement (n)

station (n)

• a bus/fire/radio station

statue (n)

stay (n & v)

• to stay to dinner (v)

• to stay with friends (v)

• to stay looking young (v)

• a two-night stay (n)

stay behind (phr v)

• She stayed behind after the lesson to

speak to the teacher.

steak (n)

steal (v)

steam (n)

steel (n)

steep (adj)

step (n)

• two steps forward (n)

• to climb the steps (n)

stick (n & v)

• a walking stick (n)

• to stick two things together (v)

sticky (adj)

stiff (adj)

still (adv)

• Sit still. (adv)

• She’s still here. (adv)

stir (v)

stomach (n)

stone (n)

• a large stone

• a stone bridge

stop (n & v)

• a bus stop (n)

• The car stopped. (v)

• It’s stopped raining. (v)

• The rain stopped me from going out.


store (n & v)

• a department store (n)

• to store things in a cupboard (v)

storm (n)

story (n)

straight (adj & adv)

• to go straight on (adv)

• a straight road (adj)

strange (adj)

stranger (n)

strawberry (n)

stream (n)

street (n)

stress (n & v)

• to stress the importance of something


• He didn’t want the stress of a new job.


strict (adj)

strike (n & v)

• to go on strike (n)

• to strike something (v)

strong (adj)

student (n)

studio (n)

• TV/artists/recording studio

study (n & v)

• to study physics (v)

• to study the map (v)

• Social Studies (n)

stupid (adj)

style (n)

subject (n)

• the subject of a discussion

• the subject of a sentence

• a school subject

subtract (v)

subway (n)

• New York subway (Am Eng) (Br Eng:


succeed (v)

success (n)

such (adj & det)

sudden (adj)

sugar (n)

suggest (v)

suit (n)

• to wear a suit

suitable (adj)

suitcase (n)

sum (n)

sum up (v)

sun (n)

sunbathe (v)

sunlight (n)

sunrise (n)

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sunset (n)

sunshine (n)

supermarket (n)

supply (v)

support (v)

• to support a weight

• to support a team

suppose (v)

• I suppose it’s true.

• You aren’t supposed to drive fast.

• It’s supposed to be a good film.

sure (adj)

• I’m sure you’re right.

• to make sure

surfing (n)

surname (n)

surprise (n & v)

surround (v)

• The cottage is surrounded by beautiful


sweater (n)

sweatshirt (n)

sweep (v)

• to sweep the floor

sweet (adj & n)

• sweet food (adj)

• a sweet face (adj)

• a sweet smell (adj)

• to eat a sweet (n)

swim (n & v)

swimming costume (n)

swing (n & v)

• to play on a swing

• to swing backwards and forwards

switch (n & v)

• light switch (n)

• to switch on a machine (v)

system (n)


table (n)

table-cloth (n)

table-tennis (n)

tablet (n)

take (v)

• to take someone’s hand

• to take someone’s things (steal/


• to take a photo

• to take a long time

• to take a holiday

take away (phr v)

• Take 15 away from 78.

take off (phr v)

• Do you want to take off your coat?

• The plane takes off at 6.

take part (in) (phr v)

• Everybody took part in the meeting.

take place (phr v)

• The meeting took place at six.

take up (phr v)

• He decided to take up a new hobby.

talent (n)

talk (n & v)

tall (adj)

tap (n)

• a cold-water tap (n)

tape (adj, n & v)

• a tape recorder (adj)

• a cassette tape (n)

• to tape a conversation (v)

taste (n & v)

• to have good taste (n)

• to taste food (v)

• It tastes good. (v)

tax (n & v)

taxi (n)

tea (n)

teach (v)

team (n)

tear (n)

• Tears ran down her cheeks.

tear (v)

• to tear a piece of paper

technique (n)

technology (n)

teenage (n)

telegram (n)

telephone (n & v)

television (TV) (n)

tell (v)

• to tell a story

• to tell someone something

• to tell someone to do something

• you can’t always tell

temperature (n)

• to have a temperature

• air temperature

temporary (adj)

tennis (n)

tent (n)

term (n)

terminal (n)

terrible (adj)

test (n & v)

text (n)

than (conj & prep)

thank (v)

Page 32

thank you (int)

thanks (n)

that (adv, conj, det & pron)

theft (n)

their (det)

theirs (pron)

them (pron)

themselves (pron)

then (adv)

there (adv & pron)

therefore (adv)

thermometer (n)

these (det & pron)

they (pron)

thick (adj)

thief (n)

thin (adj)

thing (n)

think (v)

• to think about something

• I think he’s left.

• What did you think of the film?

• I think I’ll go.

• I’m thinking of going.

thirst (n)

this (det & pron)

those (det & pron)

though (conj & adv)

thought (n)

• to have thoughts about something

• to be deep in thought

thriller (n)

throat (n)

through (prep)

throughout (prep)

throw (v)

throw away (phr v)

• He threw away the old TV.

thumb (n)

thunder (n)

thunderstorm (n)

tick (n & v)

ticket (n)

tidy (adj & v)

tidy up (phr v)

• Please tidy up when you’ve finished.

tie (n & v)

• a shirt and tie (n)

• to tie with string (v)

tiger (n)

tight (adj)

• tight shoes

tights (n pl)

• a pair of tights

till (conj & prep)

• to wait till the end (prep)

• till he comes (conj)

time (n)

• What time is it?

• It took a long time.

• the last time

• Is it time yet?

• Four times five is twenty.

timetable (n)

tin (n)

• a tin of peas

• made of tin

tin-opener (n)

tiny (adj)

tip (n)

• the tip of the pencil

• a tip for the waitress

tired (adj)

title (n)

to (prep)

toast (n)

• toast for breakfast

today (adv & n)

toe (n)

together (adv)

toilet (n)

tomato (n)

tomorrow (adv & n)

ton(ne) (n)

tongue (n)

tonight (adv & n)

too (adv)

• I’ve been there, too.

• It’s too heavy to lift.

tool (n)

tooth/teeth (n)

toothache (n)

toothbrush (n)

toothpaste (n)

top (n)

• top of the class

• at the top of his voice

topic (n)

total (adj & n)

touch (v)

tour (n & v)

tourism (n)

tourist (n)

toward(s) (prep)

towel (n)

tower (n)

town (n)

toy (n)

track (n)

• a race track

Page 33

track suit (n)

trade (n)

traditional (adj)

traffic (n)

traffic jam (n)

traffic light(s) (n)

train (n & v)

• to travel by train

• to train in a skill

trainers (n pl)

• a pair of trainers

tram (n)

transfer (v)

translate (v)

translation (n)

transport (n & v)

travel (v)

travel agent (n)

traveller’s cheque (n)

tree (n)

trip (n)

• a weekend trip

trouble (n)

trousers (n pl)

truck (Am Eng) (Br Eng:lorry)

true (adj)

• Is it true?

• a true friend

trumpet (n)

trust (v)

• to trust someone

truth (n)

try (v)

• to try to do something

• to try (out) something

try on (v)

• to try on shoes

T-shirt (n)

tube (n)

• a tube of toothpaste

tune (n)

tunnel (n)

turkey (n)

turn (n & v)

• to turn your head (v)

• to turn the page (v)

• It’s my turn. (n)

• The wheels began to turn. (v)

turn down (phr v)

• Could you turn down the music?

turn into (phr v)

• The water had turned into ice.

turn off (phr v)

• She turned off the engine.

turn on (phr v)

• Can you turn on the TV?

turn out (phr v)

• He turned out the lights.

turn up (phr v)

• Turn up the radio - I can hardly hear it.

turning (n)

• the first turning on the left

twice (adv)

twin (n)

type (n & v)

• a type of person (n)

• to type a letter (v)

typical (adj)

tyre (n)


ugly (adj)

umbrella (n)

unable (adj)

uncle (n)

under (prep)

• under the bed

• under £10.00

underground (adj & n)

• underground trains (adj)

• to travel by underground (n)

underpants (n)

understand (v)

uniform (n)

universe (n)

university (n)

unleaded (adj)

unless (conj)

until (prep & conj)

up (adv & prep)

• to walk up the hill (prep)

• Are you up yet? (awake and dressed)


• Lift your head up. (adv)

• Speak up, please. (adv)

up to (prep phr)

• up to six people

up to date (prep phr)

update (n & v)

upon (prep)

upset (adj)

upstairs (adv)

urgent (adj)

us (pron)

use (n & v)

• Can you use a computer? (v)

• It’s for the use of teachers only. (n)

• Is this any use to you? (n)

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used to (v)

• I used to cycle a lot when I was


usual (adj)


valley (n)

value (n)

van (n)

vanilla (n)

variety (n)

various (adj)

vase (n)

veal (n)

vegetable (n & adj)

vegetarian (n & adj)

vehicle (n)

very (adv)

venue (n)

victim (n)

victory (n)

video (n & v)

video recorder (n)

videotape (n)

view (n)

• a beautiful view

village (n)

violin (n)

visa (n)

visit (n & v)

visitor (n)

vocabulary (n)

voice (n)

volleyball (n)

vote (n & v)

voyage (n)


wage(s) (n)

wait (n & v)

waiter (n)

waiting-room (n)

waitress (n)

wake (up) (v)

walk (n & v)

wall (n)

wallet (n)

want (v)

war (n)

ward (n)

warm (adj)

warn (v)

wash (n & v)

wash-basin (n)

wash up (v)

washing machine (n)

washing up (n)

• to do the washing up

waste (adj & v)

wastepaper basket (n)

watch (n & v)

• My watch keeps good time. (n)

• I watched TV last night. (v)

water (n & v)

waterfall (n)

wave (n & v)

• waves at sea

• to wave goodbye

way (n)

• Is this the way?

• the wrong way

• a long way

• to stand in the way

• That’s the way to do it.

• way of life

• way in, way out

WC (n)

we (pron)

weak (adj)

• to feel weak

• a weak excuse

wear (v)

• to wear a dress

wear off (phr v)

• Has the pain worn off yet?

wear out (phr v & adj)

• You’ll wear out those shoes. (v)

weather (n)

web (n)

website (n)

wedding (n)

week (n)

weekday (n)

weekend (n)

weekly (adj & adv)

• a weekly magazine (adj)

• to phone home twice weekly (adv)

weigh (v)

weight (n)

welcome (n & v)

• a warm welcome (n)

• Welcome to London! (v)

welfare (n)

well (adj, adv & int)

• I’m very well, thanks. (adj)

• to behave very well (adv)

• Shake the bottle well. (adv)

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• Well, here we are. (int)

Well done! (int)

well known (adv)

well-known (adj)

well made (adv)

well-made (adj)

west (adj, adv & n)

wet (adj)

• wet clothes

• wet weather

whale (n)

what (pron)

whatever (pron & det)

wheel (n & v)

wheelchair (n)

when (adv)

whenever (adv & conj)

where (adv)

wherever (adv & conj)

whether (conj)

which (pron & det)

whichever (pron & det)

while, whilst (conj)

white (adj)

who, whom (pron)

whoever (pron)

whole (adj & n)

whose (pron)

why (adv)

wide (adj & adv)

• a wide road (adj)

• with his mouth wide open (adv)

• to feel wide awake (adv)

width (n)

wife (n)

wild (adj)

wildlife (n)

win (n & v)

wind (n)

• A strong wind was blowing. (n)

wind (v)

• Wind up the car windows. (v)

window (n)

windscreen (n)

windsurfing (n)

wing (n)

• a bird’s wing

• the wing of an aeroplane

wire (n)

• an electrical wire

• a wire fence

wise (adj)

wish (n & v)

with (prep)

within (adv & prep)

without (prep)

witness (n & v)

woman (n)

wonder (v)

• I wonder what he said.

wonderful (adj)

wood (n)

• to be made of wood

• in a large wood

wooden (adj)

wool (n)

word (n)

• words in a sentence

• He didn’t say a word.

work (n & v)

• school work (n)

• to work for a living (v)

• hard work (n)

• to be out of work (n)

working hours (n pl)

world (n)

worry (n & v)

worse (adj & adv)

worst (adj & adv)

worth (adj)

wound (n & v)

wrap (up) (v)

• to wrap (up) a parcel

write (v)

write out (phr v)

• Please write out your name in full.

wrong (adj)


year (n)

yearly (adj & adv)

yellow (adj)

yes (int)

yesterday (adv & n)

yet (adv)

you (pron)

you know (int)

young (adj & n)

your (det)

yours (pron)

yourself (pron)

youth (n)

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zebra (n)

zero (n)

zone (n)

zoo (n)

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Appendix 1

Word sets

In addition to the words in the alphabetical list, PET and PET for Schools candidates

are expected to know:

Cardinal numbers

one, two, three, etc.

Ordinal numbers

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