He will not come to the plant tomorrow.

1. The plane for Moscow left on time.

2. He asked a porter to help him.

3. He will be at the airport two ours before departure.

4. We registered our luggage.

II. Образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степени от прилагательных:

hot, good, happy, beautiful, bad, cheap

III. Заполните пропуски, употребляя местоимения: somebody, something, anybody, anything, nobody, nothing, everybody.

She said something but I didn`t understand it.

1. ……………… liked the visit to the plant. It was very interesting.

2. She has to go to the supermarket. There is ………… in the fridge.

3. I have had a terrible day. ………… went wrong.

4. The young man is very upset. ……… wrong with his car.

IV. Перепишите предложения, употребляя правильные предлоги:

1. Let`s have a look ……… the railway station.

2. Passengers are hurrying ……… the platform to their carriages.

3. They say “Good-bye” ……….. each other.

4. Ann was met ………. her friends and relatives.

V. Письменно переведите текст и дайте ответы на вопросы.

Education in the United Kingdom is compulsory from the age of five to sixteen. Children under five go either to nursery schools, or to playgroups. Both types of pre-primary educational establishments are non-state; the difference is that a child spends the whole day in a nursery school, while he or she can stay in a playgroup only for some hours a day. Anyway, the main aim of such kind of establishments is to make the children ready for primary schools. Children play, draw, model things from clay and learn to work together.

Compulsory education for all children begins at the age of five. There are 35000 schools in Britain. All of them are the responsibility of the Local Education Authorities (LEA). The LEA caters the curriculum and exams in each region; they also appoint head teachers and hold assessment tests at schools.

Primary school is for children from five to eleven. At the age of eleven pupils go to comprehensive school.

1. From what age is education in the United Kingdom compulsory?

2. What are the establishments for pre-primary education?

3. What is the difference between nursery schools and playgroups?

4. What does the LEA do?

VI. Закончите предложения, используя подходящие слова из рамки. Используйте каждое слово только один раз. В рамке есть лишнее слово, которое не нужно использовать.


choice rank sibsidise estimated leading range activities

An (1) ________________ 6 million people take part in dance, making it one of Britain`s (2) ___________________ participation (3) ___________________. The Royal Ballet, Birminghem Royal Ballet, English National Ballet, Northern Ballet Theatre and Rambert Dance Company (4) _______________ among the world`s leading companies. The Arts Council (5) _________________ these and a wide (6) ________________ of other companies and dance organizations, for example, the Richard Alston Dance Company.

Вариант № 4.

1. Поставьте следующие предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную формы:

He will come to the plant tomorrow.

Will he come to the plant tomorrow?

He will not come to the plant tomorrow.

1. We usually take an evening train.

2. The future belongs to air transport.

3. The train leaves at 5 pm.

4. We shall stay at the hotel.

II. Образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степени от прилагательных:

careful, nice, great, dirty, good, far

III. Заполните пропуски, употребляя местоимения: somebody, something, anybody, anything, nobody, nothing, everybody.

She said something but I didn`t understand it.

1. She never says …………… about her relatives.

2. What do you want to drink? - …….. . I`m not thirsty.

3. Give me ……….. to read, please. – With pleasure.

4. I don`t know ………. about your town. Tell me ……… about it.

IV. Перепишите предложения, употребляя правильные предлоги:

1. His office is next …….. the booking-office.

2. People are hurrying ……….. all directions.

3. There are refreshment-rooms crowded ………… people.

4. They have to wait …… their train.

V. Письменно переведите текст и дайте ответы на вопросы.

Education in the United Kingdom is compulsory from the age of five to sixteen. Children under five go either to nursery schools, or to playgroups. Both types of pre-primary educational establishments are non-state; the difference is that a child spends the whole day in a nursery school, while he or she can stay in a playgroup only for some hours a day. Anyway, the main aim of such kind of establishments is to make the children ready for primary schools. Children play, draw, model things from clay and learn to work together.

Compulsory education for all children begins at the age of five. There are 35000 schools in Britain. All of them are the responsibility of the Local Education Authorities (LEA). The LEA caters the curriculum and exams in each region; they also appoint head teachers and hold assessment tests at schools.

Primary school is for children from five to eleven. At the age of eleven pupils go to comprehensive school.

5. From what age is education in the United Kingdom compulsory?

6. What are the establishments for pre-primary education?

7. What is the difference between nursery schools and playgroups?

8. What does the LEA do?

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