How an Indian Boy Learned to be Brave

Broken Vase

Read the text.

The young man was going to marry 2 beautiful girl. One day the girl said to ті that the next day she would celebrate her birthday and invited him to herbirthday party. The young man was eager to make her a present, so he went о a gift shop. There he saw many beau­tiful things. Of all the things he particu­larly liked the vases. But they were very expensive and he had very little money . so he had to leave the shop without buying anything. Making for the door he suddenly heard the noise: one of the vases fell on the floor and broke to piec­es. A brilliant idea came to his mind. He came up to the counter and asked the salesman to wrap up the broken vase. The salesman got a little surprised but did what the young man asked him to.

The young man felt very happy, took the parcel and went straight to the girl's place. By the time he entered the room the guests had already gathered. Every­body was enjoying the party. Some of the people were dancing, others were talking, joking and laughing, saying "Many happy returns of the day". The young man told the girl that he had bought a small present for her. With these words he began to unwrap the parcel. Suddenly he got pale and said: "I am afraid, I have broken it. There were so many people in the bus... " But when he unwrapped the parcel, he saw that the salesman had wrapped up each piece of the vase separately.

I. Choose the correct answer.

1. Who was the young man going to marry?

a) His cousin;

b) a beautiful girl;

c) a very rich woman.

2. Where did the girl invite him?

a) To a wedding party;

b) to a house-warming party;

c) to her birthday party.

3. Where did the young man go to buy a present?

a) To a gift shop;

b) to the department store;

c) to a flower shop.

4. Why didn't the young man buy the vase he liked?

a) Because it was broken;

b) because it was very beautiful;

c) because it was very expensive.

5. What did the young man ask the salesman to wrap?

a) A loaf of bread;

b) the broken vase;

c) a bunch of flowers.

6. What did the young girl find in the parcel?

a) Money;

b) a cake;

c) the pieces of the vase.

Key: 1 b;2 c; 3 a; 4c; 5 b; 6 c.

II. Choose the correct cause.

1.The young girl invited the young man to her place because:

a) she was going to marry Him;

b) she was going to celebrate her birthday;

c) she wanted to introduce him to her father.

2. The young man went to a gift shop because:

a) he was going to buy a present;

b) he was looking for a job;

c) he was going to sell a vase.

3. The young man had to leave the shop without buying anything because:

a) he was in a hurry;

b) he didn't like anything in the shop;

c) he had very little money.

4. The salesman got a little surprised because:

a) the young man asked him to wrap up the broken vase;

b) the young man bought the most ex­pensive vase in his shop;

c) the young man couldn't find mon­ey in his pocket.

5. The young man felt very happy be­cause:

a) he suddenly saw the girl in the shop;

b) he had bought a very expensive present;

c) he hadn't paid any money for the vase.

6. The young man got pale because:

a) he was afraid of the girl's parents;

b) he was afraid he had broken the vase;

c) he had lost his present.

Key: 1 b; 2 a; 3 c; 4 a; 5 c; 6 b.

III. Number events in correct order.

a) A brilliant idea came to his mind.

b) The young man began to unwrap the parcel.

c) The girl invited the young man to her birthday party.

d) The young man went straight to the girl's place.

e) He asked the salesman to wrap up the broken vase.

f) He went to a gift shop.

g) Suddenly he heard a noise.

h) He saw that the salesman had wrapped up each piece of the vase separately.

i) Everybody was enjoying the party.

j) The young man was going to marry a beautiful girl.

Key: 1 j; 2 c; 3 f; 4 g; 5 a; 6 e; 7 d; 8 i; 9b;10g.

IV. Match synonyms for the following words according to the text.

1) a gift a) wanted very much
2) expensive b) were having fun
3) particularly c) came into
4) entered d) a present
5) was eager e) especially
6) were enjoying f) dear


How an Indian Boy Learned to be Brave

Read the text.

Little Wolf lived with his father, Dark Cloud, in a tent near a big forest. When the boy was ten years old, Dark Cloud decided that Little Wolf must learn to be brave. One afternoon Dark Cloud said, "Little Wolf, you must come to the men's fire this evening". Little Wolf did not ask questions because he re­membered his father's words — he must see with his eyes and hear with his ears, and only then speak.

When night came, Dark Cloud and the other men sat down round the fire. The sky was dark. There was no moon and the stars were behind the clouds. "Come to the fire, Little Wolf, his father said. He gave the boy a bucket and said, "Go to the river and bring a bucket of water!"

The river was far from the camp, on the other side of the forest. Children never went into the forest at night. They knew that the forest was full of animals and they were afraid. The boy looked at his father, but Dark Cloud looked at the fire and did not speak.

The boy took the bucket and went into the forest. He walked slowly, because it was very dark. But then he heard a noise. He stopped and tried to see what it was. Now he heard other noises. He began to run. He fell, then he stood up, took his bucket and ran again. When he came to the river, he did not rest. He took a bucket of water and be­gan to walk back. But in the forest he heard the noise again, and in one place he thought that he saw a wolfs eyes. He began to ran. When he came back to the men round the fire, there wasn't much water in the bucket.

| An old man took the bucket from the I boy and looked into it. He did not | speak, but gave it to the next man. The ! bucket went round from man to man. і When it came back to the first man, he j threw the water on the grass and said to

Little Wolf, "Go to the river again!

Don't run on your way back!"

Little Wolf did not want to go, but he did not want to show that he was afraid. He took the bucket, and soon he was in the forest again. But in the forest he heard animals. The noises were so near that he thought he saw an animal be­hind every tree. He began to ran, and when he came to the river, he was tired and hot. He took only half a bucket of water and ran back with it. Again the old man threw the water on the grass. He gave the bucket to the boy and said, "Go to the river and this time bring a FULL bucket of water!"

The boy took the bucket and thought," If I can't do this, I'll never be a man!" He ran to the forest, and he did not look back at the fire. It was so dark that he could not see the way, but he did not stop: "I must not be afraid!" he thought.

At the river he took a full bucket of wa­ter, and went back into the dark forest. He thought of his father and the other men round the fire. He remembered that he must bring the bucket to the fire full, and he walked very slowly. When he came to the fire, the old man saw that the bucket was full.

The old man took the boy's hand and said, "Brave boy! You are brave, be­cause you are not afraid of the night!" Another man came to him and took his hand. "Brave boy!" he said. "You are brave, because you are not afraid of the animals in the forest". Dark Cloud came to him and said, "My son! You are brave, because you are stronger than fear. You will never be afraid!"

I. Mark + if the statement is true,— if it is false.

1. Little Wolf lived with his father in a tent near a big lake.

2. When the night came Dark Cloud and the other men sat down round the fire,

3. Dark Cloud asked his son to bring a bucket of water from the river.

4. The river was near the camp.

5. When the boy came to the men round the fire for the first time the bucket was full of water. .

6. The old man didn't ask Little Wolf to go to the river again.

7. Little Wolf went to the river gladly because he wanted to show he was brave.

8. Little Wolf was afraid to go to the river because there were many ani­mals in the forest.

9. When the boy came to the river, the bucket was already full of water.

10.Dark Cloud was proud of his son because Little Wolf was stronger than fear.

Key:1-;2+;3+;4-;5-;6-;7-; 8+;9-;10,+.

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