VIII Write down a paragraph which tells about chemical agents used for foodstuff preservation.

IX Read and remember:

1.ultraviolet light –ультрафиолетовый свет

2.spoilage organisms –организмами, вызывающими порчу

3.smooth surfaces –гладкие поверхности

4.germ-free -зародыш

5.radiation –радиация

6.radioactive materials –радиоактивные материалы sterilize foods – стерилизовать пищевые продукты

8.odd tastes and smells –странные вкусы и запахи

9.irradiation –облучение

10.sprouting of stored vegetables –прорастания, хранящихся овощей

11.availability –доступность

12.consumer – потребитель be pump out –откачивать

14.vacuum chamber –ваккумная камера

X Read the text and define the main idea of it:


New methods of food preservation

Ultraviolet Light. Ultraviolet light, which is part of the light coming from the sun, will kill spoilage organisms. Since the amount of ultraviolet light that the sun gives off is not enough to kill the organisms quickly, scientists have made special lamps that give off ultraviolet light. The light from these lamps can kill spoilage organisms on smooth surfaces or on foods that can be spread out in a thin layer. But since the light cannot go deeply into the food, food that either is thick or has an uneven surface cannot be made germ-free.

Radiation. The radiation from radioactive materials has been used to sterilize foods. This method is not completely successful because it causes odd tastes and smells. But it has been demonstrated that irradiation can prevent sprouting of stored potatoes and other vegetables. This prolongs their storage quality and availability to the consumer.

Freeze-Drying. This is a new and still expensive process. Fresh food is quickly frozen and placed in a chamber from which all the air is removed, creating a vacuum. Because of the vacuum, the frozen moisture in the food turns into water vapor without melting. The water vapor is pumped out of the vacuum chamber as fast as it forms, leaving the food with very little moisture. A piece of fruit treated by this process looks very much like fresh fruit, but it is very dry and porous (has tiny holes that will let in water). When ready for the table, freeze-dried foods look like fresh foods.

XI Make up a plan of the text.

XII Translate the sentences in a written form.

1.The light from these lamps can kill spoilage organisms on smooth surfaces or on foods that can be spread out in a thin layer.

2. But since the light cannot go deeply into the food, food that either is thick or has an uneven surface cannot be made germ-free.

3.The radiation from radioactive materials has been used to sterilize foods.

4.This method is not completely successful because it causes odd tastes and smells. 5.But it has been demonstrated that irradiation can prevent sprouting of stored potatoes and other vegetables.

XIII Questions for discussion:

1.What are new methods of food preservation?

2.What will ultraviolet light kill during preservation?

3.Where can special lamps that give off ultraviolet light kill spoilage organisms on?

4. Why the ultraviolet light cannot go deeply into the food?

5. What has the radiation from radioactive materials been used for?

6.Why the radiation is not completely successful method?

7. What is the method of freeze-drying?

UNIT 17 Canning

I Read and remember the following words:

1.canning - консервирование

2.thermometer - термометр

3.pickles – соленья

4.sauerkraut – квашеная капуста

5.jams – джемы

6.jellies – желе

7.marmalades – мармелад

II Read and remember the following phrases:

1.a hot water bath - горячая водяная баня

2.pressure canning –консервирование под давлением

3.vegetables soggy - овощи сырые (промоченные)

4.sterilized jars, lids, and rings - стерилизованные банки, крышки и кольца

5.lifter jar rack – поднять банку на стойку

6.submerged jars – погруженные банки

7.vigorous boil – сильное кипение be sealed and concave –запечатать и вогнуть

III. Read and translate the text:



There are two primary methods of canning: a hot water bath and pressure canning. Whichever method you use, be sure to use jars with lids made specifically for that technique. Glass canning jars, which are reusable, come in various sizes (most are single pints or quarts), so choose one that best suits your canning needs. Do not use jars larger than specified in the recipe you follow, as an unsafe product may result.

While most people think of canned foods as salty, all that sodium is optional when you do it yourself. Just make sure that you use "canning salt" not table salt if you plan to salt your foods because regular table salt can make your vegetables soggy. Another tip: Wipe down your rims before you apply the lids and rings as a tight fit is vital for a safe seal. The hot water bath canning method is for foods that are neutral or acidic (pH greater than 4.6), such fruits, pickles, sauerkraut, jams, jellies, marmalades, and fruit butters. If you are making jams or jellies, it is important that you sterilize the jars, lids, and rings for 10 minutes in boiling hot water before using them. Most fruits and vegetables will last up to 12 months when canned using this method.

Supplies you will need:1)a large pot; 2) sterilized jars, lids, and rings;

3) thermometer; 4) lifter jar rack and/or jar; 5)the foods you are canning

How to do it:

1. Begin by following the directions on your preferred recipe for jam, jelly, sauce, canned vegetables, etc. Prepare your fruits and/or vegetables according to the recipe and fill your sterilized jars with the final product, as indicated by the recipe. Add the sterilized lid and ring and tighten.

2. Fill your large pot halfway with water and preheat it to 140-180 degrees Fahrenheit.

3. Add your canned goods (complete with lids) to the pot. Some canning-specific pots come with a rack that you can load the jars into, which makes for easy removal of the hot jars. If you don’t have such a rack, simply place the jars one by one into the water (and later remove with a jar-lifting set of tongs).

4. Add boiling water to the pot to bring the water level to 1 inch above the submerged jars; bring the whole pot to a vigorous boil.

5. As soon as the water begins to boil, start the timer. Cover and reduce the heat to maintain a low boil and process for the recommended time (according to your recipe).

6. When the time is up, carefully remove the jars to cool on a towel or cooling rack. Use extreme caution, as the contents will be very hot! If you have done it correctly, the lids should be sealed and concave. Check the seals after 12-24 hours.

IV Answer the questions:

1. What is canning?

2. Why do you preserve fruits and vegetables ? Give your arguments.

3. What are the methods of canning?

4. What are the preparation for preservation fruits and vegetables?

5. What fruits and vegetables do you preserve?

6. What methods of canning do we usually use?

7. What kind of jars should we use for that technique ?

8. What is the canning salt and why should we use it?

9. What is the hot water bath canning method?

10. Is it important to sterilize the jars, lids, and rings before canning?

11. What supplies do you need for canning?

12. What are the stages of canning?

V Complete the sentences with the words from the text:

1.Glass canning jars, which are reusable, come in various sizes, so choose one that best suits your canning ______________.

2.Do not use jars larger than specified in the recipe you follow, as an unsafe ____________ may result.

3.While most people think of canned foods as salty, all that ________________ is optional when you do it yourself.

4. Just make sure that you use "canning salt" not table salt if you plan to salt your ________________ because regular table salt can make your ______________ soggy.

VI Make up sentences with the terms:

canned foods, to be salty, sodium, to be optional, to do it yourself;

to wipe down, rims, to apply the lids and rings, a tight fit, to be vital for a safe seal;

to make jams or jellies, to be important, to sterilize the jars, lids, and rings, boiling hot water, before, to use;

fruits, vegetables, to last up to 12 months, to use canned method;

VII Give definitions to the words:

Canning; thermometer; pickles; sauerkraut; jams; jellies; marmalades.

VIII Speak on the topic using the following words and word-combinations:

a hot water bath, pressure canning; vegetables soggy; sterilized jars, lids, and rings; lifter jar rack and/or jar; submerged jars; vigorous boil; to be sealed and concave

IX Read and remember:

1.the pressure canning method - метод давления консервирования под давлением

2.low acid (pH lower than 4.6) – с низкой кислотностью (pH ниже, чем 4,6) prohibit the growth of bacteria – запретить рост бактерий

4.fatal food poisoning –пищевое отравление со смертельным исходом

5.harmful bacteria - вредные бактерии sterilize the jars – стерилизовать банки

7.lids – крышки

8.ring – кольцо prevent from spoiling – для предотвращения от порчи extend shelf life longer – увеличить срок годности

11.preserving techniques –методы сохранения invest in – инвестировать в be made of aluminum or stainless steel – быть изготовленым из алюминия или нержавеющей стали

14.a locking lid that is vented for steam – блокирование крышки для выхода пара

15.a jar rack –стойка для банки automatic vent – автоматическая вентиляция

17.a pressure gauge on top – манометр сверху

18.a safety fuse – предохранитель

X Read the text and define the main idea of it:


The pressure canning method

The pressure canning method is necessary for any foods that are low acid (pH lower than 4.6) because these foods are not acidic enough to prohibit the growth of bacteria (such as Clostridium botulinum, which grows into botulism and causes extreme and potentially fatal food poisoning). Low-acidic foods include red meats, seafood, poultry, milk, and all fresh vegetables except most tomatoes. In addition, all foods that can be canned with the hot water bath method (above) can also be processed using this method.

The heat, up to 240 degrees Fahrenheit, and pressure generated by using the pressure canning method should be effective in killing all harmful bacteria. It isn't necessary to sterilize the jars, lids, and rings when using this method as the canning process itself will kill all harmful bacteria.

Pressure canning prevents most foods from spoiling altogether, extending their shelf life longer than many other preserving techniques do. However, you will need to invest in a pressure canner. These can be expensive, but when well cared for, they will last for generations. Most are made of aluminum or stainless steel and come with a locking lid that is vented for steam, a jar rack, an automatic vent, a pressure gauge on top and a safety fuse. Make sure you have read the instructions that accompany your pressure canner so that you fully understand how to use it before attempting to do so!

Supplies you will need:

· Pressure canner

· Jars, lids, and rings

· Jar lifters

· The foods you are canning

How to do it:Follow the directions in your manual to determine how many cups of water to add to your pot before you start. Unlike the hot water bath method, pressure canning does not require jars to be fully submerged in water—usually just 2-3 cups.

1. Place the jar rack down into the water and, using your jar lifters, place the filled jars down into it.

2. Fasten the lid securely and vent it according to your manual.

3. Heat the water to a boil until steam flows out, then leave the weight off the vent port (or petcock depending on your pressure canner). At this point, you will probably hear a hissing noise.

4. Turn your burner up as high as it will go until steam starts coming out of the vent (or petcock) for 10 straight minutes (or as directed in your manual).

5. Next, pressurize your canner. Close the petcock or put the weight on and watch the gauge begin to rise to your desired pressure. Once it reaches that pressure, start timing (duration varies by jar size, contents and altitude, but it is often between 5 and 15 minutes). Adjust your burner as needed to maintain the pressure.

6. Once finished, turn off the burner and allow the pressure to normalize before removing lid. Use extreme caution when removing the jars; the steam can burn and the contents of the jars will be very hot! Place jars onto a towel or cooling rack.

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