XIII.Переведите на английский язык.

а) молозиво, вымя, в течение, уменьшать(ся), снятое молоко, покрывать, телиться, матка, слишком, норма, клеть, до тех пор, пока... не.

б) 1. Так как климат здесь теплый скот содержат на пастбище и летом и зимой. 2. Снятое молоко содержит большое количество переваримого белка. Оно очень важно для поросят и телят. 3. Животновод уменьшает норму цельного молока постепенно.

4. Теленок должен сосать свою матку в течение недели после рож­дения.

в) 1. При выращивании молодняка задача состоит не только в том, чтобы вырастить всех рожденных телят, но и получить высокопродуктивных животных. 2. Рост и развитие телят контролируют взвешиванием, причем первое взвешивание проводят после рождения теленка, а последующие ежемесячно. 3. В зависимости от условий в хозяйствах применяются различные способы выращивания телят. 4. Так как молозиво богато белками, витаминами и минеральными веществами, оно является очень важным кормом в первые дни жизни новорожденных телят. 5. Содержат телят как в индивидуальных клетках, так и группами в секциях.

XIV. Прочтите текст и ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. Are all cattle breeds high-productive?

2. What are the leading dairy breeds in the USA?

3. How many most commonly bred beef breeds are there in the

4. What is a dual - purpose breed?
Cattle Breeds

There are many breeds of both dairy and beef cattle. Some of them are high-productive. The productivity of others may be average or low.

The cattle of dairy breeds are raised by man for the production of milk which is very important for the diet of the people.

In the Northern areas of the USA the Holstein is the leading dairy breed. In the Southern states the Jersey is more popular than other dairy breeds raised there.

Beef breeds are kept not for milk but for meat. There are five most commonly bred beef breeds in the USA. Most farmers breed the Shorthorn and Hereford beef breeds of cattle.

There are also breeds which are kept for the production of both milk and meat. Such breeds are known as dual-purpose breeds. Two of them, the Red Polled and Milking Shorthorn are known as the best dual-purpose breeds of cattle in this country.




1. Сложное подлежащее, § 7

2. Союз "unless"

3. Парный союз "the ... the"

4. Отрицательное местоимение "по"

I. Слова и выражения для повторения:

roughage, to milk, wheat bran, calving, dry, to produce, supply, kind, nutrient, weaning, age, cattle breeder, poultry, oats, to take exercise, to consume, udder, to increase, to decrease, to reduce, skim milk, one, as to, as well as, in order to, most, until.

II. Определите, к какой части речи относятся следующие сло­ва и переведите их, не пользуясь словарем.

1. digestible, to digest, digestion, indigestible.

2. addition, to add, additional, adding, added.

3. starch, starchy.

4. water, to water, waterless, watering.

III.Дайте русские эквиваленты следующее интернациональных слов:

normal, economic, herbicide, characteristic, import, procedure, local, regular, secret, national, type, instrument.

IV.Переведите предложения; обратите внимание на перевод сложного подлежащего.

1.Cattle are known to be kept for the production of meat and milk. 2. This dairy cow is said to produce much milk. 3. Calves are believed to be on pasture now. 4. Feeds are known to vary in water content. 5. Proteins are known to be complex substances. 6. This beef breed has been found to be the bast in our region. 7. Concentrates are known to be high in protein.


The period of maturity of a dairy cow lasts from about 2.5 years onward.

The gestation period in cows is known to last about nine months. The cow in calf should be dried off at least six weeks before calving. Dry period may vary ic different cows. During this period the cow should be given plenty of roughages and some grain unless she is in good flesh or on good pasture. The more milk is drawn off from the cow's udder the more will be secreted. That is why to dry off a cow the number of milkings should be reduced to one daily at first and then she should be milked every other day.

About a week before the calving date wheat bran should be given to the pregnant cow. Bran is known to be a cooling and laxative feed. It is very desirable for the cow before calving. -A warm, dry, well-bedded stall should be provided for the cow at the time of calving. Calving being normal, no assistance is required. To know when each cow is to calve one must keep a breeding record, showing when cows were bred. Accurate dates of calving may be obtained only when hand mating is practised.

The duration of lactation has been found to vary with the age of the cow, the breed and feeding. In the case of a first calver it usually lasts about 8 to 10 months. Some high-yielding cows may produce milk for a year. The better the cow is fed and cared for, the longer is the period of lactation.

In preparing rations for milking cows many factors should be considered. Rations are to provide carbohydrates in a readily available form, have the proper amount of good quality protein, provide sufficient fat and mineral matter and contain the necessary vitamins. To obtain high milk yields is the aim of every cattleman. That is why they try to supply their cows with nutritious feeds. The more nutritious is the ration the more milk the dairy cows will produce. Unless dairy cows are fed the proper amount and kinds of feeds, they will not be provided with sufficient nutrients to produce high milk yields.

A dairy cow is known to require a very liberal supply of water, 3 to 4 gallons of water being needed for each gallon of milk produced by the cow.

No increase in milk yields will take place if feeding and management conditions are improper.

Пояснения к тексту

1. cow in calf _ стельная корова pregnant cow

2. dry off - запускать (корову)

3. at least - по крайней мере

4. dry period - сухостойный период, сухостой

5. to be in good flesh - быть в упитанном состоянии

6. every other day - через день

7. hand mating - ручное спаривание

8. to keep a breeding record - вести зооучет


1. unless - если ... не (+ сказ.)

2. the + срав. степ, прилаг. ... the + срав. степ, прилаг. - чем ...


3. по - (никакой, ни один) ... не (+ сказ.)

Активные слова и выражения

gestation period, to dry off, pregnant, available, to mate, dry period, to keep a breeding record, number, calving, unless, the ... the, no.

V. Составьте предложения, соединяя подходящие по смыслу части.

1. During six weeks before calving a. is needed for a dairy cow.

2. The cow should be milked b. depends on the age, breed and


3. Wheat bran c. may produce as much as 2000

gallons of milk per year.

4. The period of lactation d. plenty of roughage is fed to the


5. Some cows e. unless they are fed and cared for


6. Liberal amount of water f. every other day before calving.

7. Cows will not produce much g. is very good for the cow before milk calving.

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