Exercise 4. Listen to the text (Script 35) and describe a new discovery in the sphere of microbiology.

Exercise 5. Listen to the text again and say if the following statements are true, false or information is not given, then correct the false ones:

1. Both ale and lager are produced by long-term fermentation.

2. Ales are produced using baker's yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

3. For lagers a hybrid is used - half S. cerevisiae and half something else.

4. The newly described species, named Saccharomyces eubayanus, was tracked down to North America where it was used to produce alcoholic beverages as well.

5. Lager production began in Germany after exploration of the New World in the late 15th century.

6. First lagers were produced in Bavaria without Saccharomyces eubayanus.

7. In 1553 Saccharomyces eubayanus arrived in Bavaria.

8. The two yeast strains hybridised to form Saccharomyces pastorianus

9. New hybrids may be produced using the original strain of Saccharomyces eubayanus.

Text C. Combating addiction

Exercise 6. What do you know about vaccination? Answer the questions:

1. How do vaccines work?

2. What agents can vaccines be used against?

hapten – полуантиген, неполноценный антиген, гаптен adjuvant – адъювант, вспомогательное активирующее средство  

Exercise 7. Listen the the text (Script 36) and describe a new method of fighting addiction to alcohol and other drugs.

Exercise 8. Listen to the text again and answer the questions:

1. What is the main obstacle to making immune system attack drugs?

2. How can this obstacle be overcome?

3. What components is the vaccine against methamphetamine constructed from?

4. What makes nicotine so hard to target with a vaccine?

5. What method was used to deal with that difficulty?

6. How effective were the vaccines?

Text D. Wine gums

Exercise 9. Before listening to the text answer the following questions:

1.What protective properties of wine do you know?

2. What wine compounds account for these properties?

floss – зубная нить cavity – кариес to bestow – даровать, присуждать

Exercise 10. Listen to the text (Script 37) which describes a new prospective method for teeth hygiene. Put the stages of the research in the correct order, describe each stage in detail.

a. The scientists exposed the discs to various treatments.

b. The scientists grew five oral bacteria.

c. The scientists compared antibiofilm properties of the treatments.

d. The bacteria formed films on the discs.

e. The scientists identified the wine compund.

f. Research demonstrated that red wine has antimicrobial properties.

Unit 13. Sex and Gender

Lexics: Physiology / Embryology / Reproduction / Neurobiology / Genetics / Genomics Listening. 4 texts

Text B. Lifespan and the sexes

Exercise 5. The following text (Script 39) correlates with the text Why is life expectancy longer for women than it is for men? in Exercise 2 of Book 1. Listen to the text and compare the facts presented in both. Make a full list of factors that account for the difference in life expectancy between the sexes.

to buck – противиться, вставать на дыбы tomcat – кот ram – баран eunuch – евнух

Exercise 6. Listen to the text again. Using information from the text answer the questions:

1. What are the current trends in life expectancy?

2. What factors explain the narrowing gap between life expectancy of men and women in Great Britain?

3. What countries can be considered exceptions from the general trends? What are the reasons?

4. Is it possible that men and women will have equal life expectancy? Why? Why not?

Text C. Prehistoric reptiles and reproduction

Exercise 7. Before listening to the text discuss the following questions:

1. How do reptiles reproduce?

2. How did prehistoric reptiles – dinosaurs – reproduce?

viviparous – живородящий cetaceans – китообразные  

Exercise 8. Listen to the text (Script 40) and explain what dolphins and killer whales have in common with ichthyosaurs and plesiosaurs.

Exercise 9. Listen to the text again and explain what the following figures refer to in the text:

4.7 1.5 1.8 2/3

Exercise 10. Using information from the text prove that:

1. The set of bones inside female plesiosaur fossil belonged to its fetus.

2. Giving birth to one offspring is a risky adaptive strategy.

3. Reproduction strategy allows to reveal important facts about fossil species.

4. Reproduction strategy reflects social behavior and degree of intelligence.

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