Exercise 12. Listen to the text (Script 24) and describe a new method of gene therapy developed to deal with genetic disorders.

Exercise 13. Listen to the text again and explain what the following figures refer to in the text:

2 billion 20,000   one in 8,000 ¾ over half an eighth

Exercise 14. Put the stages of the experiment on mitochondrial transplantation in the correct order. Describe each stage in detail:

a) The zygotes might be transplanted into a woman's womb.

b) The zygotes developed.

c) The team collected eggs from the ovaries of women.

d) The eggs were fertilized.

e) The team either removed or transplanted nuclei.

Exercise 15. Using information form the text answer the questions:

1. What makes birth of a child from three genetic parents possible?

2. Why do genetic mitochondrial diseases generally affect brain and muscles?

3. What is the incidence rate for genetic disorders?

4. How did the team explain the unexpectedly high abnormality rate for the zygotes of mitochondrial transplants?

5. What ethical and legal issues may such technology raise if developed?

Unit 10. Animal adaptations

Lexics: Molecular biology / Evolution / Ecology / Paleontology Listening. 3 texts

Text A. Radiation and evolution

Exercise 1. What do you know about the effects of radiation on animals? Discuss the questions:

1. What impact does radiation produce on living organisms?

2. How do animals respond to high doses of radiation – both short-term and long-term exposure?

persistent – устойчивый, постоянный background – фоновый site – место расположения barn swallow – ласточка great tit – большая синица great reed warbler – дроздовидная камышовка buzzard – канюк обыкновенный Eurasian jay – сойка

Exercise 2. Listen to the text (Script 25) which describes a study of the biological responses to radiation exposure. What difference in bird numbers was revealed?

Exercise 3. Listen to the text again and explain what the following figures refer to in the text:

7,000 km   0.5 0.05 2006-2009 a third twice as large

Exercise 3. Using information from the text prove the following statements:

1. Fukushima and Chernobyl – the sites of two biggest nuclear incidents - have much common.

2. Bird numbers in both areas demonstrate dependence on radiation levels and the duration of exposure.

3. Birds under long-term exposure to radiation seem to develop a tolerance for radioactivity over time.

Exercise 4. Listen to the second text (Script 26) which describes a follow-up investigation of birds and compare the facts presented in both texts.

Exercise 5. Listen to the text again and answer the questions:

1. What methods did the team employ?

2. What protective mechanisms have the birds evolved to resist the negative effects of radiation?

Text B. Palaeontology

Exercise 6. What do you know about the origin of birds? Answer the questions:

1. How and when during the evolution did animals develop wings? Why?

2. How and when during the evolution did animals develop feathers? Why?

Exercise 7. What do you know about the following:

a) the Jurassic period,

b) the Cretaceous period,

c) Archaeopteryx,

d) Microraptor.

to spin off – дать начало to deploy – задействовать biplane - биплан coplanar – копланарный, лежащий в одной плоскости steering – управление направлением движения, управление рулем lithe – гибкий, грациозный stubby – коренастый, приземистый rudder – руль направления sharp-shinned hawk – полосатый ястреб paragon – эталон, образец drag – сопротивление, торможение потока воздуха keel – гребень грудной кости  

Exercise 8. Listen to the text (Script 27) to check your answers in Exercise 6 and Exercise 7. How does the new hypothesis explain why Microraptor had four wings?

Exercise 9. Listen to the text again and say if the following statements are true or false, correct the false ones:

1. Traditionally one established hypothesis explained how Microraptor deployed its four wings in flight.

2. Both pairs of wings were similar in shape but different in function.

3. The front pair of wings according to the new interpretation was used to provide lift.

4. Microraptor's hind wings due to their shape were perfect for steering.

5. It is not yet known if Microraptor was a predator.

6. Microraptor’s habitat and lifestyle determined the shape of its wings.

7. Microraptor became extinct during the mass extinction at the end of the Cretaceous.

8. Although Microraptor’s hind wings increased its manoeuvrability they also resulted in drag.

9. Microraptor lost the evolutionary competition to birds.

10. Unlike Microraptor modern birds are not adapted for forest flight.

Unit 12. Alcohol

Lexics: Biochemistry / Public health / Neurobiology / Microbiology Listening. 4 texts.

Text A. Allergy to wine

Exercise 1. Before listening to the text answer the following questions:

1. What is allergic reaction? What are its symptoms?

2. What most common allergens do you know?

3. What are glycoproteins and how do they trigger allergic reaction?

4. What is the role of preservatives in food and wine production? What substances are most commonly used as preservatives?

oenophile – энофил, ценитель вина culprit - виновник to sneeze - чихать ragweed – амброзия rampant – широко распространенный; свирепый, грозный hay fever – поллиноз, аллергия на пыльцу to blame - обвинять

Exercise 2. Listen to the text (Script 34) which describes allergens discovered in wine and answer the following questions:

1. How many people are allergic to wine?

2. What method was used to identify allergenic proteins in wine?

3. What wine compounds have been found to provoke allergy?

Text B. Brewing

Exercise 3. What do you know about brewing (beer production)? Answer the following questions:

1. What raw materials is beer produced from? What processes occur during brewing?

2. What is the difference between the two main types of beer- lager and ale?

Interloper – вмешивающийся в чужие дела gall - чернильный орех beech tree – буковое дерево to outlaw – запретить, сделать вне закона batch – партия продукта

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