I. Fill in the gaps with the prepositions

1. If you need my help, let me know__________pushing the call-button.

2. Insert the metal tip___________the buckle.

3. Do you care____________newspapers and magazines?

4. A couple____________magazines would be fine.

5. What and____________which language do you prefer?

6. Push the seatback ____________the upright position.

7. Recline your head____________the pillow.

8. Put your hand luggage____________the rack or___________ the overhead stowage bin. Do not put it____________the aisle.

9. You can adjust the volume_______________”plus” and “minus” buttons in the armrest of your seat.

10. Take a seat______________ __________your boarding pass.

11. Can you show me__________my cabin?

12. You can select your video program_____channels 3___________10.

13. Hold the baby firmly__________the lap_____the seat-belt.

14. Would you like some ice_____________your juice?

15. Aeroflot –Russian Airlines welcomes you_____________Russian half sweet sparkling wine and orange juice.

16. We’d like to apologize to you______________the caused inconveniences.

17. Would you mind changing your seat______________this passenger?

18. I’m sorry, but you are_______________the wrong seat.

19. Are you________________trouble finding your seat?

20. We’d like to welcome you_____________behalf__________Aeroflot-Russian Airlines____________dry sparkling wine and orange juice.

II. Match a line in A with a line in B.

I. Fill in the gaps with the prepositions - student2.ru A B.

1. A man says he has never 1. Don’t worry madam. Let me

flown before. help you.

2. A passenger drops her bag 2. Let me see, 27C. Right here at the top of the steps and and you’ll find it at the end

the contents fall out. on the left.

3. A young mother asks about 3. Flight time is about 6 hours.

feeding her baby. 4. Yes, this is the flight to

4. A passenger lights a cigarette Frankfurt.

as he walks up the steps. 5. Don’t worry, sir, I’m sure

5. A young woman is crying as she you’ll have an enjoyable

enters the cabin. flight.

6. A passenger requests reassurance 6. Good morning, madam!

about the flight and destination Welcome on board.

7. A passenger wants to know 7. The flight conditions are

where to sit. reported as favourable.

8. A female passenger smiles but There’s really no need

says nothing on entering the to worry.

cabin. 8. You have a special seat

9. A passenger seems nervous and allocated to make feeding

enquires how smooth the flight easier. Your cabin attendant

will be. will be with you as soon as

10. A passenger enquires about we have taken off.

the duration of the flight. 9. Is there anything I can do to

help you, madam?

10. I’m sorry. Please put that

cigarette out immediately.

III. Translate into Russian:

A. I’m sorry. Smoking is not allowed. Please extinguish your cigarette.

B. Can I see both your boarding cards, please?

C. Excuse me, but I think you may be in the wrong seat. Can I see your

boarding pass (card)?

D. Excuse me, but you should be in the economy class.

E. I’m afraid you can’t change seats but if you like, I’ll ask the passenger in the

window seat if she would mind changing.

F. I’m sorry but this seat is for a member of the cabin crew. Can I see your

boarding card?

G. Let me help you. Can I see your boarding card?

III. Look through the examples above from A to G and match them with the following situations:

1. A passenger is sitting in the wrong seat.

  I. Fill in the gaps with the prepositions - student2.ru

2. A passenger wants to change her seat to be next to the window, but it’s

I. Fill in the gaps with the prepositions - student2.ru occupied.

3. A passenger sits in a seat allocated to a CA.

  I. Fill in the gaps with the prepositions - student2.ru

4. A passenger lights a cigarette while boarding the aircraft or during preparation for I. Fill in the gaps with the prepositions - student2.ru take-off.

5. A passenger is sitting in the first class but has an economy ticket.

  I. Fill in the gaps with the prepositions - student2.ru
  I. Fill in the gaps with the prepositions - student2.ru

6. A passenger cannot find his seat.

I. Fill in the gaps with the prepositions - student2.ru 7. Two passengers are arguing over the same seat.

IV. What would you say in the following situations:

1. I’m a smoker. Where can I smoke?

2. Will you show me to my seat?

3. My seat isn’t shown. Could you help me?

4. Put my luggage in the aisle.

5. Where is the baby cot for my baby?

6. I haven’t got any baby’s bedding?

7. Where is the lavatory for handicapped passengers?

8. A passenger pushes a call-button. (give possible answers).

9. It’s high time to swaddle my baby. Where is the lavatory equipped with a baby diaper (changing) table?

10. May I reseat?

11. Have you got any diapers or pampers on board your aircraft?

12. Do you have anything to read?

13. Is it the latest issue?

14. Do you have anything in Japanese?

15. Do you have a magazine in English which is interesting and well-illustrated?

16. What newspapers do you have?

17. I care for a child’s book. Have you got anything for children?

18. I care for a magazine in English and a Russian newspaper. Do you have both?

19. My seat is occupied by this man. Could you help me?

20. Could you help me with my pram?

V. Translate from Russian into English.

1. Добро пожаловать на борт нашего самолета.

2. Мы рады приветствовать Вас на борту самолета Аэрофлота.

3. Не споткнитесь и не ударьтесь.

4. Позвольте мне проводить Вас до Вашего места.

5. У Вас место у окна (прохода).

6. Устраивайтесь поудобнее (чувствуйте себя, как дома).

7. Вы не возражаете показать мне Ваш посадочный талон?

8. Могу я повесить Ваше пальто, пиджак в гардероб?

9. Извините, но мне необходимо посмотреть Ваш посадочный талон.

10. Позвольте мне разместить Вашу сумку под сиденьем впередистоящего кресла, так чтобы Вам было более удобно во время взлета.

11. Я один у входа в самолет и моя обязанность встречать пассажиров в этой зоне.

12. Бортпроводники в салоне проводят Вас до Вашего места и помогут Вам с ручной кладью.

13. Это салон экономического класса. Могу я попросить Вас показать мне Ваш посадочный талон.

14. У нас сегодня свободная посадка. Вы можете занять любое свободное место кроме переднего ряда, так как он для пассажиров с детьми.

15. Вы затрудняетесь найти свое место?

16. Извините, но Вы заняли не свое место.

17. Занимайте места согласно посадочным талонам.

18. Вам помочь с коляской?

19. Позвольте разместить Вашу коляску в гардеробе, так чтобы Вам было более удобно.

20.Извините, но размещать ручную кладь в проходе запрещено в целях безопасности.

21. Если Вы хотите перепеленать своего ребенка, Вы можете найти столик для пеленания в хвостовой части самолета.

22. У нас нет ни памперсов, ни пеленок.

23. Пожалуйста, поменяйтесь местами с пассажиром рядом с Вами (слева, справа от Вас).

24. Курение запрещено на борту самолета. Все рейсы Аэрофлота «Некурящие».

25. Ваше место в первом /в последнем/ в предпоследнем ряду.

26. Проходите в следующий салон, пожалуйста.

27. Полки над Вами предназначены для верхней одежды и мелких вещей.

VI. How would you help passengers in the following situations?

1. A passenger after boarding:

“ Excuse me, it seems to me that my seatback is out of order. Is there any other seat unoccupied?”

2. A passenger says:

“My ears are completely blocked when the aircraft is taking off or

landing. Can you do anything to help me?”

3. A passenger wants to know the date and the hour. His watch has stopped during the flight.

4. A passenger says:

“I’m sitting next to the emergency exit. Frankly speaking I’m quite uncomfortable here as I’m afraid the exit can open during the flight”.

5. A passenger says:

“I’m tired and I’d like to sleep. Can you get me a blanket?”

6. A passenger says:

“Sorry to say, but I’m afraid this bag over my head can fall once and hurt me”.

7. A passenger says:

“I can’t stand the noise coming from the engines. It’s deafening me”.

8. A passenger says:

“Pease, can you do anything to make this baby stop crying? It has been making this roar since we took off. I think we all need a rest”.

9. A passenger says:

“Steward, have a look at this nozzle (air-vent). I can see some smoke coming out of it. Is there anything burning on the plane?”

10. A passenger says:

“Stewardess, this is my first flight on a plane. Are you sure things will not go wrong with this aircraft?”

11. A passenger asks:

“Will the trip be bumpy?”

12. A passenger after boarding:

“The weather is very hot today and it is very hot inside the plane. I can’t simply breathe here. Will you do anything to make it cooler?”

13. A passenger is complaining:

“Sorry to say, but it is smelling awfully in the toilet (lavatory), simply can’t use it and there is no toilet roll. By the way, have you got an air freshener?”

14. A passenger says:

“Sorry for asking, but there isn’t enough space for my legs. I can’t stretch my legs to the full length, so I’m uncomfortable here. May I take a seat in the other cabin, perhaps?”

15. A passenger says:

“My boy was allowed to take his all-hold bag into the cabin, but I’m afraid it is too big to be put under the seat. Can we keep it anywhere else?”

16. A passenger asks:

“Steward, could you help me, please? The men in front of me are talking too loudly. They have been troubling me since take-off. Can you do anything to make them stop? I’m very tired and need a good rest”.

17. A passenger after boarding:

“Stewardess, can you tell me, please, what do I do with my coat? I don’t want to keep it either on my lap or on the rack (in the luggage compartment/stowage bin) and there are no pegs around.”

18. A passenger asks for help:

“I want to read. I’ve got no idea where the light switch might be.”

19. A passenger asks:

“Is there any charge for the hire of the headset?”

20. A passenger asks whether/if there is anything on board to entertain a boy/ a girl/a child.

21. A passenger is very nervous and says:

“I’m accompanying my wife. She is an expectant mother and feeling bad. There might be a premature delivery.”

22. A passenger wants to change her seat to be next to the window, but it is occupied.

23. Two passengers are arguing over the same seat.

24. A passenger cannot find his seat.

25. A passenger looks bored.

26. A passenger says:

“I’ve asked three times for a glass of water. How much longer do I have to wait?”

27. A passenger says:

“I think the man sitting next to me has had too much to drink. He keeps bothering me.”

28. A passenger asks:

“Is there anything you can do about that screaming child? It hasn’t stopped yelling since we took off.”

29. A passenger asks:

“Have you got nappies and pampers for a baby?”

30. What would you do for passenger’s comfort on a night


General Layout


To fly ( flew, flown)

I. Fill in the gaps with the prepositions - student2.ru to fly to



in (clouds)

(continuous clouds)

at (an altitude of…….)

at (a speed of………..)

by (a plane)

Fly Aeroflot!


on today’s flight

the flight deck

on the flight deck (Br.E.)=

in the cockpit (Am.E.)

a flight deck team

flight time

To travel

an air-traveller

a passenger class

I. Fill in the gaps with the prepositions - student2.ru F (first class)

to travel C (club/business class)

Y(economy class/tourist)

a F flight passenger

a C flight passenger

a Y flight passenger

I. Fill in the gaps with the prepositions - student2.ru

Летать, лететь




в облаках

( в сплошной облачности)

на (высоте……….метров)

со (скоростью…………...)

на самолете

Летайте Аэрофлотом!

Полет, рейс

в сегодняшнем рейсе

пилотская кабина

в пилотской кабине


полетное время



класс пассажира

первым классом

бизнес классом

экономическим классом

пассажир первого класса

пассажир бизнес класса

пассажир экономического класса

A passenger cabin=a compartment

the first class cabin

the business (club) (executive) class cabin

the economy class cabin

single class configuration

two-class configuration

(on an Airbus A-320)

to accommodate=to house


passenger accommodation

An airliner


an aircraft


a plane

a wide-bodied aircraft

a narrow-bodied aircraft

a Boeing 767 (an Airbus A-310)

A seat

seat allocation

a window seat

an aisle seat

to be in the (aisle) window seat

to have a window (an aisle) seat

to be in the wrong seat

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