По профессиональному аннглийскому языку










1. THE FLIGHT CREW……………………………… 3 - 14

2. BOARDING THE AIRCRAFT…………………… 15- 39

3. IN-FLIGHT MEAL SERVICE……………………. 40 -69

4. IN-FLIGHT DUTY-FREE SALES………………... 70 -90

5. IN-FLIGHT FIRST AID…………………………... 91 -106

6. EMERGENCY PROCEDURES………………….. 107-112

The Flight Crew

The flight crew are the men and the women who work in an aircraft when it is flying from one city to another. They can be divided into two groups:

1. those who fly the aircraft and

2. those who work with the passengers.

The first group consists normally of two or more people who work on the flight deck. They are the captain and the co-pilot, sometimes there is one more member in the flight deck team and it is a flight engineer. (There may be a navigator and radio-operator too).

The Cabin Crew

1. The people who work in the cabin with the passengers (PAX) are called the cabin crew (staff). The senior member of the cabin crew who is responsible to the captain is called the flight director or cabin services director on wide-bodied aircraft, the Boeing 767 for example, and the purser on smaller aircraft.

On wide-bodied aircraft, a purser is in charge of a separate cabin area or class of passengers, and reports to the flight director or cabin services director.

2. Those who work under the senior member of the cabin crew are called stewards or stewardesses (or air hostesses) by the public, but they should be correctly called cabin (flight) attendants, or CAs for short.

Answer the questions:

1. What is the name of the group of people who work on an airliner?

2. Who is the most senior person on an airliner?

3. Who does he share his work with?

4. Where do pilots work?

5. Who is sometimes the third member of the flight deck team?

6. Who is the senior member of the cabin crew?

7. What is the correct name of a member of the cabin crew?

8. Who is the flight director responsible to?

9. Who is the purser responsible to on wide-bodied aircraft?

10. What is a purser in charge of on wide-bodied aircraft?

11. How are cabin attendants called by the public?

Useful words and phrases summary

  по профессиональному аннглийскому языку - student2.ru

a crew to be responsible to

a captain to be responsible for

on the flight deck (Br.E.)= to be in charge of

in the cockpit (Am.E.) a senior cabin

a purser crew member

a cabin attendant (CA) a flight director=

PAX (passengers) a cabin services

wide – bodied director

narrow-bodied to report to

to work on

to work for

General Layout

Many people like travelling. The most convenient means of travelling is a plane. Passengers can travel first class, business class and economy class. That’s why the plane is divided into two, three or four passenger cabins, which are called the first class cabin, the business (club, executive) class cabin and the economy class cabin. The first class cabin is the smallest, but the most comfortable.

The seats can be arranged two-by-two or three-by-three depending on the class flight. The seats are numbered in rows from the nose of the aircraft to the tail and lettered from the right to the left as you look back from the flight deck.

Above the cabin door there are two notices (signs): the Fasten Seat Belt sign and the No Smoking sign. The No Smoking sign is always switched on as all Aeroflot Flights are Non-Smoking. The Fasten Seat Belt sign is switched on while taxiing, taking off, ascending, descending and landing.

The doors in the passenger cabin are fitted with curtains and a carpet covers the cabin floor.

The overhead baggage racks or the overhead stowage bins, which are for coats and light items extend along the cabin walls. Above each group of seats there is a passenger service unit consisting of an air vent (nozzle), an individual light and an attendant call button.

The cabin (side) window has a rigid blind (shade) which serves as a light filter in sunny weather.

The passenger cabins are provided with a lighting system: general, dim, emergency and individual lighting.

The passenger chair is very comfortable and has all necessary comfort features including a reclining seatback, a pushbutton to fix the seatback in a comfortable position, folding armrests, a tray-table, a seat pocket for small items, a disposable headrest cover, a foot-step for a First Class flight passenger.

Each class can be distinguished by the size of the seats and the distance or pitch between them.

Baby cots are carried on board each aircraft. They are attached to the bulkhead in the cabin. Each baby cot is supplied with a bedding and a baby kit.

The Galley – Pantry

The galley – pantry is designed for cooking hot meals and cold appetizers (starters), and for beverage and fruit storage.

It is provided with metal containers for dishes and foods, electric boilers, heating ovens. The galley –pantry is provided with hot and cold water supply. There is a special board with the switches and the stewardess’s interphone here.

Passenger Service Unit

Above each group of seats there is a passenger service unit often having three functions. It may be necessary to show an inexperienced passenger what it is used for.

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Practise dialogues :

Dialogue № 1

Forms of politeness

II. How to Address people:

1. If I don’t know the name/surname :

- sir (for a man)

- madam (for a woman)

2. if I know the surname:

3. Mister (Mr.) (for a man)

4. Missis (Mrs.) ( for a married woman) (a widow)

5. Miss (for a single woman)

6. Ms (for a woman if we do not know her title Miss or Missis)

then comes the surname.

For example: Mr. Parker

Mrs. Brown

Ms. Smith

3. a group of people

- Ladies (for women)

- Gentlemen (for men)

- Ladies and Gentlemen (for both)

- Lady and Gentlemen (if one woman and some men)

- Ladies and Gentleman (if some women and one man)

4. a stranger ( there is no special form) but “Excuse me, please” is good for that.

5. a saleslady/salesman (there is no special form).

6. if I know the person well

I can call him/her by the name:

- Helen

- Ted

7. Distinguished persons:

- Your Magesty! ( a king)

- Your Royal Highness! ( a queen)

- Your Grace/His ( a churchman)

- The Honourable…….! (name the title)

- Your Excellency! (a foreign ambassador)

- Senator…….(Davis)

- The President/ (to the president)

- Mr. President

III. How to Greet people:

From the very morning until twelve hours:

- Good morning.

From twelve hours until seventeen or eighteen:

- Good afternoon

From eighteen until twenty-four hours:

Good evening

Notes: 1. - Hello!

- Hi! (to greet relatives or friends or fellow workers)

2. - Good night (isn’t a greeting)

3. - How do you do? (it’s a greeting in introductions)

IV. How to Introduce people:

- May I introduce (present)……..?

May I present Professor Gray?

- May I introduce myself?

- Let me introduce…..to you.

- Mr. President, I have the honour to present our Captain.

- Mr. Parker, may I present His Excellency, the British Ambassador?

A reply to an introduction:

A: How do you do?

B: How do you do?

IV. How to Pass Someone:

- May I pass, please? (Let me pass)

V. How to Leave a Person for a moment:

- Excuse me (for) a moment.

- I’ll be back in a moment.

VI. How to Attract Someone’s Attention:

- Excuse me, please.

VII. How to Inquire about Someone’s:

1. Health: - How do you feel?

- How are you? ( after a greeting)

2. Life: - How’s your life?

- How are you getting on?

3. Things: - How are your things?

Note: How are you doing? (instead of three questions).

4. Possible answers: Fine, thanks. Very well, thank you. Not bad. Not very well, I‘m afraid.

VIII. How to Apologize to Somebody for Something:

1. I am (very terribly/ awfully) sorry

For example:

- I’m sorry to trouble you

- I’m sorry, I’m (5 min) late

- I’m sorry to keep you waiting

- I’m sorry, I do not get it.

- I‘m sorry, smoking is not allowed.

- I’m sorry, smoking is not allowed (permitted)=I’m sorry but smoking is prohibited (forbidden).

2. “Pardon me” (when sneezing, coughing, yawning or hiccuping in company)

3. “to apologize” (in oral announcements or in written forms)

We’d like to apologize to you for the caused inconveniences.

Note: “Excuse” (as an apology used in America)

4. Possible replies:

- That’s all right

- It’s quite all right

- That’s OK

IX. What to Say:

1. if I haven’t heard what was said to me.


-I’m sorry, I didn’t catch that

-Would you say it again, please?

2. if I do not understand:

-I’m sorry, I do not get it

-I have a bit of a problem understanding you

-My English is not so good

-My English is poor, but I do speak French very well.

-What do you mean?

3. on one’s birthday:

-Happy Birthday!

-Happy Birthday to you!

-Many happy returns of the day!

on the Eve of a New Year:

- Happy New Year! (the same to you)

on the Eve of Christmas

- Merry Christmas! (the same to you)

4.in request

- Please (fasten your seat-belt)

- Will you please……..?

- Fasten your seat- belt, please.

5.in agreement

- With pleasure

- Of course

- Certainly

- Surely

- You’re welcome

6 in giving (handing) smth.

- Here you are (there you are).

- Here it is (Here is the newspaper and the booklet).

7.in reply to “Thanks” (Thank you):

- You’re welcome

- Not at all

- Don’t mention it

Language practice

Translate from Russian into English

1. - Вы можете мне помочь?

- С удовольствием / конечно.

2. - Можно мне Ваше пальто?

- Вот, пожалуйста.

3. - Пожалуйста, пристегните Ваш привязной ремень.

4. - Разрешите Вам помочь?

- Спасибо.

- Не за что.

5. Извините, что заставил Вас ждать.

6. Извините, что заставляю Вас ждать.

7. Извините, я не понимаю.

8. Извините меня. Я вернусь через минуту.

9. - Извините за беспокойство.

- Никакого беспокойства.

10. Мы бы хотели извиниться перед вами за причиненные неудобства.

11. Извините, можно пройти?

Change the following sentences so that you say the same thing in a more polite way. Use the words in brackets.

1. Put out your cigarette!


2. Can’t you find your seat?

(Are you….trouble…..your seat?)

3. You have made a mistake.

You are in someone’s seat.

(…..think…..may be…..wrong seat)

4. Please change seats with this passenger.


5. Show me your boarding pass, please


6. Put your seatback fully upright?


Note: remember the verbs which need a gerund to complete the sentences:


To be in trouble_____________________________________ing

To mind___________________________________________ing

To avoid___________________________________________ing

To stop ( someone)___________________________________ing

To keep____________________________________________ing

Boarding the Aircraft

For cabin attendants there are two particular points that they should note. Firstly, if weather conditions are bad, the flight may be delayed or diverted. In this case CАs must be ready to deal with passengers for whom this creates a problem. Secondary cabin attendants must note if any important passengers are booked on the flight. The purser will brief the cabin crew of any special requirements that passengers may have. This may include special meals, special seating arrangements for disabled or sick passengers. Such passengers as unaccompanied minors (UMs) are normally pre-boarded.

In the Entrance area

1.CA. - Good morning (afternoon/ evening/ sir/ madam/

ladies/gentlemen/ lady

and gentleman/ladies and gentlemen).

Welcome on board our aircraft.

Please watch your head and your step.

по профессиональному аннглийскому языку - student2.ru P. - Hello, stewardess.

CA. - May I see your

Would you mind showing me boarding

Can I ask you to show me pass/card

P. - Here is my boarding pass. (Here it is)

CA. - Thank you. Let me show you to your seat, sir

(please come this way/to the right/left/ straight ahead).

P. - Do, please.

2. P. - Hi, steward. Could you show me to my seat?

CA. - Yes, of course.

Will you please show me your boarding pass?

P. - Here you are.

CA. - You have a window seat (an aisle seat).

Please follow me. I’ll show you to your seat. This is seat 15A.

Please make yourself at home (comfortable).

3. CA.- Good afternoon, madam.

Welcome aboard.

Would you mind showing me your boarding pass?

P. - Hello, stewardess.

Could you please show me to my seat?

CA. - Certainly. I’m sorry, but I need to see your boarding pass, madam.

Thank you. Please follow me. Your seat is in the middle of the cabin, right/left side.

P. - I see, thank you.

CA. - Please take your seat.

May I hang your coat/jacket in the cloakroom/wardrobe closet/wardrobe compartment/ coat closet?

Let me place your bag under the seat in front of you/in the cloakroom for you so that you will be more comfortable for take-off.

по профессиональному аннглийскому языку - student2.ru 4. P. - Good evening, steward.

CA. - Good evening, sir.

P. - Here it is. Would you mind showing me to my cabin/seat?

CA. - I’m very sorry, sir. I’m alone in the entrance area and my duty is to

receive passengers in this area. Please don’t worry. The flight

attendant in your cabin will show you to your seat and will help you

with your bag/coat.

P. - Fine. Thank you.

Remember several ways of requesting to see passengers boarding cards.

по профессиональному аннглийскому языку - student2.ru May I see

Would you mind showing me your

Can I ask you to show me boarding

I’m sorry, but I need to see card

I’m sorry, but I must ask you to show me

Remember to use some service language.

Let me show you to your seat.

I’ll show you to your seat.

Please make yourself at home/comfortable.

May I hang your coat/jacket in the cloakroom.

Let me place your bag under……/in the……. .

So that you will be more comfortable for take-off.

In the Passenger Cabin

1. CA.- Good morning, sir (madam).

Welcome on board our aircraft.

This is first /business/economy class.

Would you mind showing me your boarding card?

P. - Here it is.

CA. - Can I help you find your seat?

P. - No, thanks. I can do it by myself.

2.CA. - Good afternoon, gentlemen. This is economy class. Can I ask you to

show me your boarding cards?

P. - Here they are, but the seats are not shown on the boarding cards

(no seat allocation).

CA. - Today we have free seat allocation, so you can take any unoccupied

seats except the very front seats as they are for passengers with babies.

3.P. - Steward/stewardess, please come up to me.

CA. - Just a moment, please. (The steward is busy helping an old man).

CA. - Are you in trouble finding your seat, madam?

Language practice

Ask passengers if they would like the following items.

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May I offer you ……………………… with our compliments


Would you like ……………………… for your ears

a) headphones f) a hot towel

b) a drink g) a magazine

c) a pillow h) a blanket

d) a sweet i) games

e) a newspaper j) slippers


Welcome Drink Serving

1. C.A. - Good morning, sir

Aeroflot-Russian Airlines welcomes you with Russian half sweet sparkling wine and orange juice.

P. - Thank you.

2. CA. - Good afternoon, madam.

We’d like to welcome you on behalf of Aeroflot –Russian Airlines with dry sparkling wine and orange juice. Would you like some ice in your juice? (would you like iced juice?)

P. - Yes, please.

C.A. - How many cubes of ice would you like?

P. - Two or three would be enough.

CA. - There you are

P. - Thanks very much.

CA. - You’re welcome.


Passengers’ reading material distributing.

1. CA. - Would you like to read, sir?

P. - Yes. (No, thank you.)

CA. - I can offer you newspapers, magazines and booklets in English,

French, German, Spanish, Arabic and also some Russian reading material. What and in which language would you like to read?

P1. - Please a magazine in English and a Russian newspaper.

CA. - There you are. And for you?

P2. - I prefer something in Japanese. Have you got anything?

CA. - Certainly, but all is taken now. Would you wait a little?

P2. - Of course. (the CA leaves for a moment and speaks to another


CA. - Excuse me, sir, have you read this magazine in Japanese?

P3. - Yes, I have.

CA. - Can I have it?

P3. - You’re welcome.

CA. - Thank you. (the CA returns to the first passenger)

CA. - Here is the magazine in Japanese. I’m very sorry to have kept you waiting (so long).

P2. - That’s all right. (That’s OK).

2. CA. - Can I offer you something to read, sir?

P. - What newspapers do you have?

CA. - We have the Times, the Telegraph and the Financial Times.

P. - I’ll have the Times, please.

3. CA. - Would you care for a magazine, madam?

P. - Do you have a magazine in English which is (very)

interesting and well - illustrated?

CA. - Yes. I can offer you magazines titled “Passport to the new World” and “Aeroflot”. Which one?

P. - Please Aeroflot. Is it the latest issue?

CA. - Yes, it’s the newest (freshest) issue.

4. CA. - Would you like a magazine, sir?

P. - Do you have any in French?

CA. - No, I’m sorry. They are all in English.

P. - Never mind. Thank you anyway.

5. CA. - Would you care for a magazine or a newspaper?

P. - Do you have the Daily Telegraph?

CA. - No, I’m sorry, but I do have the Times.

P. - Then I suppose that’ll have to do.

6. P. - Do you have anything to read?

You know, newspapers or magazines?

CA. - Which would you prefer, sir? We have both.

P. - A couple of magazines would be fine.

CA. - There you are, sir.

P. - Thanks very much.

Language practice

General Layout


To fly ( flew, flown)

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in (clouds)

(continuous clouds)

at (an altitude of…….)

at (a speed of………..)

by (a plane)

Fly Aeroflot!


on today’s flight

the flight deck

on the flight deck (Br.E.)=

in the cockpit (Am.E.)

a flight deck team

flight time

To travel

an air-traveller

a passenger class

по профессиональному аннглийскому языку - student2.ru F (first class)

to travel C (club/business class)

Y(economy class/tourist)

a F flight passenger

a C flight passenger

a Y flight passenger

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Летать, лететь




в облаках

( в сплошной облачности)

на (высоте……….метров)

со (скоростью…………...)

на самолете

Летайте Аэрофлотом!

Полет, рейс

в сегодняшнем рейсе

пилотская кабина

в пилотской кабине


полетное время



класс пассажира

первым классом

бизнес классом

экономическим классом

пассажир первого класса

пассажир бизнес класса

пассажир экономического класса

A passenger cabin=a compartment

the first class cabin

the business (club) (executive) class cabin

the economy class cabin

single class configuration

two-class configuration

(on an Airbus A-320)

to accommodate=to house


passenger accommodation

An airliner


an aircraft


a plane

a wide-bodied aircraft

a narrow-bodied aircraft

a Boeing 767 (an Airbus A-310)

A seat

seat allocation

a window seat

an aisle seat

to be in the (aisle) window seat

to have a window (an aisle) seat

to be in the wrong seat

Размещать, вмещать

размещение, вместимость

пассажирская вместимость



самолет, летательный аппарат



широкофюзеляжный самолет

узкофюзеляжный самолет


размещение на места, назначение мест

место у иллюминатора

место у прохода

сидеть в кресле у прохода, иллюминатора

иметь место у иллюминатора, у прохода

быть не на своем месте

A row

row 7

a 4-seat row

a 6-seat row

three 6-seat rows

the very front row

the last row

the last row but one

An aisle

by the aisle

in the aisle

a cabin (side) window

by the window


a rack

to rack

a bin

overhead stowage bins

overhead compartments

Close the stowage bin until the click.

luggage (Br.E.)

baggage (Am.E.)


ряд 7

4-х местный ряд

6-и местный ряд

три шестиместных ряда

первоначальный ряд

последний ряд

предпоследний ряд

Проход между рядами

у прохода

в проходе


у иллюминатора


полка, стеллаж, вешалка (с крючками) стенд,

класть на полку, размещать на стеллаже, стенде

бункер, резервуар (здесь ящик) мусорное ведро, мусоросборник

ящики (шкафчики) над головой

ящики (шкафчики) над головой

Закройте ящик над головой до щелчка.

багаж, ручная кладь


light (heavy) luggage

small items

passenger service unit

an attendant call switch (button)

a passenger reading | light (Br.E.)

| lamp (Am.E.)

an air-vent (nozzle)

air-conditioning system

air-ventilating system

to adjust

to fold

to fold away (up)

to slide (slid, slid)


a slide (Am.E.)

slide windows

A passenger chair

a seat-back/backrest

a folding seat-cushion

folding armrests

on the front face of the armrest

a sliding ash-tray

a disposable headrest cover

a tray-table

a seat(back) pocket

a compartment for oxygen masks

a foot-step

a pitch (angle)

a button for fixing the backrest in a comfortable position

a seatbelt

a light switch

a headset

a socket for a pneumatic headset

a socket for an electrical headset

a channel selector buttons for the audio system

легкий/тяжелый багаж

мелкие вещи

сервисная панель пассажира

кнопка вызова бортпроводника

лампочка для чтения

вентиляционное отверстие(раструб)

система кондиционирования воздуха

вентиляционная система

регулировать, устанавливать, приспосабливаться



скользить, двигаться плавно


спускной трап

форточки в пилотской кабине

Пассажирское кресло

спинка кресла

откидное сиденье

откидные подлокотники

на верхней части подлокотника

выдвижная пепельница



карман в спинке кресла

отделение (в спинке кресла) для кислородных масок


угол наклона(спинки кресла)

кнопка установления спинки кресла в удобное положение

привязной ремень

включатель света


розетка (гнездо) для акустических наушников, для электронаушников

кнопки переключения каналов для аудио системы

volume controls for a headset

up volume

down volume

an electrical phone jack

pneumatic phone jacks

selection channel

cancel call

a bulkhead


a blind=a window shade

a carpet

to recline

to recline on (upon)

Recline your head on the pillow.

to recline against

Recline your back against the backrest of your seat.


general lighting

emergency lighting

dim lighting

individual lighting

light=reading lamp (Am.E.)

to letter

to number

a wardrobe compartment=a wardrobe closet, a coat closet, a cloakroom

a kitchen

a pantry

a galley

a toilet

in the middle, front, rear part

at the front (rear)

in the middle

устройство для громкости наушников

увеличение громкости

уменьшение громкости

штекер наушников

штекеры акустических наушников

переключатель каналов

выключатель радио



шторка (в качестве светофильтра)


откидываться назад

сидеть откинувшись назад

Откиньте голову на подушку.

опираться, прислоняться к чему -либо

Обопритесь на спинку кресла.


основное освещение

аварийное освещение

дежурное освещение

индивидуальное освещение

помечать буквами, обозначать буквами




буфетная стойка,

камбуз, кухня (на самолете, корабле)


в средней ,передней, хвостовой


впереди, в хвосте

в середине

an electrical shaver

a clothes hanger

a wash basin

a water-closet pan


to taxi


to take off


to ascend


initial climb

to descend


to approach


to land


to work

to work on

I work on a TU-154, an Airbus A-310

I work on all types of Aeroflot aircraft

to work for

I work for the Open Joint Stock Company Aeroflot-Russian Airlines

электрическая бритва

вешалка (для платьев)

умывальная раковина, умывальник







набирать высоту

набор высоты



заходить на посадку

заход на посадку


посадка, приземление


работать на

Я летаю на………

Я летаю на всех типах самолетов Аэрофлота

работать где-то (в)

Boarding the Aircraft

(Passenger receiving)


To enter


in the entrance area

To welcome

To pass

a pass


the telescopic passage=

the air bridge

FWD (forward) (zone/door)

MID (middle) (zone/door)

AFT ( tail) (zone/door)

PAS (the PAX stairs)

the self-contained stairs

the passenger stairs/steps

by the forward (front)


a lap

to board (the aircraft)

= to go on an aircraft=

to embark

to disembark



a boarding pass (card)

To show (showed, shown)

to show smb to smth

a passenger ticket=

a flight (air) ticket

To seat

seat 17E

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при входе

Проходить, передавать




передняя зона /дверь

средняя зона /дверь

задняя дверь

пассажирский трап

встроенные трапы

механический трап

через переднюю


колени, мочка уха, пола, фалда

садиться на борт самолета (парохода)




посадочный талон


провожать кого-либо к чему-либо

Пассажирский билет

Рассаживаться по местам

место «Е» в 17-ом ряду



modern conveniences



A cot

a baby-cot (Br.E.)=

a sky-cot=a cradle

A bedding

a mattress

a mattress cover

a bed-sheet

a blanket

a pillow

a pillow-case

a baby kit

a diaper (Am.E.)

a nappy (Br.E.)

a nappy pin

a pamper


to swaddle one’s baby

a baby diaper (changing)

table (station)

a pram (Br.E.)=a stroller (Am.E.)

a baby carriage (Am.E.)

a baby carrying basket

a nursing mother

to feed (fed, fed)

a feeding bottle

powdered baby-food

bottled (canned) baby food

a teat

=a baby soother

baby talcum powder

удобный, подходящий, устраивающий


современные удобства

неудобный, неподходящий, не -устраивающий


Раскладная кровать

детская люлька

Постельный комплект




фланелевое одеяло



детский набор


булавка для пеленки

подгузник, памперс


пеленать ребенка

пеленальный столик


детская корзина

кормящая мать

кормить (-ся), питать (-ся)

бутылочка для кормления

порошковое детское питание

детское питание в бутылочках/консервах

соска (на бутылке)

соска - «пустышка»

детский порошок, тальк

A bag

a paper bag

a lady’s handbag

a shoulder-bag

a hold-all bag

A case

=a bin (Am.E.)

a brief-case (bag)

an attache case

a suitcase

a cage

a muzzle


a guide-dog

a dog-line

a dog- collar

to stow


stowage bins

a buckle

a buckle cover

to insert

to release

to lift

to tighten


tightly (adv.)

a tight (n)

a strap

on your right (left)

next to you

to be blind

to be deaf and dumb




ручной, кожаный, плоский чемоданчик



намордник, морда

не снимайте намордник с …

собака поводырь



укладывать, складывать

укладывание, складывание

ящики для складывания ручной

клади (над головой)


крышка пряжки


освобождать, разобщать,



сжимать, натягивать,

подтягивать (туже)

тугой, туго завязанный, натянутый



лямка, ремень, ремешок

справа/ слева от Вас

рядом с Вами

быть слепым

быть глухонемым

люди с умственными или

физическими недостатками

to accompany


unaccompanied child

a master

a coat

an overcoat

a waistcoat

a neck pillow

ear plugs

eye shades

VIPs (very important persons, such as politicians, religious leaders, who are famous in the world of sport and entertainment)

CIPs (commercially important persons, people who are important to the airline for business reasons)

UMs (unaccompanied minors, children travelling alone for whom the airline has accepted responsibility)

сопровождать, сопутствовать


несопровождаемый ребенок

хозяин животного


верхняя одежда


подушка для шеи



очень важные персоны, такие как политические, религиозные деятели, известные во всем мире

коммерчески важные персоны


несовершеннолетние дети, путешествующие одни, за которых авиакомпания несет ответственность

In –Flight Meal Service

On international flights passengers are served aperitif, appetizers, hot meals, dessert and hot drinks with confectionery.

The type of service depends on the time of day, the class of a passenger and the length of the flight leg.

The main meals served are breakfast, lunch and dinner.

In general, first class passengers receive a restaurant-type service with a choice of food and alcoholic drinks, but economy-class passengers receive a pre-set tray without variants or choice.

In all classes soft drinks are complimentary. In first class alcoholic drinks are also complimentary.

Breakfast can be, so-called, a continental breakfast that can be a light meal consisting of a roll or a croissant with jam or marmalade, with fruit juice and tea or coffee.

Lunch and dinner are more substantial meals which are served at midday or in the evening.

They usually consist of:

- an appetizer ( a starter)

- a hot main dish of meat or fish or poultry garnished or with a choice of garnish

- dessert of cheese and fresh fruit

- tea or coffee with confectionery.

Snacks are small items of food served between main meals.

Pre- set trays for economy class passengers are prepared on the ground before flight (partially or completely).

Pre-packed hot main courses are often provided and have to be re-heated in the galley and added to the partially pre-set tray.

Some airlines prefer to offer food of their own national cuisine.

Aeroflot first-class passengers are served sturgeon (or salmon) caviar and pancakes with chopped egg-white, egg-yolk, onions, and also sour cream, lemon wedges and Russian vodka.

Before serving meals the cabin attendant must inform passengers when and what meals to expect.

The following announcement is made:

X Ladies and gentlemen.

We are ready to serve you a hot/cold breakfast.


X Ladies and gentlemen.

Your breakfast will be served in 10 minutes.

Thank you.

Answer the questions:

1. What are passengers served during their flight?

2. What does the type of service depend on?

3. What main meals are served?

4. What is the difference in meal service between first class and economy class?

5. What is ‘a continental breakfast’?

6. What do we call meals served at the midday and in the evening?

7. What does a snack mean?

8. What does lunch consist of?

9. What trays are prepared for economy class passengers?

10. What must be done with pre-packed hot meals?

11. What does Aeroflot national cuisine consist of?

12. What meal announcements can be made before meal serving?

Language practice

I. Translate into Russian:

The appetizer is cooked of:

A. - lettuce liner

- roast breast of chicken

- roast tenderloin of beef

- a tomato wedge

- a cucumber slice

- a parsley sprig

B. - lettuce liner

- a ham slice

- a chicken roulade

- a carbonade slice

- two tomato wedges

- three cucumber slices

- a parsley sprig

C. - lettuce liner

- black caviar

- two salted salmon slices

- one boiled egg half

- one lemon wedge

- two cucumber slices

- one parsley sprig

D. - lettuce liner

- smoked salmon

- salted white fish

- one 1/6 lemon wedge

- one boiled egg half

- three cucumber slices

- two tomato wedges

- one parsley sprig

The hot meal is cooked of:

A. - beef goulash

- rice

- green beans pods

B. - poached salmon

- fried potatoes

- parsley butter

C. - chicken Kiev

- saffron rice

- peas

- cauliflower

- parsley butter

E. - grilled fillet steak

- cubed fried potatoes

- peas

- a half of tomato

- parsley butter

F. - steamed haddock

- germinated rice

- mixed vegetables

- parsley butter

II. Match the passengers’ comments on the left with suitable expression by CAs on the right.

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- No chicken for me. - It’s poached.

- I’m not hungry. - I’m sorry, there’s no more beef.

- Can I have just a snack? - Yes, I think so. Did you order one?

- What’s in the main dish? - Yes, what exactly would you like?

- Do you have a vegetarian dish? - It’s beef goulash with mushroom sauce.

- How is the salmon cooked? - How about beef?

- Can I have the beef instead? - Would you like something else instead?

III. Name the following main courses (dishes) that may be served during the flight.

1. Meat dishes:_______________________________________________

2. Fish dishes:_______________________________________________

3. Poultry dishes:_____________________________________________

4. Vegetables:_______________________________________________

5. Cereals:__________________________________________________


Aperitif serving


CA. - Would you care for a drink, sir/madam?

P. - Yes, please.

CA. - Would you like wine, cognac (brandy), vodka, whisky, liqueur,

beer or cocktail?

P. - Let me start with a short drink.

CA. - Would you prefer gin or vodka, cognac or whisky?

P. - Whisky on the rocks, please.

CA. - You’re welcome. There you are. Would you like a juice, a


P. - Please some mineral water without ice.

CA. - I see. Would you prefer sparkling (carbonated) or non-sparkling

( non-carbonated/still) water?

P. - Please sparkling water.

CA. - With pleasure. There you are.


CA. - Can I get you anything to drink, madam?

P. - What wine can you offer?

CA. - Red and white, dry and half dry, sweet and half sweet and also Russian sparking wine or French brut champagne.

P. - Where was red wine produced?

CA. - It’s Moldavian (Georgian/Armenian) red wine. (It’s from Moldavia, Georgia, Armenia). Would you care to taste before I pour you a glass?

P. - Yes, please. It’s very tasty.

CA. - I’m glad you liked it. There you are. Would you care for a juice or a mineral water?

P. - Please, orange juice and not much ice in it.


CA. - Would you care for a drink, sir?

P. - Yes, of course. What beer can you offer?

CA. - We’ve got lager, light and stout.

P. - Light, please.

CA. - Here you are.

Juice, refreshment, sir?

P. - No, thanks.


CA. - Would you like some red or white wine or a tin(can) of beer, sir?

P. - Could you offer a stronger drink, steward? Let’s say vodka or whisky.

CA. - Yes, but such drinks are not complimentary because you are travelling economy class. Which one would you prefer?

P. - Vodka, please. What’s the price?

CA. - ?10 a bottle (of 500 ml).


CA. - Mr. ………., as soon as we are at our cruising level we will be serving cocktails and beverages. May I take your cocktail order now?

P. - A Bloody Mary, please.


CA. - Mrs. ……………., after take-off would you like to order a drink from the bar?

P. - No, thank you.

Remember to use. (“Care”).

- Would you like to drink, sir/madam?

- Can I get you anything to drink?

- Would you care for a drink?

- Would you care to try the wine?

- Would you care to taste before I pour you a glass?

- Would you like to order a drink from the bar?

- May I take your cocktail order?

Hot Meal Serving.


CA. - Would you like to have grilled fillet steak and pasta or chicken Kiev and saffron rice or poached salmon and mashed potatoes?

P. - Steak, please.


CA. - Would you care for roasted venison or roast breast of chicken or steamed mackerel?

P. - Steamed fish, please.

CA. - For garnish we can offer you green peas, green beans pods, carrots,

cauliflower, vegetable marrow, corn-cobs, wild rice and pasta.

P. - Some vegetables, please.

CA. - You’re welcome. Enjoy your meal, sir.


P. - I’d like chicken.

CA. - I’m sorry, there is no more chicken.

Would you like fish Kebab or beef stew instead?


P. - Do you have a vegetarian dish?

CA. - Yes, I think so. Did you order one?


CA. - Excuse me, sir. Could you pass this tray to the passenger by the window?

P. - Yes, certainly.

CA. - Thank you.


P. - This food is cold.

Dessert serving.


CA. - Which cheese would you prefer:

Gouda, Emmental, Cheddar, process?

P. - Please three different slices of cheese.

CA. - Would you care for carrot and celery sticks?

P. - Please two celery sticks and two packets of crackers.

CA. - You’re welcome. Would you like a wine?

P. - A glass of red wine.


Hot drinks serving.


Pastries assorted offering


CA. - Which pastry would you prefer, madam:

a chocolate éclair, a peach sponge cake, a small pine-apple

tartlette or a shortcake?

P. - A tartlette, please.


Vegetarian Meal Serving


Babies Meal Serving


Language practice

I. What will you say in the following situations:

1. I’m thirsty.

2. I’m hungry.

3. I’d like something strong, but I’m in economy class. Do I have to pay?

4. I’m a full vegetarian, but I didn’t order my special meal.

5. I’ve broken my plastic cutlery.

6. My meal is stone cold. I simply can’t eat it.

7. There is some awful smell coming from the galley. Something must be

burning, I’m sure.

8. Oh, God. I’ve spilled my drink.


1. Aperitif:


alcohol spirits

light spirits

alcoholic drinks

beverages (Am.E.)

strong drinks

hard liquors

(in first class are complimentary)

non-alcoholic drinks

soft drinks

(in all classes are complimentary)

wines and spirits





spiced brandy


whisky and soda water

Bourbon whisky

Scotch whisky

Irish whisky






gin martini

G & T (gin and tonic)



(red, white, dry, table,

dessert )

wine list

sparkling wine


(dry/semi (half)dry,

sweet/semi (half)sweet)

fortified wine

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алкоголь, спирт, спиртные напитки

легкие спиртные напитки

алкогольные, спиртные


(для пассажиров FC-бесплатные)

безалкогольные напитки

(для всех пассажиров - бесплатные)

вино-водочные изделия







виски с содовой

американское виски

шотландское виски

ирландское виски






джин –Мартини

джин с тоником



(красное, белое, сухое, столовое, десертное)

карта вин

игристое (шипучее) вино


(сухое, полусухое,

сладкое, полусладкое)

крепленое вино





a bottle of beer

a can /tin of beer

bottled / canned beer

head / froth


Bloody Mary



on the rocks


ginger ale

tonic water (with quinine)

to be in the ale


Angostura drops

(aromatic bitter)

eau-de-vie (фр.)

to drink (drank, drunk)

a drink

a short drink (a strong drink served in a small quantity (e.g. gin))

to get drunk

drunk and disorderly

drunk and disorderly behaviour

a drunkard

to be drunken

as drunk as a lord/a fiddler,

a fish






легкое (пиво)



бутылка пива

банка пива

пиво в бутылках (банках)

пена (на пиве)


«Кровавая Мэри»



со льдом (о крепких спиртных

напитках и коктейлях)


имбирный эль

тонизирующая вода с хинином

быть под «мухой»(выпивши)

содовая вода

капли «Ангостура»(ароматно-горьковатые)

коньяк, водка, виски

пить, выпивать


крепкий напиток, подаваемый в не-большом количестве, напр. джин

напиться (пьяным), упиться

в нетрезвом виде

нарушение общественного порядка,

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