New steels meet changing needs

As a structural material, steel has two drawbacks: its weight and its susceptibility to rust. However, due to its advantages, steel has long been used, and in great quantities, in structural applications from bridges and buildings to ships, automobiles and household appliances. Steel is superior to other structural materials in strength, toughness, workability and other properties that are critical for such applications, and it is mass-produced with uniform, reliable quality and at low cost.

Since steel is the most popular structural material available, steel­makers make every effort to meet the changing needs of these markets. New processes for steel-making and treatment have led to steel products of higher grade and greater variety.

It can no longer be said that a steel product is satisfactory if it is simply a good structural material. Today's market needs can be classified broadly as: 1) the need for lighter weight; 2) the need for new properties; 3) the need for maximum performance; and 4) the need for cost reduction.

The need for lighter weight is really a requirement for materials having higher specific strength. The need for maximum performance calls for materials approaching the limits of durability, toughness and the like. Finally, the need to reduce costs is leading to materials diversification in which steel materials precisely suited to a specific application are developed.

VI. Translate these sentences into Ukrainian; underline the predicates and define their verb forms:

1. Materials offering new properties not found in conventional materials will include new breeds of steel, hybrid materials and truly novel materials such as amorphous metal.

2. The metal flows easily when it melts.

3. More sophisticated processes for steel-making and treatment have led to steel products of higher grade and greater variety.

4. The metal can be hammered out of shape without breaking.

5. Steel is superior to other structural materials in strength, toughness, workability and other properties.

VII. Find in the text nouns corresponding to the following words; translate them into Ukrainian:

Household, steel, cost, hybrid, truly novel, noise, heat, safety.

VIII. Translate the following words and word combinations into English:

Недолік, легка вага, зниження ціни, вихлопний газ, виготовлення сталі, привілей, міцність, економічність палива, стала конструкція, можливість використання.

3 курс 2 семестр

Контрольна робота № 2

І. Underline the correct verb in the sentences and translate them into Ukrainian:

1. The volume of scientific information is/are growing very rapidly now.

2. The courses of study is/are supported by laboratory exercises.

3. Our laboratory employ/employs the most modern technology.

4. If the weather wasn’t/weren’t so bad, I would go away for the weekend.

5. Everything is/are ready for the experiment.

II. Define the type of the conditional sentences and translate them:

1. If she had studied hard, she would pass the exams.

2. If they posted the parcel yesterday, it will not get here before Friday.

3. Had we had more time, we should have considered all the suggestions.

4. If I had any free time now or tomorrow, I should do the work myself.

5. If you were more sensible, you wouldn’t have spoken to your boss like that.

III. State the meaning of the Modal + Perfect Infinitive constructions in the following sentences and translate them into Ukrainian:

1. He might have known that to cut down the flow of water in a pipe you need only to shut off a valve.

2. He couldn't have seen a jet engine in action many years ago.

3. He may have got the condenser he needed.

4. You would have used a computer specially designed to allow for certain physical changes in the atmosphere.

5. The plant was ordered to apply the invention but it wouldn’t.

IV. Complete the sentences with too or enough and translate them:

1. The water is … cold to work with.

2. The foundation is … unstable to install existing machines.

3. The project is … expensive to get off the ground.

4. The postulates should be simple … to seem almost obvious.

5. She was not experienced … to apply for the job.

V. Translate the text into Ukrainian:

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