No, Steve doesn’t have a bicycle

2. The building ……. five floors.

………………………. six floors?


3. Sally ………… an umbrella.

…………………………… a hat?


4. Anna and Tom …….. a parrot.

………………………….. a horse?


5. The table ………….. four legs.

….…………………….three legs?


6. They ……………. a white cat.

………………………..a black cat?


7. The dog ………….a long tail.

……………………….. a short tail?


8. Mike …………… a computer.

……....…………………. a camera?


9. Julie …………… a big house

…….………………..a small house?


10. Mary ……….. … many dresses.

…………………….. many T-shirts?



Прошедшее неопределенное время (Past Simple Tense)


1) утвердительная форма правильных глаголов образуется путем прибавления к форме

инфинитива окончания –(e)d, неправильную форму глаголов необходимо заучивать

наизусть (см. табл. неправильных глаголов в колонке Past);

2) отрицательная форма образуется с помощью вспомогательного глагола did,

частицы not и формы инфинитива смыслового глагола (без to);

3) вопросительная форма образуется с помощью вспомогательного глагола did. При

этом вспомогательный глагол ставится перед подлежащим:

Утвердительная форма Отрицательная форма Вопросительная форма
Длинная Короткая
I worked You worked He worked She worked It worked We worked You worked They worked I did not work You did not work He did not work She did not work It did not work We did not work You did not work They did not work I didn’t work You didn’t work He didn’t work She didn’twork It didn’t work We didn’twork You didn’t work They didn’t work Did I work? Did you work? Did he work? Did she work? Did it work? Did we work? Did you work? Did they work?

Regular verb (Правильный глагол)

Irregular verb (Неправильный глагол)

Утвердительная форма Отрицательная форма Вопросительная форма
Длинная Короткая
I went You went He went She went It went We went You went They went I did not go You did not go He did not go She did not go It did not go We did not go You did not go They did not work I didn’t go You didn’t go He didn’t go She didn’t go It didn’t go We didn’t go You didn’t go They didn’t work Did I go? Didyou go? Did he go? Did she go? Did it go? Did we go? Did you go? Did they go?


1) для выражения действий, которые произошли в определенное время в прошлом, т.е.

мы знаем, когда они случились:

They got married 20 years ago (Когда они поженились? 20 лет назад).

2) для выражения повторяющихся действий, которые происходили в прошлом, но

больше не случаются (обычно с наречиями частотности, такими как: always, usually, often

и т.д.):

My father often took me to the playground when I was little.

3) для выражения сменяющих друг друга действий/ следующих одно за другим:

First, they cooked the meal, then they ate with their friends.

4) при упоминании в разговоре о людях, которых больше нет с нами/ которые больше не


Princess Diana visited a lot of schools.

Временные показатели:

yesterday, last week/ month/ year, two days/ weeks/ months/ years ago, in 1997, then, when

Краткие ответы:

Did you…? Yes, I/ we did. No, I/ we didn't.
Did he/ she/ it…? Yes, he/ she/ it did. No, he/ she/ it didn’t.
Did they…? Yes, they did. No, they didn’t.

Did you go to the cinema? Yes, I did/ No, I didn’t.


1. Раскройте скобки, используя нужную форму (утвердительную, вопросительную и отрицательную) Past Simple Tense:

1) «… Did you go to school yesterday?» «No, it was Sunday» (you/ go).

2) He …… an interesting book last month (read).

3) I looked for my keys but I …… them (not/ find).

4) I wasn’t hungry so I …… anything (not/ eat).

5) «…… to Fred yesterday?» «Yes, I phoned him» (you/ speak).

6) «…… the bell?» «Yes, but nobody answered» (you/ ring).

7) «What was that noise?» «I …… anything» (not/ hear).

8) «What …… for breakfast?» «Bacon and eggs» (they/ have).

9) «How many books ……?» «Only one» (you/ buy).

10) He …… his presents on Christmas morning (open).

11) I …… my clothes on Sunday afternoon (wash).

2. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Past Simple:

Last Sunday the Carter family …… (go) camping in the countryside. They …… (find) a

nice place by a river. Mr Carter …… (put up) the tent. After that they …… (eat) some

sandwiches and cakes. Then, Mr Carter …… (show) Sam and Pamela how to fish. Mrs

Carter …… (pick) some flowers, and their dog Champ …… (swim) in the river. They all

…… (have) a very good time.

3. Прочитайте текст в упражнении № 2, в парах задайте вопросы и ответьте на них, как это показано в образце:

1) the Carter family/ go shopping?

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