No, they aren’t. They're wearing smart clothes

2) the four people / have / dinner? (No/ six people).

3) the children / talk? (No/ eat).

4) the girl / drink some juice? (Yes).

5) the boy / eat / some ice-cream? (Yes).

6) the man / wear / a white shirt? (No/ a blue shirt).

7) the woman / prepare / food? (Yes).

8) the grandparents / stand? (No/ sit).

9) the two people / put / the food on the plates? (Yes).


Прошедшее продолженное время (Past Continuous Tense)


1) с помощью вспомогательного глагола to be в простом прошедшем времени (was, were) и смыслового глагола с окончанием –ing;

2) отрицательная форма образуется с помощью отрицательной частицы not, которая ставится после вспомогательного глагола;

3) вопросительная форма образуется путем постановки вспомогательного глагола to be в соответствующем лице и числе перед подлежащим:

Утвердительная форма Отрицательная Форма Вопросительная форма
Длинная Короткая
I was working You were working He was working She was working It was working We were working You were working They were working I was not working You were not working He was not working She was not working It was not working We were not working You were not working They were not working I wasn't working You weren'tworking He wasn't working She wasn't working It wasn't working We weren't working You weren't working They weren't working Was I working? Were you working? Was he working? Was she working? Was it working? Were we working? Were you working? Were they working?


1) для действия, которое было в процессе (продолженное) в определенное время в прошлом. Неизвестно, когда действие началось или закончилось:

At three o'clock yesterday afternoon Mike and his son were washing the dog. (Мы не знаем, когда они начали или закончили купать собаку).

2) для прошедшего действия, которое было в процессе (продолженное), когда другое действие его прервало. Мы используем past continuous для продолженного действия (более длинного) и past simple для действия, которое прервало (более короткое):

He was reading a newspaper when his wife came. (was reading – более длинное; came – более короткое).

3) для двух и более действий, которые происходили в одно и то же время в прошлом (одновременные прошедшие действия):

The people were watching while the cowboy was riding the bull.

Временные показатели:

while, when, as, all day/ night/ morning.

when/ while/ as + past continuous (более длинное действие) when + past simple (более короткое действие)

Краткие ответы:

Were you…? Yes, I was/ we were. No, I wasn’t / we weren't.
Was he/ she/ it…? Yes, he/ she/ it was. No, he/ she/ it wasn’t.
Were they…? Yes, they were. No, they weren’t.

Were you sleeping at eleven o'clock last night? Yes, I was/ No, I wasn’t.


1. Соедините колонки:

Column A

1) While I was driving home, …e…

2) We were watching the children ……

3) He cut his finger ……

4) At eight o'clock yesterday morning ……

5) As she was crossing the street, ……

6) While they were talking, ……

Column B

a) as he was chopping wood.

b) he was sleeping in his bed.

c) while they were playing.

d) she slipped and fell.

e) I ran out of petrol.

f) the doorbell rang.

2. Соедините предложения, as, when или while, как это показано в примере:

1) Tina was cooking. She burnt herself.

… As/ When/ While Tina was cooking, she burnt herself. …

… Tina was cooking when she burnt herself. …

2) Laura was making some tea. She dropped the kettle.

3) Mrs Jason was sitting in the garden. It started raining.

4) Peter was driving his car. He got a flat tyre.

5) She was walking in the park. A dog attacked her.

3. Поставьте глагол в скобках в Past Simple или в Past Continuous и скажите, какое действие более длинное в каждом предложении:

1) As I … was doing … (do) the washing-up, I … broke … (break) a glass. «Doing the washing-up – более длинное действие».

2) Jack …… (drive) his car when a bird …… (fly) into the window.

3) We …… (walk) in the woods when the storm …… (begin).

4) John …… (repair) his motor bike when his mother …… (arrive).

5) I …… (eat) my lunch when the phone …… (ring).

6) He …… (ride) his bicycle to school when he …… (drop) his bag.

7) We …… (see) a bad accident as we …… (drive) to the airport.

8) Tom …… (watch) the match when the TV …… (break down).

9) We …… (talk) when she …… (come) into the room.

10) She …… (clean) the windows when I …… (see) her.

4. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в Past Continuous Tense:

Yesterday, I went for a walk in the park. While I was there, I saw lots of children who …… (play). There was a man who …… (walk) his dogs. He …… (throw) sticks and the dogs …… (run) to catch them. A gardener …… (plant) some flowers and some old ladies …… (sit) on a park bench enjoying the warm sunshine. It was lovely.

5. Составьте по подсказкам вопрос, затем дайте краткий утвердительный или отрицательный ответ. Если краткий ответ отрицательный, исправьте предложения по подсказкам, данным в скобках:

1) the two girls / play / tennis? (No/ play volleyball).

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