Task 6. Измените предложения, используя no, nothing, nobody, nowhere

1. There aren't any cars in the street. 2. I didn't eat anything. 3. I couldn't see anybody. 4. I couldn't find him anywhere. 5. There isn't anybody here who can help you. 6. There isn't any milk in the fridge. 7. I didn't understand anything.

8. There aren't any sandwiches in the box.

Тема 13. Количественные местоимения

many – с существительными во множественном числе Много I have many books. much – с существительными в единственном числе I have much time.  
few – с существительными во множественном числе Мало I have few books. little – с существительными в единственном числе I have little time.  
a few – с существительными во множественном числе Немного I have a few books. a little – с существительными в единственном числе I have a little time.  

Task 1. Переведите на русский следующие словосочетания.

Much snow, much tea, little time, many cars, few boys, many boxes, little money, much milk, many people, a few minutes, a little water, a little time, a few shirts, many parks, little sand, a few weeks, much work, little light, a little ink.

Task 2. Переведите на английский, обращая внимание на различия в словах few – little – a few – a little:

1. мало денег – немного денег 2. мало времени – немного времени 3. мало людей – немного людей 4. мало чая – немного чая 5. мало книг – немного книг 6. мало снега – немного снега 7. мало стульев – немного стульев 8. мало песка – немного песка 9. мало кофе – немного кофе 10. мало воды – немного воды.

Task 3. Переведите на русский.

1. She has a few friends in our town. 2. She has few friends in the institute. 3. He has little free time. 4. He can speak English a little. 5. She reads very little. 6. They work much. 7. I have a few English books. 8. He knows much about this writer. 9. I know many people who can help you. 10. My watch is a little fast.

Task 4. Вставьте much или many.

1. I don’t drink … coffee. 2. He eats … fish. 3. My husband likes … salt in his food. 4. She has … photos. 5. There is … sugar in my tea. 6. There are … people in the park. 7. I see … snow on the ground. 8. There are … professors at our university. 9. He has got … free time. 10. There are … sweets in this box.

Task 5. Вставьте little или few.

1. He has got … friends. 2. I drink … coffee. I don’t like it. 3. We have got … free time. 4. There were … people in the theatre. 5. They have … money. 6. She has … English books at home. 7. There is … water in the glass. 8. Nancy has got … tickets. 9. There is … light in the room. 10. There are … apples on the table.

Task 6. Вставьте a little или a few.

This is my mother’s favorite recipe for fruitcake, and everybody says it is delicious!

1. Put 3 cups of flour into a mixing bowl. 2. Add … sugar. 3. Slice … apples. 4. Cut up … oranges. 5. Pour in … honey. 6. Add … baking soda. 7. Chop up … nuts. 8. Add … salt. 9. Mix in … raisins. 10. Bake for 45 minutes. Enjoy your meal!

Task 7. Вставьте much, many, little или few.

1. She is very busy. She has … free time. 2. The city is modern. There are … old buildings. 3. The weather is dry. There is … rain. 4. The museum is overcrowded. There are … people there. 5. It is winter. There is … snow on the ground. 6. This town isn’t interesting. … tourists come here. 7. The fridge is nearly empty. There is … food in it. 8. The tea is very sweet. There is … sugar in it. 9. The essay is very bad. There are … mistakes in it. 10. He isn’t popular. He has … fans.

Task 8. Вставьте few, a few, little или a little.

1. May I ask you … questions? 2. The coffee isn’t sweet. There is … sugar in it. 3. Would you like … salad? 4. She is very lonely. She has … friends. 5. I’m sorry, I have very … money on me. 6. I have got … money so we can go to the café. 7. Can you lend me … dollars? 8. She is so happy. She has … problems.

Task 9. Замените слова в скобках английскими эквивалентами.

1. There are (много) … people in the disco. 2. There is (много) … snow outside. 3. He has (мало) … classes today. 4. There is (мало) … salt in the salad. 5. There is (немного) cheese in the fridge. 6. My mother has (немного) flowers in the garden.

Тема 14. Степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий.

  Положительная степень Сравнительная степень Превосходная степень
Односложные, некоторые двусложные прилагательные   great hot large easy clever   greater hotter larger easier cleverer   the greatest the hottest the largest the easiest the cleverest
Многосложные, прилагательные   beautiful   talented   more/ less beautiful more/ less talented the most/ the least beautiful the most/ the least talented
Особые случаи   good/ well bad/ badly much/ many little old far   better worse more less older (elder) farther (further)   the best the worst the most the least the oldest (eldest) the farthest (furthest)  

Сравнительные конструкции:

1. than – чем 2.as … as – так(ой) же … как

3. not so … as – не так(ой) … как 4. the … the – чем … тем

Task 1. Образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степень следующих прилагательных.

A) short, long, wide, narrow, dirty, clean, dark, light, thick, thin, cold, hot, clever, silly, strong, weak, small, big, low, high, tall, happy, sad, young, new.

B) beautiful, interesting, difficult, comfortable, intelligent, cheerful, patriotic, important, hopeful, wonderful, patient, exciting, dangerous, successful.

C) bad, good, far, little, many, much, old.

Task 2. Образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степень следующих прилагательных.

cold, large, respectable, deep, many, easy, late, attentive, bad, young, far, expensive, great, warm, cool, attractive, early, polite, quick, happy, educated, little, cheap, artificial, good, busy, hard, special, much, legal, fashionable.

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