Task 1. Переведите предложения на русский язык

1. I have a sister and two brothers. 2. She has a new dress. 3. He has a good education. 4. It has a good quality. 5. We have a visa. 6. They have a passport. 7. You have many problems. 8. Ann has a good notebook. 9. Harry has a comfortable flat. 10. My friends have different hobbies.

Task 2. Измените предложения по образцуIhavea car–Ihave gota car.

1. I have a new computer. 2. We have two tickets. 3. She has a good job. 4. He has a dog. 5. They have many books. 6. We have a daughter and a son. 7. Kate has many friends. 8. Mike has an i-phone. 9. Victoria and David have three children. 10. I have an exam.

Task 3. Измените предложения по образцуIhaven’ta car–Ihave nocar.

1. I haven’t a husband. 2. He hasn’t a wife. 3. We haven’t a flat. 4. You haven’t a telephone. 5. They haven’t a family. 6. She hasn’t a photo. 7. Sally hasn’t a bag.

8. Our partners haven’t a document. 9. You haven’t a key. 10. I haven’t a letter.

Task 4. Образуйте вопросительную форму следующих предложений.

1. Their children have many toys. 2. Nancy has got a brother. 3. Jack has a house.

4. I have an English lesson. 5. You have got an exercise-book. 6. We have got a newspaper. 7. They have got a nice picture. 8. He has got a tasty cake. 9. Lily has got a pencil. 10. Her parents have a garden.

Task 5. Вставьте глагол to have в Present Indefinite.

1. Your father … got a lot of money. 2. Mandy … got two sisters. 3. They … got two cars. 4. My parents … got four children. 5. My mother … got a car. 6. We … got a house. 7. My teacher … got a red pen. 8. We … got a new teacher. 9. I … got a lot of homework. 10. A dog … got four legs. 11. We … a large library at university. 12. … you got friends in Canada? 13. She … green eyes. 14. … they got a contract? 15. … he got a new telephone number?

Task 6. Поставьте глагол to have в Past Indefinite. Образуйте отрицательные и вопросительные формы предложений.

1. He … an apartment in America two years ago. 2. She … much money last week. 3. They … a good job last month. 4. We … a nice party yesterday. 5. Tess … many problems last week. 6. Rob … a date with his girlfriend an hour ago. 7. Our friends … two tickets to the theatre yesterday. 8. I … good marks on History last term. 9. They … many business letters in winter. 10. We … a good dinner last weekend.

Task 7. Поставьте глагол to have в Future Indefinite. Образуйте отрицательные и вопросительные формы предложений.

1. We … a new order tomorrow. 2. I … an exam soon. 3. She … a big office in three months. 4. They … many contracts in future. 5. He … a meeting next week. 6. We … two lessons tomorrow. 7. Jerry … a fitness class in an hour. 8. You … a great party soon. 9. We … a conference next spring. 10. Tim … a coffee break in five minutes.

Тема 9. Предлоги

Предлоги направления To(движение по направлению к предмету, месту, лицу) – куда? Let’s go to the cinema.Пойдем в кино! Let’s go to my friend. Пойдем к моему другу! From (движение от предмета, места, лица) – откуда? I am from Russia. Я из России. Take the book fromthe table. Возьми книгу со стола. Into(движение внутрь ограниченного пространства) Come into the office. Войдите в офис. Предлоги места и времени At: athome,atwork,atthe station,atthe meeting; at5 o’clock,atnight,atChristmas, at weekends In: inMoscow,inthe office; - где? in Summer, in May, in 2014, inthe morning/afternoon/evening, in 2 days; On: onthe table (на поверхности), on TV; onMonday, on the 1st of June. Прочие предлоги About –о, об;above –над;after –после;before –до, перед;between –между; by –кем-либо(by my friend),каким –либо транспортом(by bus); near –рядом,over –над, через, больше;up –вверх,down –вниз,during –во время, в течение, with– с, вместе с, for – для, в течении какого-то времени

Task 1. Заполните пропуски подходящими предлогами.

1. … 6th of June. 2. … 8 o'clock. 3. … Wednesday. 4. … 12.30 a.m. 5. … 2012.

6. … September. 7. … 24th of September. 8. … Friday. 9. … winter. 10. … the evening. 11. … London. 12. … Easter. 13. … the USA.

Task 2. Заполните пропуски подходящими предлогами.

1. My wife works (на) … factory. 2. I live (в) … Boston. 3. Come (в) … the house and have some coffee. 4. Where are you (откуда) …? 5. Let’s go (в) … Moscow tomorrow. 6. He is here (с) … his wife. 7. The books are (на) … the table. 8. Here are some flowers (для) … you. 9. I want to speak (об) … it. 10. My house is (около) … the park. 11. The bookshelf is (над) … the table. 12. I go to university (на) … taxi. 13. There is a chair (между) … them. 14. I go to fitness club (после) work. 15. I do my morning exercises (перед) … breakfast. 16. Go (вверх) … the street.

Task 3. Заполните пропуски подходящими предлогами.

1. Where were you … 28 February? 2. I gеt up … 8 o'clock every morning. 3. I get up early … the morning. 4. My sister got married … May. 5. Diana and I first met … 2009. 6. Will you go … the concert … Friday? 7. What do you usually do … weekends? 8. I come … Europe. 9. He is … home. 10. I watched this film … TV. 11. I will do it … 3 days. 12. It is dark … night.

Task 4. Вставьте предлоги on, in или into.

1. There are many people … the park today. 2. There is a girl … the bridge. 3. There is no tea … my cup. 4. Pour some tea … my cup. 5. Put these flowers … the windowsill. 6. I saw many people … the station. 7. We went … the garden and sat down … a bench. 8. The teacher hung a picture … the blackboard. 9. I opened the door and went … the classroom. 10. I saw a pen … the floor. I put it … the table. 11. He put his hand … his pocket, took out a letter and dropped it … the mailbox which hung … the wall of the house. 12. Where is the book? – It is … the shelf. 13. Where is the tea? – It is … the cup. 14. Put the plates … the table. 15. Put the book … the bag. 16. There is a beautiful picture … the wall. 17. He went … the room. 18. I like to sit … the sofa … my room. 19. She went … the room and sat down … the sofa.

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