Переведите на русский язык. 1. Protecting buildings from strokes of lightning was a great achievement in the field of electricity

1. Protecting buildings from strokes of lightning was a great achievement in the field of electricity.

2. Splitting the atom is a difficult task.

3. Transformers are used for changing d.c. into a.c.

4. Their aim was collecting all the necessary data.

5. The fly-wheel began moving.

6. Many solids have the power of absorbing gases on their surfaces.

7. After closing the circuit we measured the resistance.

8. The liquid evaporated without leaving a residue.

9. In passing through a metal electrons collide with many ions.

10. All the chemical transformations that take place around us only change energy from one form into another without affecting the total.

11. In carrying out the plan of launching an artificial satellite our scientists had to solve many difficult problems.

12. Coal and any other fuel provide the heat required for driving our engines and turbines.

13. The energy of body is the capacity for doing work.

14. Programming is the process of preparing, testing and correcting instructions for a computer.

15. A motor-starter is a device for starting motors from rest by the simple act of closing the switch.

16. One of the problems modern research laboratories are working at is the problem of finding materials that can serve as electrical conductors in fusion reactors.

17. A constant speed of the device is maintained by supplying it with energy.

18. For heating a body we place it in contact with another body at a higher temperature.

19. Thermometers are employed for measuring temperature differences.

20. In studying magnetism we cannot help observing the relation between magnetism and the electric current.

Тема 24. Герундиальный оборот

Су Существительное (’s ) + герундий Притяжательное местоимение

На русский язык переводится придаточными предложениями.

We know of Einstein’s (his) formulating the theory of relativity.

Мы знаем, что Эйнштейн (он) сформулировал теорию относительности.

Einstein’s (his) formulating the theory of relativity affected the science.

То, что Эйнштейн сформулировал теорию относительности, повлияло на науку.

Task 1. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на герундиальный оборот.


1. His being sent to Moscow on business was very important for his work.

2. Everybody knows of his making interesting experiments in physics.

3. I suggest our watching this film.

4. We know of Pete’s studying English.

5. Do you mind my closing the window?

6. Excuse my interrupting you.

7. We’ll be looking forward to your joining us.


1. The director informed them of the construction of the plant having been completed.

2. We know of different experiments being made in this lab.

3. We cannot use this instrument without its being regulated.

4. The workers succeeded in completing the construction of the plant in time because of their having introduced new methods of work.

5. We heard of the new device having been put into operation.

6. The students read about the new achievements having been made in the field of nuclear physics.

7. We know of his having started some laboratory experiments.

Отработка грамматического явления на базе технического перевода

Переведите на русский язык.

1. We know of the earth behaving as a large magnet.

2. Everybody knows about Franklin’s having worked in the field of electricity.

3. We know of Faraday’s discovering electromagnetic induction.

4. In electronics any designer prefers all components being small-sized.

5. We have read of Jacobi’s having utilized an electromagnetic engine for practical purpose.

6. The professor insisted on our team repeating test of measuring current, voltage and resistance.

7. Everybody knows of Newton’s formulating the universal law of gravitation after the apple having fallen.

8. We know of Newton’s having developed the principles of mechanisms.

9. We know of Einstein’s formulating the theory of relativity.

10. Mankind is worried about scientists’ using atomic energy not only for peaceful purposes.

11. We know of pyrometer being used for measuring temperatures that are too high for mercury thermometers.

12. Lomonosov’s having studied atmospheric electricity contributed to the development of science.

13. N. Zhukovsky’s being the father of aviation is known to everybody.

14. Maria curie’s having discovered radium enabled her to isolate other radioactive elements.

15. Mendeleyev’s having noticed a periodicity in the chemical properties of elements enabled him to lay down his famous Periodic Law.

16. We know of Yoffe’s having contributed much to the research of transistors.

17. The optical spectra of the substance being carefully studied gave us the information about the distribution of nuclear charge.

18. Early rockets being inaccurate was their main disadvantage.

19. His having obtained a chemical reaction at such a temperature was a great success.

20. Overall sizes and weight being reduced allows designers to improve the electronic device appearance.

Тема 25. Инфинитив

Инфинитив – это неличная, начальная форма глагола, которой обычно предшествует частицаto.

  Active Passive
Indefinite Infinitive * to + V to test to be + V3 to be tested
Continuous Infinitive to be + Ving to be testing __________
Perfect Infinitive to have + V3 to have tested to have been + V3 to have been tested
Perfect Continuous Infinitive to have been + Ving to have been testing __________

*I’m glad to test this appliance. Я рад протестировать это прибор.

To test this appliance you should learn the manuals.

Чтобы протестировать этот прибор, вам следует изучить инструкции.

I’m glad to be testing this appliance now. Я рад, что тестирую это прибор.

I’m glad to have tested this appliance. Я рад, что протестировал этот прибор.

I’m glad to have been testing this appliance since the beginning of the conference.

Я рад, что тестирую этот прибор с начала конференции.

Here is an appliance to be tested. Вот прибор, который должен быть протестирован.

I am glad to have been tested. Я рад, что меня протестировали.

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