Task 6. Образуйте вопросительные и отрицательные формы предложений

1. It is a class-room. 2. It is an English book. 3. My brother is a student. 4. His name is Mr White. 5. The ship is in the port. 6. The pencils are red. 7. My sister is 15 years old. 8. His notebook is on the table. 9. They are Russian officers. 10. Those doctors are at work. 11. Our rooms are large.

Task 7. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на глагол to be.

1. We are glad that we are in London. 2. It’s a pity that your friend is ill. 3. Mr Black is quite free now because he is at rest. 4. We are busy today because we are at work. 5. My brother is very glad that he is at sea. 6. My aunt and my cousin are in the living-room. 7. It is a pity that your friend is not free today.

Task 8. Вставьте глагол to be в Present Simple.

1.What ... your name? - My name ... Kate Smith. 2. What ... your address? - My address ... 124 Green Street. 3. What ... your phone number? - My phone number ... 770-2619. 4. Where ... you from? - I ... from New York. 5.What … your occupation? - I ... a student. 6. My father ... not a scientist, he ... a businessman. 7. ... your mother a teacher? - Yes, she ... . 8. ... they at home? - No, they ... not at home, they ... at work. 9. My brother ... a lawyer. He ... in his office. 10. ... you an engineer? - Yes, I ... .11. ... your sister a pupil? - No, she ... not a pupil, she ... a student. 12. ... your friend at school? - Yes, he ... . 13. ... your sister at university? - No, she ... not at university. 14. My granny... at home. 15. ... this your watch? - Yes, it ... . 16. My grandfather ... a pensioner. 17. This ... my bag. 18. My uncle ... an officer. 19. My aunt ... a secretary. 20. Helen ... an accountant.

Task 9. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя глагол to be в форме Present Simple

1. Я не ученик. Я студент. 2. Его брат ученик. Он в школе. 3. Мои родители инженеры. Они на работе. 4. Вы доктор? Нет, я учитель. 5. Твоя сестра ученица? - Нет, она инженер. Она на работе. 6. Ее сестра не секретарь. Она учитель. 7. Это врачи? - Нет, они летчики. 8. Ваша сестра дома? - Нет, она на работе. 9. Наш отец ученый. 10. Его тетя не доктор. Она актриса. 11. Это моя книга. Она на столе. 12. Мой двоюродный брат не ученый, он инженер. 13. Это картины. Они на стене. Картины очень красивые. 14. Моя бабушка пенсионерка. Она не на работе. Она дома. 15. Ваши дети школьники? - Да, они школьники.

Task 10. Вставьте глагол to be в Past Indefinite.

1. Ann … absent from school yesterday. 2. The exercises in the last lesson … difficult. 3. She … in the same class with Nick last year. 4. We … tired after our long walk. 5. The weather … very warm yesterday. 6. There ... a lot of students at the concert yesterday. 7. I … hungry after so many exercises. 8. I … busy all day yesterday. 9. We … good friends as children. 10. He … happy many years ago.

Task 11. Вставьте глагол to be в Past Indefinite.

1. Kate … not at school yesterday. 2. Mandy and Tim … on holiday in August.

3. They … not in Los Angeles when I … there. 4. Where … Mary yesterday?

5. You … my best friend when we … children. 6. … you ill last week? 7. Jim … in the bedroom when the match … on TV. 8. Your parents … angry with me.9. I … very happy to meet Jane. 10. … your friends at the disco last night? 11. I … very surprised because all my books … on the floor.

Task 12. Образуйте вопросительную и отрицательную форму предложений.

1. We were glad to receive your letter. 2. The door of the office was open. 3. They were in the park. 4. The wind was very strong last night. 5. He and his brother were ill at weekends. 6. The dress was beautiful. 7. The party was great last week. 8. My parents were in Greece last summer. 9. The dinner was tasty yesterday. 10. The films were interesting.

Task 13. Ответьте на вопросы в утвердительной и отрицательной форме

1. Was Tom at the university yesterday? 2. Were you at holiday last month? 3. Was the text difficult? 4. Were our engineers at the exhibition last week? 5. Were your parents at the theatre last night? 6. Was it interesting at the party? 7. Were you late for lessons yesterday? 8. Was I impolite yesterday?

Task 14. Вставьте глагол to be в Future Indefinite.

1. I … a doctor. 2. He … her friend. 3. My daughter … beautiful. 4. It … in the box. 5. We … in New York next year. 6. You … angry. 7. My friends … happy. 8. She … not … a journalist. 9. They … not … at work tomorrow. 10. My brother … not … a driver. 11. … he … strong? 12. … it … possible? 13. … you … partners in future?

Task 15. Вставьте глагол to be в Present, Past или Future Indefinite.

1. The students … at the conference last week. 2. They … in London next month. 3. We … in the club now. 4. My husband … a businessman. 5. He … a student two years ago. 6. My sister … not … at home tomorrow. 7. She … not ill now. 8. … your brother in the office yesterday? 9. … your partner in Moscow now? 10. … they at the cinema three days ago? 11. The exercises … not difficult last time.

Тема 7. Оборот There + be в Indefinite Tenses

Число Present Past Future
Единственное Множественное There is There are There was There were There will be There will be

Оборот there + be переводится есть, находится, имеется, существует. Перевод предложений с оборотом there + be следует начинать с обстоятельства места или со сказуемого, если обстоятельство отсутствует. Слово there – вводная частица – на русский язык не переводится.

+ There is a book on the table. На столе (есть) книга.

- There is no book on the table. На столе нет книги.

? Is there a book on the table? – Yes, there is/ No, there isn’t. На столе есть книга? – Да, есть/ Нет.

+ There are two books on the table. На столе (есть) две книги.

- There are no books on the table. На столе нет книг.

? Are there two books on the table? – Yes, there are/ No, there aren’t. На столе есть две книги? – Да, есть/ Нет.

· There is a book and two pens on the table.

· There are two pens and a book on the table.

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