Translate the following sentences from Russian into English.

1) Снять приключенческий фильм оказалось не так уж легко! Мало просто написать хороший и захватывающий сценарий, нужно еще очень удачно выбрать актеров на главную роль, и подобрать место съемки. – Shooting an adventure film turned to be an ordeal! To write a fine and gripping script is not enough, it is of great importance to cast actors for a starring role and choose a shooting location.

2) Анимация – это трудоемкий процесс, который в настоящее время стремится к упрощению визуальных элементов. Но многие художники до сих пор не могут отказаться от покадровой прорисовки. – Animation is a painstaking process which, at the present time, strives for the simplification of visual elements. Though many art directs still can’t refuse using frame-by-frame drawing.

3) После прочтения романа я решил посмотреть снятый по нему фильм. Какое разочарование! Они превратили тяжелую драму в триллер, да еще и с кучей ненужных спецэффектов. Конечно, на выходе они получили отличные сборы, но какой ценой. – After reading the novel, I decided on watching a screen version of the book. What a disappointment! They turned a thoughtful drama into a thriller, adding loads of unnecessary special effects. For sure, they spun off but at what a price.

4) Этот режиссер известен за свою способность взять персонажа и сделать его Персонажем, с большой буквы этого слова. Некоторые даже зовут его «режиссер идеалистических удовольствий». – This producer is famous for his knack of taking a character and making a real character out of him. Some even call him a producer of quixotic pleasures.

5) Я терпеть не могу мюзиклы. Все это пение, мне кажется, требовать от актеров помимо актерского мастерства еще и отличных вокальных данных – просто слишком. Хотя если бы фильм в таком жанре снял бы мой любимый режиссер я бы сходил на него в кино. – I can’t stand musical films (musicals). To my mind, all the singing requires besides acting skills, fine vocals skills of the actors. It’s just too much. Although, if a film of this genre has been shot by my favourite producer, I would go to watch it in the cinema.

6) Во многом трилогия «Звездные войны» – уникальная вещь. Это один из первых фильмов, где камера движется по всему звездному небу. – In many ways the «Star Wars» trilogy is a unique thing. It is one of the first movies where a camera pans the starry sky.

7) Снять хорошую комедию – дело не из легких. Ведь сценарий должен предусматривать развитие персонажей и сюжета, но и не забывать о большом количестве смешных шуток, а для создания качественного продукта в таком жанре сценаристу придется долго работать над ним. Самое печальное, даже если в итоге получится хит, и его будут переводить на другие языки, озвучка убьет весь юмор и все шутки, так талантливо придуманные сценаристом. – To shoot a good comedy is not a piece of cake, as may seem. The script should cater to/for the growth of both the characters and plot. Also it should not be forgotten that a great number of funny joke shoal present. Too make a high-quality film of this genre a scriptwriter will have to work rather a longtime on it. The most distressing thing is that even if the film is a success and translated/ dabbed into many languages, the sound will ruin all the humour and jokes that have been made up so artfully by a scriptwriter.


I have read a review on the film «Inglorious Bastards» written

by Roger Ebert, a famous film critic and a winner of the Pulitzer Prize (1975). In his review he exposed his ideas about the film, how it was structured, his interaction with the filmmaker himself and many more.

The author narrated, first of all, about the genre and general description of the movie. He found it quixotic and rather audacious. Then he gave a few words of the characters, provided the reader with certain names of film industry celebrities who play the starring roles. Also, Roger Ebert told about the plot of the film, very generally, not revealing the key moments of the story. The author of the review pointed out that Tarantino’s movies resist categorization. Such films are bloody entertaining.

At the very end of his review, he gave a brief narration about his visiting Cannes to watch «Inglorious Bastards». When Tarantino, the filmmaker, asked for his opinion of the movie, Roger Ebert refused giving his immediate answer. He believed such films required double watching.

In conclusion, it is of great importance to notice that Roger Ebert is right to think that well-shot movies should be watched several times to find out their true meaning and get to the idea that has been implied by the producer. What is more, being a famous film critic is not so easy as it may seem at first. A profession requires of an individual being a broad-minded and versatile person.

[1] [hə'jaəumija(d)'zaki]

[2] ['ʧihirəu]


[4]the author’s spelling

[5]The Marx Brothers – 5 famous comedians

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