I. Introduction. Religion and society

Golikova V.I.

History of the World Religions


Составитель:Голикова В.И., ассистент профессора КАУ

Рекомендовано к изданию решением методического совета ФОГН Казахско-Американского университета, протокол от « » апреля

2008 г.

Учебное пособие по дисциплине « История мировых религий» составлено для студентов второго курса специальности «Международные отношения», изучающих данную дисциплину на английском языке. Пособие может использоваться как дополнительный материал по другим дисциплинам гуманитарной направленности.

Пособие составлено в соответствии рабочим учебным планом университета и представляет собой краткое изложение основных вопросов, рассматриваемых на лекциях.

Для более полного усвоения и закрепления материала студентами в данное пособие включены тестовые материалы и открытые вопросы.

Пособие может использоваться студентами второго курса специальности «Международные отношения» при подготовке к семинарским занятиям и к экзамену по дисциплине «История мировых религий»

© Казахско-Американский Университет

Голикова В.И., 2008

History of the World Religions

The discipline “History of the World Religions” reflects contemporary social tendency of interest to religious problems. It studies theoretical questions: sociological theories on religion, its social role and functions. History of religions is studied from the primitive religion to national and world religions. Doctrines of the major religions are investigated.

As a result student should


- reasons of religion emergence

- sociological theories on religion

- major world religions

- religious situation in Kazakhstan

be able:

- to analyze major world religions

- to show the role of religion in the modern world

- to define the influence of religion on world processes

I. Introduction. Religion and society

1. Definition of religion

Religion in Latin means” connection”- it connects a man and God or supernature. Religion is a fundamental feature of all societies, essential part of culture. Central issue of any religion is a conception of a powerful and supernatural force that is able to rule over universe. Religion is studied by many sciences: theology, philosophy, sociology, biology, psychology, ethnology and others, their conceptions on religion are different by the central question is: what is Ego and what is the sense of existence. General definition is : religion is a form of social consciousness combining rational and irrational or: religion is a system of ideas and actions based on belief into supernatural.The definitions mean that religion is:

1) a system where important role belong not only to its parts (ideas and actions), but connections between them, too;

2) actions, not only ideas, play great role in this system

2. Structure of religion

Major structure elements (subsystems) of religion are:

A) religious consciousness- that is a summary of ideas, teachings, theories, based on the belief in supernatural. Central place among all these elements belong to dogmas- main formulas of religious creeds

B) religious activities- actions directed on supernatural or on connection on supernatural.

C) religious organizations – these are communities of believers of a certain religion. There are three types of religious organizations:

3. History of religion as a science.

History of religions studies emergence and historical development of different religions in whole and try to answer the questions:

· why any phenomenon is considered as religious;

· what are forms of religious consciousness;

· what is the role of religion in society;

· what are the links of religion with other forms of culture;

· what are the main stages and perspectives of a religion development.

The science “History of religions” has the following principles:

objectivity, verification and proof


Questions for self-check

1. Definitions of religion and their meaning

2. Structure of religion

3. Types of religious organizations

4. Prove that “History of religions” is a science.

3. Glossary

Supernatural- сверхъестественное

Ecclesia ( church)- церковь шіркеу

Solace- утешение

Crescent- полумесяц

Creed- вероучение- діни ілім

Verification- проверяемость

Proof- доказательство


Астапов С.Н. История религий, М., 2007, стр.6-13

Музафарова Н.И. История религий. Ростов-на Дону, 2004., стр. 7- 13


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