Asking for Personal Information

What is your name? – I’m John Brown.

What is your first name? – My first name is John.

What is your surname? – My surname is Brown.

What is your middle name? – My middle name is Boynton.

What is your full name? – My full name is John Boynton Brown.

How old are you, Jim? – I’m 22 (years old). I’ll be 23 next week.

When is your birthday? – My birthday is on the 2nd of March.

Where do you live? – I live in Kherson.

Where are you from? / Where do you come from? – I am from Ukraine.

Are you single or married? – I’m married.

Exercise 12. Make up a dialogue with your partner using the given phrases.

Exercise 13. Read the given text A and fill in the Registration Form given below.

Text A

My name is Anna Petrenko. I’m 17 years old. I’m from Ukraine. I’m Ukrainian. I live in Kharkiv. I live in 9 Lesia Ukrainka square, flat 15. My telephone number is 2903154. I speak Ukrainian and Russian.

I am a first year student of the National University of Food Technologies. We study different subjects: Higher Maths, Business Ukrainian, Foreign Languages, History of Ukraine, Informatics. My favourite subjects are English and Ukrainian.

I like reading, drawing, playing badminton and cycling.

Meet My Family

Unit II

1. The Verb “to have (got)” in the Indefinite Tenses 2. Types of Questions 3. Case 4. Text “Meet My Family”

The Verb “to have(got)”

I. Grammar

Функції дієслова to have в реченні:

1. бути смисловим (зі значенням мати) і виражати володіння об’єктом. To have перекладається в Present Simpl як єабо не перекладається зовсім.

e.g. This material has many good qualities.

2. виконувати модальну функцію(зі значенням повинен, змушений)

e.g. He had to get these data yesterday.

3. бути допоміжним(не перекладається) в Perfect, Perfect Continuous.

e.g. Ann has just finished doing her home task.

She has been working for four hours.

4. бути фразовим дієсловом


To have a walk

To have a good time

To have a bite

To have a class

To have a talk/chat with smb

To have an experience

To have a nap

To have an opportunity to do smth.

To have a bad cold

To have in mind

To have smth. on

The Verb “to have” in the Indefinite Tenses

  Affirmative (стверджувальна форма) Interrogative (питальна) Negative (заперечна)
Asking for Personal Information - Asking for Personal Information - Asking for Personal Information - Asking for Personal Information - Present I have he she has it you we have they Have I … ?/ Do I have ..? He Has she … ?/Does he have ? it   you Have we … ? they I have not (haven’t) I do not have Asking for Personal Information - he she has not (hasn’t) it does not have Asking for Personal Information - it you we have not they (haven’t)
Asking for Personal Information - Asking for Personal Information - Asking for Personal Information - Past I he she it had you we they I he she Had it … ? Did he have? you we they   I he she it had not you ( hadn’t) we they did not have
Asking for Personal Information - Asking for Personal Information - Asking for Personal Information - Future I , we shall have he she it will have you they Shall I, we have. … ? he she Will it have …? you they     I, we shall not have he she it will not have you (won’t) have they  
The Verb “to have got” in the Indefinite Tenses
Affirmative (стверджувальна форма) You   have got   a sister.  
Interrogative (питальна) Have   you   got a sister?
Negative (заперечна) You   have not got   a sister.  

Exercise 1. Put in have, has, haven’t, hasn’t or had/hadn’t.

1. They like flowers. They … a lot of roses in their garden.

2. Jane … a car. She goes everywhere by bicycle.

3. Everybody likes Tom. He … a lot of friends.

4. Mr and Mrs Eastwood … two children, a boy and a girl.

5. This insect … six legs.

6. I can’t open the door. I … a key.

7. Hurry! We … much time.

8. “What’s wrong?”-“I … something in my eye.”

9. Ben didn’t read much. He … many books.

10. It’s a nice town. It … a very nice shopping centre.

II. Types of Questions

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