Exercise 3. Put the questions to the underlined words

Meet Me

Unit I

1.”To be” in the Indefinite Tenses 2. Types of Questions 3. Possessive Pronouns 4. Numerals 5. Prepositions of Time 6. Text “About Myself”

The Verb “to be”

I. Grammar

Функції дієслова to be в реченні:

1. бути смисловим (зі значенням бути, знаходитись) і виражає місце або час перебування предмета, особи, явища, події. To be не перекладається в Present Simple.

e.g. The book is on the table.

2. виконувати функцію дієслова-зв’язки складеного присудка і виражає характеристику предмета, особи, явища, події. To be не перекладається в Present Simple.

e.g. He was a worker before, now he is a designer.

3. виконувати модальну функцію(зі значенням повинен, мати)

e.g. He was to get these data yesterday.

4. бути допоміжним(не перекладається) в Continuous, Perfect Continuous, Passive Voice

e.g. Ann is working now.

She has been working for four hours.

Peter was asked to make a report.

5. бути фразовим дієсловом


1. to be angry with

2. to be against something

3. to be busy with

4. to be for something

5. to be good at

6. to be married

7. to be right

8. to be mistaken

9. to be out of place

10. to be ready for

The Verb “to be” in the Indefinite Tenses

  Affirmative (стверджувальна форма) Interrogative (питальна) Negative (заперечна)
Exercise 3. Put the questions to the underlined words - student2.ru Exercise 3. Put the questions to the underlined words - student2.ru Exercise 3. Put the questions to the underlined words - student2.ru Exercise 3. Put the questions to the underlined words - student2.ru Exercise 3. Put the questions to the underlined words - student2.ru Exercise 3. Put the questions to the underlined words - student2.ru Present I am he she is it you we are they Am I …? he Is she …? it you Are we …? they I am not he she is not (isn’t) it you we are not (aren’t) they
Exercise 3. Put the questions to the underlined words - student2.ru Exercise 3. Put the questions to the underlined words - student2.ru Exercise 3. Put the questions to the underlined words - student2.ru Exercise 3. Put the questions to the underlined words - student2.ru Exercise 3. Put the questions to the underlined words - student2.ru Exercise 3. Put the questions to the underlined words - student2.ru Past I he was she it you we were they I Was he …? she it you Were we …? they   I he she was not (wasn’t) it you we were not (weren’t) they
Exercise 3. Put the questions to the underlined words - student2.ru Exercise 3. Put the questions to the underlined words - student2.ru Exercise 3. Put the questions to the underlined words - student2.ru Future I , we he she it will be you they I, we be …? he she Will it be … ? you they     I, we he she it will not be you (won’t be) they    

Exercise 1. Make positive or negative sentences. Use am/am not/is/isn’t/are/aren’t.

1. I … interested in hockey.

2. These houses … very expensive.

3. Traffic in rush hours …. noisy. It … quiet.

4. She … afraid of dogs.

5. My hands … dirty.

6. Ukraine … a big country.

7. Diamonds … cheap.

8. Motor-racing … a dangerous sport.

9. Squirrels … big animals.

10. Anny … at home but her parents … in church.

Exercise 2. Put in was/wasn’t/ were/weren’t, will be/won’t be.

1. This time last year I … in England.

2. My son … at work last week because he … ill.

3. You … abroad next summer.

4. The shops … open yesterday because it … a public holiday.

5. Helen got married when she … 21 years old.

6. Mr. Brown … in his office next week.

7. Last year their son … 26.

8. I … hungry last night, so I had something to eat.

9. We … tired when we arrived home, so we went to bed.

10. I … downtown tomorrow because I … in the country.

II. Types of Questions

Типи питань

The students are in the lecture hall now.
General Question/загальне питання Are the students in the lecture hall   now ?    
Alternative Question/альтернативне питання Are the students in the lecture hall or in the library now?
Tag Question/розділове питання The students are in the lecture hall now aren’t they?
Special Question/спеціальне питання Where are students now?    
Special Question to Subject/спеціальне питання до підмета Who is in the lecture hall now ?    

Exercise 3. Put the questions to the underlined words.

1. My roommates are from Bristol.

2. His textbooks are on the table.

3. The weather in her hometown was good last weekend.

4. We will be tired after hard work.

5. Mr.Brown was in his office last week.

6. The sun is bright today.

7. You will be nervous at the exams.

8. They were at the meeting yesterday morning.

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