Ex. 8. Use both, either or neither in the following sentences.

1. There is a forest of oak trees on …. Bank of the river. 2. The man carried a suit-case in … hands. 3. The first apple pie of the season was on the table and a large dish of purple grapes. 4. I could hear them …, but saw … . 5. … of the two could sing. 6. You may take … of the dictionaries, but not … of them. 7. She had brown shining hair which hung down on … sides of her face. 8. What are you going to have, orange juice or Coke? - …. , I’m not thirsty. 9. Nick and Tom are … my friends. 10. .. the jars, the big one and the small one, are empty. You can take … of them.

Ex. 9. Write the correct conjunction in each gap.

1. Jaewon was cold, ………he put on a coat.

2. Maria tried to read a novel in French, ……..it was too difficult.

3. To get from Vancouver to Victoria, you can fly, …….you can ride the ferry.

4. I bought a bottle of wine, …….we drank it together.

5. The waiter was not very nice, ………the food was delicious.

6. I went to buy a Rolling Stones CD, ………the shop didn't have it.
7. Anna needed some money, ……..she took a part-time job.

8. There's so much rain lately! Maybe it's because of El Nino, ……..maybe it's just coincidence.

9. Julie has a guitar, …………..she plays it really well.
10. The concert was cancelled, ……….we went to a nightclub instead.

Ex. 10. Paying attention to the meanings of the sentences, and to the presence of inverted word order, fill in the blanks with the correct coordinate conjunctions chosen from the pairs given in brackets. For example:
I would like to come, ___ I do not have time. (but, nor) I would like to come, but I do not have time.

He has not written, ___ has he called me. (but, nor)

He has not written, nor has he called me.

1. I opened the door _________ looked out. (and, yet)

2. She was not in the back yard, _________ was she upstairs. (or, nor)

3. The sun had set, _________ it was still light outside. (or, yet)

4. Do you know his address _________ telephone number? (but, or)

5. He has not arrived yet, _________ have they. (and, nor)

6. I read the book, _________ did not understand it. (but, or)

7. We searched diligently, ________ found nothing. (or, yet)

Ex.11. Conjunctions in time clauses. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense, Present Simple, Present Perfect, or a future form.

a You ____________ (not get) better unless you __________ (eat) sensibly.

b We __________ (not move) to Paris until we ______ (find) a flat there to rent.

c You __________ (love) Adam when you _________ (meet) him. He's so funny.

d _________ you __________ (learn) drive as soon as you ___________ (be) I7?

e The children ________ ( not go) to bed unless they _________ (have) a glass of mi

f It _________ (be) at least an hour before I ___________ (finish) this report.

g If you ___________ (not do) well in the test, _________ you __________ (have to) do it again?

h We __________ (deal) with your request as soon as we __________ (be) able to process the information.

i The doctor says that I _________ (feel) mu better once I ___________ (have) the operation.

j Once you __________ (try) 'Glowhite' toothpaste, you ___________ (never use) anything else!

Unit 8

Theme: Higher school of design Bauhaus (Germany)

Grammar: Revision

Objectives: Introduction of new lexical material on theme “Higher school of design Bauhaus” and fixing active vocabulary in speech exercises, development of skills of monological speech.

Discussion: Difference of this school from others.

Revision of the studied grammar themes and fulfilling grammar exercises.

Ex. 1. Read the text about Bauhaus.

Bauhaus was a design school that emerged in Germany in 1919. Bauhaus designers and their students broke from tradition and developed a very modernist style. Their primary intention was to integrate art, technology and craftsmanship by ignoring precedent and generating a new design philosophy. The innovative ideas ranged from architecture to furniture design to typography. They believed that design of any sort ought to be considered a high art as does painting or sculpture.

The Bauhaus school moved from Weimar to Dessau in 1925. In 1932 the school was moved again to Berlin, only to be shut down forever by the Nazi Regime in 1933. The Nazi party had been opposed to Bauhaus for many years because they believed that it was closely related to communism since many members of the school were Russian.

Ex. 2. Name the works they produced and designers that worked there.

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