Now return to your original partner and share and talk about what you found out. Make mini-presentations to other groups on your findings


1. Discuss in pairs:

  1. What did you think when you read the headline?
  2. What springs to mind when you hear the word ‘spam’?
  3. How do you feel when you see junk mail in your inbox?
  4. What would you like to do to people who send you junk mail?
  5. Do you think the authorities could and should do more to stop spammers sending junk mail?
  6. Did you like reading this article?
  7. Has a junk mail ever successfully tricked you?
  8. Do you think nine years in prison is a suitable sentence for Jeremy Jaynes?
  9. Do you think junk mail will be a problem for many years or will someone find a solution to stop spamming?
  10. Do you prefer e-mail or writing letters with a pen and mailing them in an envelope?
  11. What do you do to avoid spam?
  12. Are you worried that the Internet will become more and more dangerous?
  13. What do you think about what Jaynes’ lawyer said about the decision?
  14. Did you like this discussion?


1. Make a poster about all different dangers and annoyances of the Internet – from spam to phishing to identity theft. Show your work to your classmates the next lesson. Did you all have similar things?

2. Write a magazine article about a spammer who became very rich by sending bulk spam mail and then ended up in prison. Include imaginary interviews with the spammer and someone who lost a lot of money after buying fake goods from one of the spammer’s mails. Read what you wrote to your classmates the next lesson. Write down new words and expressions.

3. Write a letter to the head teacher of cybercrime fighting unit. Ask her/him three questions about cybercrime. Give her/him three suggestions on what (s)he should do to stop it. Read your letter to your partner(s) in your next lesson. Your partner(s) will answer your questions.



Look up the translation of the following words and word combinations in the dictionary:

1) airborne (adj) By the time the plane was airborne, I’d forgotten England even existed.

2) to smb’s amazement (phr) To Nick’s amazement, the man offered him $2,000 for the motorbike.

3) animal feed (n) Animal feedis food given to animals.

4) armrest (n) The seat was uncomfortable because the armrestwas broken.

5) back-street (adj) He bought the second-hand bike from a back-streetgarage in Miami.

6) bike (v) I bikedover to my dad’s flat and asked to borrow some cash.

7) broaden (v) Travel broadensyour experience of the world.

8) a broken heart (n) If you have a broken heart, you are very upset because someone you love has left you.

9) cork(n) Corkis the substance used for making corks that block the top of bottles.

10) cross (v) Nick wanted to crossthe United States from east to west by motorbike.

11) diamond (n) A diamondis a hard, clear colourless stone used in expensive jewellery.

12) dynamite fishing(n) Dynamite fishingdamages the environment.

13) emotionally blackmailIf you emotionally blackmailsomeone, you persuade them to do something by making them feel guilty.

14) engraved (adj) Engravedunder the seat were the words: “To Elvis. Love James Dean.”

15) flock to(v) Tourists flock toBondi Beach from all over the world.

16) hang out(phr v) Bondi Beach is the place where beautiful young people go to hang out.

17) the heart and soul ofBondi Beach is the heart and soul ofSydney’s beach community.

18) hellish (adj) After three hellishdays and nights, I realised I was close to losing my head.

19) inscription (n) Engraved under the seat was the inscription: “To Elvis. Love James Dean.”

20) lend (v) He emotionally blackmailed his dad into lendinghim some cash.

21) light up(phr v) A s the plane takes off, the seat belt signs light up.

22) lose your headAfter three hellish days and nights, I realised I was close to losing my head.

23) meaningless (adj) From the moment I boarded the flight, life in England became meaningless.

24) oil(n) Which countries are big exporters of oil?

25) overnight (adv) The young mechanic told Nick to leave the bike overnight.

26) the guy/girl in question (phr) It seemed that the guy in questionwas going to show up in London soon.

27) run out of luck/steam etc (phr) He ran out of luckwhen the motorbike broke down five kilometres from Atlanta.

28) second-hand (adj) He bought the second-handbike from a back-street garage in Miami.

29) a serious girlfriend (phr) A serious girlfriendis a girl a girl you have a long relationship with.

30) show up (phr v) The idea of the Belgian guy showing updrove Alex mad.

31) stop off (phr v) Conrad stopped offin Singapore for a day or two.

32) sun lounger (n) There are sun loungersfor hire on the beach.

33) suntan (n) Do you enjoy lying on the beach and getting a suntan?

34) switch off (phr v) If your problems are switched off, you have forgotten about them.

35) take a break (phr) She decided to take a breakfrom her career and went to Australia for a year.

36) take precedence over (phr) Broken armrests took precedence overbroken hearts.

37) trawling net (n) The white sands and coral gardens have never been damaged by trawling nets.

38) the underside (n) “The underside” is a formal expression meaning “under”.

Fixed Expressions

1) it’s all or nothingI don’t eat chocolate at all for weeks, then I eat three bars in a day – it’s all or nothingwith me.

2) clean and tidyShe’s always vacuuming – she likes the house clean and tidy.

3) come and goThe kids come and goand treat this house as a hotel.

4) give or take ...They live 100 km from here – give or takea few kilometres.

5) hit the roadWhen you hit the road, you start a journey by car or motorbike.

6) make a dealThe mechanic laughed and said, “That’s the worst dealyou’ll ever make, boy!”

7) It’s now or never.Nick finally decided it was now or neverto make his dream trip.

8) peace and quietI like spending time on my own and having some peace and quiet.

9) be soft in the headIf someone is soft in the head, they are slightly crazy.

10) sooner or later Sooner or lateryou’ll have to tell them the truth.

11) I can take it or leave it.I don’t particularly like watching TV. I can take it or leave it.


1) attractive (adj) Portinatx is one of Ibiza’s most attractivebeaches.

2) built up skyline (phr) A built-up skylineis one that consists of high-rise buildings seen against the sky.

3) canopy(n) A canopyis a lot of leaves and branches that form a cover high above the ground.

4) delightful (adj) Ibiza has lots of delightfulhidden coves at the foot of towering cliffs.

5) hidden (from)(adj) The lagoon is hidden fromthe sea by a high, curving wall of rock.

6) inland (adj) “Inland” means the opposite of “on the coast”.

7) overlooking (adj) The most spectacular views can be seen from the cliffs overlookingthe bay.

8) packed with(adj) There are long, sandy beaches, packed withbars and watersport.

9) popular with tourists(phr) Bondi beach is popular with touristsand with local people.

10) sandy (adj) The sandybeaches are surrounded by pine forests.

11) scatter (v) “Freshwater falls scatterthe island” means they are all over the island.

12) spectacular view (n) The most spectacular viewscan be seen from the cliffs overlooking the bay.

13) strangely coloured (adj) There are strangely colouredbirds and monkeys in the trees.

14) stretch (for ) (v) The white sands of Bondi Beach stretch forroughly a kilometre.

15) surrounded by (adj) An island is an area of land surrounded bysea.

16) untouched (adj) Some of the plants have been untouchedfor a thousand years.

17) wonderful scenery (phr) Suzi stared out of the window at the wonderful scenery.


1) ancient ruins (n pl) Ancient ruinsare parts of very old buildings.

2) bay (n) A bayis an area of the coast where the land curves inwards.

3) cliff (n) Cliffsare very steep rocks, often overlooking the sea.

4) coastal path (n) A coastal pathis a path that people can walk along and look at the sea.

5) coral gardens(n pl) The white sands and coral gardensare unspoilt by human activity.

6) cove (n) A coveis a small area of sea that is partly surrounded by land.

7) desert(n) The weather in a desertis usually hot and windy.

8) freshwater falls(n pl) Freshwater fallsare found in different parts of the island.

9) headland (n) Bondi Beach stretches for a kilometre between two headlands.

10) high-rise building(n) In photo b) you can see a lot of high-rise buildings.

11) island (n) An islandis an area of land surrounded by sea.

12) jungle (n) The freshwater falls are surrounded not by forests, but by jungle.

13) lagoon (n) A lagoonis an area of sea separated from the rest of the sea by sand or rocks.

14) lake (n) Toronto is a big city in Canada built by LakeOntario.

15) pine forest(n) The sandy beaches are surrounded by pine forests.

16) resort (n) A resortis a town or village where people go on holiday.

17) snow-capped mountains(n pl) We could see the snow-capped mountainsof the Himalayas in the distance.

18) temple (n) You can see Buddhist templesin photo d).

19) wall of rock(phr) The lagoon is hidden from the sea by a high, curving wall of rock.

20) waterfall (n) A waterfallis a place where water flows over the edge of a cliff or rock.

21) white sands(n pl) The white sandsof Bondi Beach stretch for roughly a kilometre.

Supplementary reading

1. Read and translate the text:

The Holiday

They used to spend their summers in a holiday cottage in the country and the winters in London. But that year Alice felt restless and Robert wanted to take her to some new and far away place for a complete change.

So, one evening he suggested the idea to her and Alice sprang to it joyously. She thought she would like to go to Italy and Robert wondered whether Sweden was a possibility. They've never been to Sweden before.

Then Alice remembered seeing some advertisements for Greece and Robert said that France might be a good idea. Finally, without deciding where to go, they realized, that it would be wise to think about the cost of going abroad.

“Well, first of all we must decide about the car,” Alice said. “If we don’t take it, we shall have to stay in one place.”

“And if we decided to take it,” Robert argued, “we shall have to use a car ferry, either ship or plane.” A long discussion followed.

“We had better take the car,” Robert said, “because we just can’t afford to fly all the way. But if we fly across the Channel with the car, we shan’t be able to afford to stay in a hotel.” He glanced up at Alice, and something in her eyes made him suspect she was disappointed.

But then she suddenly put forward a new suggestion. "If we flew all the way," she mused, "we couldn't pay the hotel bills. If we flew across the Channel with the car, we still shouldn't be able to stay in a hotel. But if we bought a tent, we should be able to use the air ferry - and have a camping holiday. And then we might be able to go to several countries instead of one."

It seemed the perfect arrangement and neither of them could find any objection to the idea. So having made sure to have three weeks' holiday from the 1st August they went along to a sports shop, and after carefully examining five different tents, decided which one would be most suitable and brought it home.

Then things started to happen. Robert found that he couldn't get tickets for the air ferry during the first week in August. And, worst of all, the car began making peculiar jerks; and the mechanic at Robert's usual garage explained that if he took it abroad, he would be asking for trouble.

That evening Robert's sister-in-law phoned from Wales full of excitement because they were going to Italy with some money her uncle had sent her, and they had been lucky enough to get the last two air ferry tickets for the first week in August.

"We are very pleased for you," Robert said weakly, and began a long explanation of their own problem.

"But that's easy," his sister-in-law enthused.

Have our house in Wales. Your car is good enough to take you here, and we shan't be needing the place because we shall be away. Now, don't think any more about it " The house is yours for the first three weeks in August, and you'll like it here in Wales."

Exercises on the text

1. Answer the questions to the text:

1. 1 Why did Robert suggest the idea of going abroad to Alice?

2. What did Robert and Alice discuss one evening?

3. What was the first thing to be decided about?

4. What did Robert suspect of Alice's feelings?

5. What idea could neither of them object to?

6. Could Robert get tickets for the air ferry?

7. What was wrong with their car? ,

8. What did Robert's sister-in-law suggest?

2. Find English equivalents to the following words and phrases:

1) дача; 2) остановиться в гостинице; 3) договориться об отпуске; 4) морской паром; 5) реклама; 6) стоимость поездки за границу; 7) оставаться в одном месте; 8) теплоход; 9) выдвинуть новую идею; 10) осмотреть палатку; 11) достать (купить билеты); 12) мастерская по ремонту машин.

3. Make up questions to which the following sentences might be the answers:

1. They discussed their summer holiday plans.

2. No, there were too many possibilities opened up.

3. They decided to take the car and to buy a tent.

4. The car started making peculiar jerks and Robert couldn’t get tickets for the air ferry.

5. Robert’s brother and his wife lived in Wales.

6. They were going to Italy this summer.

7. They were going to stay away from home for the first three weeks in August.

8. Alice and Robert could spend their holidays in his brother’s house in Wales.


1.Discuss in pairs:

1. What kind of transport do you prefer for travelling? Explain your choice.

2. Is it easier to travel nowadays than, for example, some decades ago? Why?


1.Translate the sentences from Russian into English using the vocabulary of the unit:

1. Я люблю бродить по неизведанным тропам и Бразилия – лучший выбор.

2. Мне кажется, очень тяжело жить и работать в городе, где тебя окружают толпы туристов.

3. Монте-Карло может похвастаться своим роскошными казино, дорогими виллами и бутиками.

4. Когда Вы приезжаете в Лондон, то сталкиваетесь с огромным количеством достопримечательностей.

5. Приезжая в Азию, вас поражает экзотика флоры и фауны этих стран.

6. Гаити с его песочными пляжами, захватывающей дух природой – божественный остров. Не случайно, это очаровательное место называют раем.

7. Я предпочитаю отели с видами на море.

8. Если у вас мало денег, вы можете купить автобусный тур по разумной цене.


1. Before listening think over and answer the question: “Do you like to get away from it all and go somewhere far away from everything?” Complete this table with your partner(s). Share your ideas with the partner(s). Where is the best and the worst place to go for a holiday?

Destination Good things Bad things
The Moon    
Middle of the Sahara    
The Amazon jungle    
The deepest caves    

1. What is the best holiday for you? Rank the vacation types below in order of which you like most. Talk to your partner(s) about your rankings:

_____ beach _____ shopping _____ hiking and camping _____ cities and culture _____ adventure _____ working voluntarily _____ skiing _____ other (_______________)

3.Match the following synonyms from the article “Protecting Antarctica from Tourism” you are going to listen to:

1) at hand a) idea
2) sprung up b) pure
3) ets under way c) near
4) pristine d) popped up
5) limit e) starts
6) wilderness f) achievable
7) delicate g) talk to
8) proposal h) great outdoors
9) workable i) restrict
10) consult j) fragile

4. Match the phrases from the article “Protecting Antarctica from Tourism” you are going to listen to. Sometimes more than one choice is possible. Listen and check if you were right:

1) A solution may be at a) tourists
2) get off the beaten b) environment
3) get away from c) place on Earth
4) for those with the deepest d) the frozen wilderness
5) a negative effect on the pristine e) track
6) there is a need to protect f) of tourist places
7) Antarctica is the last unspoiled g) hand
8) hordes of h) environmental damage
9) auction off a fixed number i) it all
10) contain the amount of j) pockets

5. Listen to the article “Protecting Antarctica from tourism”. Decide if the statements below are true (T) or false (F):

  1. Antarctica is a good place for tourists who want to avoid the crowds.
  2. You cannot go to Antarctica without lots of big pockets.
  3. More and more people are going to Antarctica every year.
  4. A major global tour company will soon buy Antarctica at an auction.
  5. There are no more unspoiled places left on Earth.
  6. Antarctica became a country more than two hundred years ago.
  7. There is no government in Antarctica to make laws.
  8. Money from auctioning tourist places might help Antarctica’s future.

6. Listen to the recording once again and reproduce how the words below were used in the article:

1) hand

2) away

3) pockets

4) negative

5) combat

6) bidders

7) frozen

8) delicate

9) difficulty

10) proposal

11) money

12) consult

7. Write five GOOD questions about tourism in the table. When you have finished, interview other students. Write down their answers:

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