The patriotic war of the Kazak people against the joungar aggression


History of Kazakhstan I year students

Lecture 11 All departments

Instructor: 2007-2008 academic year

Taichikova K.T. Winter trimester

The patriotic war of the Kazak people against the joungar aggression.

The objective of the lecture:To show struggle of Kazakh people against Djungarian invasions

Outline of the lecture:

  1. Foundation of Djungarian state.
  2. Struggle of Kazakh people against Djungars in the XVII c.
  3. Struggle of Kazakh people against Djungars in the XVIII c.

1. At the first half of the XVIIc. The Kazak Khanate occupied stable position among its neighbours.

In 1635 in the spurs of Altai and Tarbagatai was formed the Joungar Khanate. Still earlier the Joungars settled on the banks of the Irtysh, occupied the upper reaches of the Ishim, Tobol, flow of the Emba, came to the Ural and Volga. And though their semicircle around the Kazak Khanate wasn’t full but the could form some threat for kazaks. And earlier the relations also were formed variously. But with declaration of khuntaidji Batur in 1635 the Joungar Khanate passed to open aggression against the kazak people.

So, Joungars state was formed in XVIIc. In 1635, on the territory of Western Mongolia. Joungar Khanate consist of Mongol-oirat tribes: Khoits, derbets, choroses, khoshoits and torgouts. The main activity of joungars was nomadic cattle-breeding.

The leader of Joungar Khanate had a title – Khuntaidji. The first oirat ruller, which received this title was – Batur. Joungar society was divided into clanes.Primary clan union, which united several families was called – Khoton.

Several khotons joined in aimak.

Several otoks joiuned in ulus.

Ulus was leaded by noion.

Aimak was leaded by zaisans.

The oldest zaisans were called – tarkhan.

Leaders of tribes was called – taidji.

2. Invasions of Joungars to Kazakhstan became more frequent in 40-s of XVIIc. In 1643 Khuntaidji Batur conquered the main part of Semirechye. But he couldn’t to move further, because Djangir-khan resisted to him near the Orbulak. Batur lost 10-thousands warriors and back to Joungaria. The Orbulak battle became the index of power and possibilities of kazak people, it showed the important fact of the fight for independence for its lands.

At the beginning of the 80-s Joungar khan Galdan Tseren began intrusion into Kazak lands. The valleys of the Chu, Talas, middle flow of the Syrdaria were conquered. But in Sairam there were uprise flared up, they killed the Joungar governor-general and his military team.

In 1684 there happened the second invasion by oirat army of the southern Kazakhstan. Sairam was plundered. The Kazak people resisted the invasion, defended their community, their faith.

The war of 1698 laid the beginning of the new stage of the struggle of the Kazak people against the Joungar aggression. With coming to the power the Joungar Khuntaidji Tsevan Rabdan began the period of the most powerful of the Joungar Khanate. This khuntaidji maintained close kinship, state and religious connections with the Kalmyk khanate. The plans of unification of these two khanate were born.

3. Now the independence and initiative of the Kazak khanate was put under threat. A war followed one after other. Danger of widening of the Joungar invasion began to unite the Kazaks. In 1709-1712 they defended themselves from the new Joungar invasion.

In this conditions in Autumn 1710 there was a congress of representatives of three juzes in Karakum. The positions of representatives were different. Others wanted to leave their houses, escape by running away and some of them as hares desired to disperse to different sides. But famous and bravery leader Boghenbai stopped those things.

It were batyrs who played the most important role on the congress in Karakum in 1710. Among them who supported Boghenbai were Kabanbai, Kazybek, Raimbek, Tolebiy, Espenbet, Kassabai, Orazbai, Shagalak, Zhanibek and others.

In general, the Kazak-joungar war of 1709-1712 didn’t bring success for Kazaks. While the congress in Karakum showed that the unity of the kazaks was necessary for organization of resistance to enemy. In 1714 there were new invasions of the Joungars to the Kazak and Kyrgiz lands. In 1716 Tsevan Rabdan moved the main part of his troops against Kazaks, Kazak irregulars couldn’t hold pressure, many of them were taken to prison.

In 1717 there was a battle between the Kazaks and Joungars on the river Aiaguz, which served as the border between them. Kazak army was headed by khan Tauke and his two escorts Kaip and Abulkhair. Because of absence of unity in leadership the Kazaks were defeated. The joungars moved to the deep parts of the Southern Kazakhstan.

In the Kazak-Joungar relations the land problem wasn’t the only cause of the wars. The other cause oa aggravation of the contradictions was the desire of both sides to ontrol the trading routes and obtain greatest advantages from them.

In this situation the Joungar feudals decided to make a strong attack to Kazaks and organized the intrasion into Kazakhstan and Central Asia. The time chozen was Spring, when after Winter weakened the Kazak auls were preparing to go into djailau.

In 1723 there was a great jute. In February and March the Joungars attacked the nomad encampments of Senior and Middle Kazak juzes. The invasion was fulfilled by 70 thousand people. The organization of active resistance to conquerors began. Batyr Kabanbai with batyr Aishibek organized the defence of Turkestan. Khan of the Junior juz Abulkhair collected the troop of 30 thousand people, the khan of the Middle juz mobilized troop of 20 thousand people. But even at the cost of the greatest efforts of the Kazak people couldn’t hold attack of the Joungars. The enemy was stronger, the Kazak troops had to retreat.

By preserved legends the Senior and Middle Orda (besides Argynes) retreated to Samarkand and Bukhara and Junior one went by the range of Karatau to the North. In the 1723 the Joungars conquered Tashkent, Sairam and Turkestan.

At the place Orda-Basy in 1726 there was held the congress of the representatives from three juzes. Unity was achieved between batyrs. The white horse was sacrificed – it was the symbol of faithfulness and unity in fight against Joungaria. Khan Abulkhair was elected as the chief leader of kazak troops.

By preserved legends the three clans of Junior juz with parts of Senior Orda fought on the southern frontiers of the Sary Arka with Joungars. That battle was headed by batyr Tailak (from the Junior Orda) with his nephew batyr Sairak (the Senior Orda, Oshakty, clan tas zhurek). On the river Bulanty, Bulanty in the district Kara-syir the Joungars were destroyed. This place were in Irgiz uyezd. The place of death of the kalmyks are called in the same way: “The Kalmyk krylgan”. To framing appeal to throw off the Joungar yoke the sons of three Alash answered.

But the crucial moment of the fight against the Joungars was 1729. There was a great battle , in a place, 120kilometres to the south from Balkhash, Anrakai. That place was named as “It ishpes Alakul” (the lake Ala-kul, which water didn’t want to drink the dog). After that the Joungars were defeated on the mountain Orda basy, on the inclined terrace of the Arys river.

Information about the Kazak people in the period of the fight against the Joungar aggression was known from such epic works as “Koblandy” and “Er-Targyn”, “Alpamys batyr” and “Kambar batyr” and others. From the legends and documents there appeared these heroes: Karakerei Kabanbai batyr, Altynbai batyr, Aktanberdy batyr, Espenbet batyr, Matai Shokei batyr, Bogenbai batyr and others. Bogenbai batyr’s name enjoys great love and fame among people who descends from the clan Kenjeghaly.. Also Kabanbai batyr’s is popular too. Kabanbai batyr took part in defense of Turkestan in 1724 and in 1725 – in battle under the lake Alakol, in 1728 near the lake Shubar – teniz, in 1729 – under Bulanty and others. Kabanbai’s father was famous batyr – Jalantos, who organized the defence against the Joungar invasion in 40-s of the XVIIc.

Repel of the Joungarian aggression by the Kazaks made changes in the geopolitical situation in Central Asia. In those conditions the Kalmyks from Volga continued to create danger for Kazak nomad encampments limited the foreign frontiers of the disturbed Bashkiria. The Russian Empire decided to use all these conflicts and contradictions in its own purposes for that “to put one orda against the other one and to restrain, and to save its own people”.

In 1739-1741 there was another the Joungar-Kazak war. Meantime the forces of the Joungar khanate were weakened: the Kazak khans and sultans actively interfered in interior life of the Joungars, made successfully attacks. In 1758 the Tsin China made next intrusion to the Joungar khanate, everything was exposed to devastating defeat, population was cut. So, the Joungar factor was finally removed from the history of Central Asia.

  1. Glossary
Yoke ярмо  
Appeal просьба, призыв  
Crucial решающий  
Incline наклоняться, склонять  
Tributary данник, приток  
Descend происходить  
Repel отражать  
Disturb беспокоить  
Restrain сдерживать  
Kinship родство  
Spur отрог  
  1. Tasks for IWS:Make up a table: “The main in Kazakh-Djungarian relations.”
  2. Task for IWS under a teacher’s control: Write a short report: “Famous Kazakh batyrs”.
  3. Home tasks:Write a short essay: “Anrakay battle”.
  4. List of the reference on the theme

1. Асфендияров С.Д. История Казахстана (с древних времен): Уч. Пособие / Под ред. А.С.Такенова. – Алма-Ата, 1993. – 2-е изд.

2. История Казахстана с древнейших времен до наших дней. Очерк. – Алматы: Дэуир, 1993.

3. История Казахстана: Пособие для студентов. – Алматы: Казинтерграф, 1998.

4. Кан Г.В. История Казахстана: Учеб. Пособие. – Алматы: ВШП Эдилет, 2000.

Оразбаева А.И. Курс лекций по истории Казахстана для студентов неисторических факультетов. Часть 1. Древняя и средневековая история Казахстана. – Алматы: Казак университетi, 2001

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