Where do the best alexandrite gemstones come from?

People always talk about the quality of the Russian stones but there is no current production of stones from Russia. Overall the best alexandrite are found in Brazil. This is not to say that fine alexandrite are not be found in Sri Lanka, India, Madagascar, etc. However, the most consistently strong specimens are found today in Brazil.

Folklore & Mysteries of Alexandrite

C ompared to rubies, sapphires, emeralds, and diamonds, alexandrite is a relatively new gemstone that was only discovered some 150 years ago. Despite its short history, this remarkable gem has already been ascribed with a variety of magical and mystical properties.

Perhaps the first person to attribute alexandrite with magical powers was the Russian writer Nikolai Semyonovich Leskov (1831-1895) who wrote a short novel, "Alexandrite, Mysterious Interpretation of a True Fact", in which the gem plays a major role and is defined as a prophetic stone. At nearly the same time, Eliphas Levi, a French author and magician (1810 -1875), connected the duality of the colors in alexandrite with the duality of human blood -- venous and arterial. In his book, La Clef des Grandes Mysteres (The Key to the Great Mysteries), he refers to alexandrite as "the favorite charm of our time which clears and strengthens the blood vessels".

It is not at all surprising that various magical attributes have been associated with alexandrite. Such a rare and valuable gem with a mysterious origin was unlikely to be ignored when the connection of gemstones with different months or astrological signs had already been accepted for more than 2000 years. Many cultures associate gems with the signs of the zodiac or months of the year and are thought to be lucky or important for people born under their influence. The tradition of birthstones first became popular in the Middle Ages, but probably started much earlier.

Various birthstone lists have been used in different cultures but in 1912, the American National Association of Jewelers (previously the American National Retail Jeweler´s Association) adopted a list which included alexandrite and that was accepted as the standard in the United States and most other places. The traditional birthstone list is an older version

of this and is based on birthstone traditions from the fifteenth to the twentieth century. Since then, many of the traditional stones on the list were changed to correspond with stones that were more commercially available. In 1952, a variation of the list was approved by the American National Retail Jewelers Association, the National Jewelers Association, and the American Gem Society. In this list, Alexandrite is offered as an alternative to pearl and therefore associated with the month of June. It is also suggested as the gemstone for a 55th wedding anniversary (sometimes also the 35th or 45th, in place of emerald.)

In Indian, or Vedic, astrology, each stone is associated with a planet, a day of the week, a time of day, and various other attributes associated with that planet. Alexandrite is associated with the planet Mercury -- the trickster. Alexandrite´s ability to change color and its obviously dual nature is further associated with the zodiac sign of Gemini, which is a sign ruled by Mercury. The association with the sign of Gemini means that Alexandrite has a connection with the month of June as this sign covering the period between 21st May and 21st June.

In Russia, Alexandrite is associated with the month of August, and its zodiac sign Leo is related to royalty.

When choosing an individual´s gemstone in India and in using gems for magic, the associations and correspondences with the planet Mercury are considered in detail. Mercury is the fastest moving of the planets. It shows how quickly we can change our thoughts, and how fast our thoughts travel. In occult thought, Mercury represents both the messenger and the magician. It connects the mortal or ego self, the intuitive, or lower self, and the higher divine self. As Mercury is associated with air, alexandrite is an air stone and so connected to the throat chakra. But, because of its duality in color, it has also been associated with the heart, the solar plexus, and the crown chakra.

Mercury also represents the power of the mind, our ability to think, perceive, and communicate and it rules over the power of our words and how we use them. It is the planet most associated with the rational world. In magic, alexandrite can be used alongside other Mercury ruled objects to cast spells that enhance communication, mental clarity, memory,

and perception. It can be used in meditation, to promote emotional balance, and to bring about change, happiness, and success. It is thought to be most powerful when the sun´s rays are shining on it and is reportedly useful for astral travel.

And finally, as the planet Mercury is associated with the color green this is another reason why alexandrite is seen as a Mercury stone. However, since alexandrite can be green or red, it has also been connected with the planet Mars, which corresponds to red. This is why some references also associate alexandrite with the zodiac sign of Scorpio, which is ruled by Mars.

The caduceus symbol used for doctors and medicine is also a Mercury symbol and Mercury is associated with healing and was originally the god of medicine. Therefore, alexandrite is a healing stone. As the planet Mercury corresponds to the mind and the nervous system, alexandrite is specifically associated with balancing the mind and helping to achieve

calm and is recommended as an anti stress and choleric amulet.

Alexandrite is said to be useful for overcoming a lack of confidence, low self-esteem, and a lack of direction or focus in life. Meditating with the stone is supposed to help identify goals and plan how to begin working towards them. Alexandrite is also purported to relieve spleen and pancreal problems and to help treat swollen lymph nodes.

In more modern forms of astrology, gemstones tend to be associated with the zodiac signs, rather than with planets. This originates from the idea of associating gemstones with planets, as each planet is said to rule a zodiac sign. Each gem conducts the energies of the particular sign or planet with which it synergizes. Wearing the stone of the appropriate sign focuses the energies of the sign through the gem.

Apart from astrology, green is the color of revival, hope, prosperity, rest, peace, calm, and fertility where as red is the color of blood, energy, activity, self-expression, power, aggression, and passion.

This combination means that alexandrite is a symbol of love and jealousy at the same time. In its daytime appearance, it corresponds to luck and good fortune and at night, its appearance it is more closely associated with love. Some believe that an alexandrite in hand can help clarify doubts about love and marriage.

Dreams of alexandrite are said to symbolise struggle and progress. In Kabbalistic magic, alexandrite is associated with Zain, or the seventeenth path of the Tree of Life. It connects Spiritual Love and the centered self. In the Tarot, alexandrite is associated with the Lovers, the card that is connected with choice. The Avesty´s astrological school consider alexandrite as a stone for spirituality where the owners of the stone must be prepared to overcome hardship after which alexandrite will bring calm, luck, and victory. Alexandrite is a symbol of summer, of Fridays, and the ninth day of lunar month and it is on this day that it is particularly good to present or purchase alexandrite

Alexandrite is the stone of duality. Green or red, passion & prosperity, the significance is interpretive and related to the social and historical context of the time and the culture. Forever changing its colors, alexandrite is a magical gemstone with universal appeal that continues to fascinate and be admired by astrologers, scientists, and gem lovers throughout

the world.


Where do the best alexandrite gemstones come from? - student2.ru Буранит

Buranit is an artificial analogue of amber. Its developers considered all disadvantages of fossil resin (amber), such as oxidation (The amber can change its color with time especially when the rules of exploitation are not followed) and a limited variety of colors. Buranit jewelry will please and surprise you with its unusual color, which won't be lost with time.

Where do the best alexandrite gemstones come from? - student2.ru Филигрань

Филигрань (итал. filigrana, от лат. filum - нитка и granum - зерно). Ювелирное изделие спаянное из тонкой проволоки.

Филигрань (скань) - один из древнейших видов художественной обработки металла. Название филигрань происходит от двух латинских слов - "филюм" (нить) и "гранум" (зерно). Слово "скань" древнеславянское и означает свить, скрутить. И то и другое названия указывают на особенность этого вида обработки металла.

Элементы филигранного узора бывают самыми разнообразными: в виде веревочки, шнурка, плетения, елочки, дорожки, глади и т. д.

В единое целое отдельные элементы филиграни соединяют при помощи пайки. Часто филигрань сочетают с зернью, представляющей собой металлические мелкие шарики, которые напаивают в заранее подготовленные ячейки (углубления). Зернь создает эффектную фактуру, игру светотени, благодаря чему изделия приобретают особо нарядный, изысканный вид.

Материалами для филигранных изделий служат сплавы золота, серебра и платины, а также медь, латунь, мельхиор, нейзильбер. Украшения, выполненные в технике филиграни или с элементами филиграни очень часто (в целях облагораживания их внешнего вида) оксидируют и серебрят. Нередко филигрань сочетают с эмалью (в том числе финифтью), гравировкой, чеканкой. Техникой филиграни можно изготовить все без исключения виды ювелирных украшений.

Филигранные изделия производились в царских или монастырских мастерских. Мастера-сканщики задумывали изделия и осуществляли все операции по их производству. В XVII в. потребность в сканных вещах увеличивается. Появляется разделение труда, ремесленники становятся самостоятельными, отдельные мастера осуществляют изготовление проволоки, сканных элементов. В XVIII в. изготовлялись большие сканные изделия, наряду с камнями широко применялись хрусталь, перламутр. Одновременно получили большое распространение небольшие серебряные вещи: вазочки, солонки, шкатулки.

С XIX в. изделия из филиграни уже выпускались фабриками в больших количествах. Они разнообразны и по назначению и по ассортименту; дорогая посуда, церковная утварь, принадлежности туалета. Технологические приемы достигают высокого совершенства. Расцветает рельефная ажурная филигрань, появляется просвечивающая (оконная) эмаль. Но постепенно исчезает сочность, для многих вещей становится характерной манерность.


Where do the best alexandrite gemstones come from? - student2.ru Фини́фть (др.-русск. финиптъ, химипетъ, из ср.-греч. χυμευτόν, то же от χυμεύω — «смешиваю») — особый вид прикладного искусства, в котором используется эмаль (в качестве основного материала) в сочетании с металлом.

Эмали окрашиваются солями металлов: добавки золота придают стеклу рубиновый цвет, кобальта — синий цвет, а меди — зелёный. При решении специфических живописных задач яркость эмали может, в отличие от стекла, приглушаться. Образки, крестики, портреты, украшения, выполненные в технике финифти, отличаются особой долговечностью, декоративностью, яркостью и чистотой красок.

Тематический Словарь

Русский Английский Немецкий Испанский Французский
эмаль enamel emaille (f) esmalte (m) email (m)
табакерка snuffbox tabakdose (f) tabaquera (f) tabatière
портсигар cigarette case zigarettenetui pitillera (f) porte-cigares
шкатулка box schatulle (f) estuche (m) cassette (f)
клеймо brand stempel (m) marca (f) marque (f)
безделушка knick-knack nippsache (f) chuchería (f) bibelot (m)
поделочный камень semi-precious stone Halbedelstein La piedra semipreciosa pierre semi-précieuse
олово tin Zinn estaño étain
вороненую сталь blue steel blauer stahl El acero azul acier bleu
конструктивность constructibility Konstruktivität (f)   carácter constructivo (m) Constructibilité (f)
гравирование engraving Gravieren (n) grabado (m) gravure (f)
полупрозрачный semi-transparent halbdurchsichtig semitransparente à demi transparent
медь copper Kupfer (n) cobre (m) cuivre (m)
латунь brass Messing (n) latón (m) laiton (m)
оттенок tint Schattierung (f) matiz (m) teinte (f)
свечение luminescence Leuchten (n) luminiscencia (f) luminescence (f)
изнутри within von innen de dentro du dedans
сетчатый cellular netzartig reticular réticulaire
чешуйчатый scaly schuppig escamoso écailleux
мерцать Twinkle, shimmer flimmern centellear scintiller
пасхальные яйца Easter egg Osternei El huevo de pascua Oeuf de Pâques
шедевр masterpiece Meisterwerk (n) La obra maestra chef-d'œuvre
изобретательность inventiveness Erfindungsgabe (f) inventiva (f) ingéniosité (f)
элегантность elegance Eleganz (f) elegancia (f) élégance (f)
аукцион auction Auktion (f) subasta (f) encan (m)
коронация coronation Krönung (f) coronación (f) couronnement (m)
ландыш lily of the valley Maiglöckchen (n) muguete (m) muguet (m)
бутон розы rosebud Rosenknospe (f) capullo de rosa (m) bouton de rose (m)
матрёшка nesting doll Matrjoschka matrioshka (f) matriochka (f)
Сарафан sarafan Trägerrock (m) sarafán (m) sarafan (m)
Передник apron Schürze (f) delantal (m) tablier (m)
токарь turner Dreher (m) tornero (m) tourneur (m)
Неваляшка tilting doll wanka-wstanka tentemozo (m) poussa(h) (m)
Липа lime(-tree) Linde (f) tilo (m) tilleul (m)
Ольха alder(-tree) Erle (f) aliso (m) aune (m)
Берёза birch Birke (f) abedul (m) bouleau (m)
Сосна pine(-tree) Kiefer (f) pino (m) pin (m)
Обработка handling; processing Bearbeitung (f) labra (f) travail (m)
скол split Spaltung (f) escisión (f) scission (f)
сучок knot Ast (m) ramo (m) branche (f)
Заготовка workpiece Werkstück (n) tocho (m) pièce découpée
Верстак workbench Werktisch (m) el banco de carpintero établi (m)
Шлифовка grinding Schleifen (n) pulido (m) polissage (m)
Обводка outlining Auszeichnung contorneo (m) bord
Материнство maternity, motherhood Mutterschaft (f) maternidad (f) maternité (f)
Поталь lacquer Lack (m) laca (f) laque (f)
Узор pattern Ornament (n) cinta (f) dessin (m)
Платок shawl Tuch pañuelo (m) foulard (m)
Лаковая миниатюра
Лаковая миниатюра lacquer miniature Lackmalerei (f)   La miniatura de laca miniature de laque
Папье-маше papier-mache Papiermaché cartón piedra papier mâché
Перламутр mother-of-pearl Perlmutter (f) nácar (m) nacre (f)
Темпера tempera Tempera temple (m) détrempe (f)
Перспектива perspective Perspektive perspectiva (f) perspective (f)
лупа magnifying glass Lupe (f) lupa (f) loupe (f)
Слой layer Schicht (f) capa (f) couche (f)
Ракушка seashell Muschel (f) concha (f) coquillage (m)
Живописность picturesqueness Malerhaftigkeit (f) pintoresco (m) pittoresque (m)
Задний фон background Hintergrund (m) fondo (m) fondo (m)
Пропорции proportions Proportion (f) proporción (f) proportion (f)
Объёмный volume körperhaft volumétrico de volume
чаепитие tea-drinking Teetrinken (n) tomar el té thé (m)
ларец casket Kästchen (n) cofrecito (m) coffret (m)
набросок sketch Entwurf (m) croquis (m) ébauche (f)
сусальное золото tinsel Blattgold oropel L'or mussif
Янтарь amber Bernstein (m) Ámbar (m) ambre (m)
Смола resin resina (f) resina (f) résine (f)
Огранка cutting Schliff (m) talla (f) surface en facettes
Полировать polish polieren pulir polir
Медовый honey Honig- meloso de miel
Бактерицидный bactericidal mikrobizid bactericida bactéricide
Мундштук mouthpiece Mundstück (n) boquilla (f) fume-cigarette (m)
Целительный healing heilsam curativo curatif
Инклюз inclusion Einschließung (f) inclusión (f) inclusion (f)
Инталия intaglio Intaglio (n) talla (f) intaille (f)
Камея cameo Kamee (f) camafeo (m) camée (m)
Зажигалка lighter Feuerzeug (n) mechero (m) briquet (m)
Фляжка flask Flachmann (m) frasco (m) fiole (f)
Трубка курительная Pipe Pfeife (f) pipa (f) pipe (f)
Фарфор porcelain Porzellan (n) porcelana (f) porcelaine (f)
Кобальт cobalt Kobalt (n) cobalto (m) Cobalt (m)
Костяной фарфор bone china Knochenporzellan porcelana fina porcelaine anglaise
Керамика ceramics Keramik (f) cerámica (f) céramique f
Сахарница sugar bowl Zuckerdose (f) azucarera (f) sucrier (m)
Солонка salt-cellar Salzdose (f) salero (m) salière (f)
Кофейник coffeepot Kaffeekanne (f) cafetera (f) cafetière (f)
Чайник teapot Teekanne (f) tetera (f) théière (f)
Сливочник cream jug Sahnenkännchen (n) La jarrita para crema pot (m) à crème
Поднос tray Tablett (n) bandeja (f) plateau (m)
Блюдце saucer Untertasse (f) platillo (m) soucoupe (f)
Хрусталь crystal Kristall (n) cristal (m) cristal (m)
Свинец lead, Pb Blei (n) plomo (m) plomb (m)
Преломление deflection Brechung (f) refracción (f) réfraction (f)
Двуглавый орёл double-headed eagle Doppeladler (m) El águila bicéfala aigle (f) bicéphale
Рюмка Shot glass Glas (n) copa (f) petit verre (m)
Фужер tall wine glass Sektglas copa (f) flûte
Ваза vase Vase florero (m) vase (m)
Графин decanter Karaffe (f) garrafa (f) carafe (f)
Подстаканник glass holder Teeglasuntersatz portavaso (m) porte-verre
Рябина ashberry Vogelkirsche (f) serba (f) sorbe (f)
Земляника strawberry Erdbeere (f) fresa (f) fraise
Льняное масло linseed-oil Leinöl (n) El aceite de linaza huile (f) de lin
Алюминий aluminium Aluminium (n) aluminio (m) aluminium (m)
Икона icon Ikone (f) icono (m) icône (f)
Православие orthodoxy Rechtgläubigkeit ortodoxia (f) orthodoxie (f)
Католицизм Catholicism Katholizismus catolicismo (m) catholicisme (m)
Алебастр alabaster Alabaster (m) alabastro (m) albâtre (m)
Богородица Mother of God Madonna (f) Madre de Dios la Vierge
Святая Троица the Blessed Trinity Dreifaltigkeit (f) Trinidad (f) Trinité
Христос Christ Christus Cristo Christ (m)
Иконоста́с iconostasis Ikonenwand iconostasio (m) iconostase (f)
Шелкография serigraphy Schablonendruck (m) serigrafía (f) -
Мех fur Fell (n) piel (f) fourrure (f)
Окрашенный мех Dyed fur Gefärbter Pelz Piel teñida Fourrure teinte
Норка mink Nerz (m) visón (m) vison (m)
Ондатра musquash Bisamratte (f) ondatra (m) Ondatra (m)
Овчина sheepskin Schaffell (n) corderillo (m) peau (f) de mouton
Бобёр beaver Biberpelz (m) castor (m) castor (m)
Енот raccoon Waschbär (m) mapache (m) raton (m)
Лисица fox Fuchs (m) zorro (m) renard (m)
Песец polar fox Polarfuchs (m) zorro polar renard bleu
Кролик rabbit Kaninchen (n) conejo (m) lapin (m)
Колонок Siberian weasel Sibirisches Wiesel kolinsky (m) putois (m) sibérien
бахрома fringe Franse (f) fleco (m) frange (f)
хвост brush Schwanz (m) cola (f) queue (f)
шапка-ушанка earflapped fur hat Pudelmütze papalina ouchanka (f)
муфта muff Muff (m) manguito (m) manchon (m)
Вязаный bound binden áspero astringent
сушить dry trocknen secar sécher
Кожа skin Haut (f) piel (f) peau (f)
Резинка для волос scrunchie - - -
Сибирь Siberia Sibiri|en Siberia Sibérie (f)
Шарф scarf Halstuch (n) bufanda (f) écharpe (f)
Шаль shawl Umschlagtuch (n) chal (m) châle (m)
Шапка cap Mütze (f) gorro (m) bonnet (m)
Кепка peaked cap Schirmmütze (f) visera (f) casquette (f)
Воротник collar Kragen (m) cuello (m) col (m)
Ценный valuable wertvoll valioso de valeur
Бусы beads Perlen (f) collar (m) collier (m)
Колье necklace Kollier (n) collar (m) collier (m)
Браслет bracelet Armband (n) brazalete (m) bracelet (m)
Брошь brooch Brosche (f) broche (m) broche (f)
Серьги earrings Ohrring (m) Zarcillos (m) boucle (f) d'oreille
Прямоугольник rectangle Rechteck (n) rectángulo (m) rectangle (m)
Лист leaf Blatt (n) hoja (f) feuille (f)
Брелок trinket Anhänger (m) dije (m) breloque (f)
Беск shine Schein (m) brillo (m) brillant (m)
Блик speck Lichtreflex (m) brillo (m) tache (f) de lumière
Разноцветный multicoloured verschiedenfarbig multicolor multicolore
Бирюза turquoise Türkis (m) turquesa (f) turquoise (f)
Авантюрин aventurine Aventurin (m) venturina aventurine
Агат agate Achat (m) ágata (f) agate (f)
Кварц quartz Quarz (m) cuarzo (m) quartz (m)
Змеевик Coil, serpentine Rohrschlange serpentín (m) serpentin (m)
Лазурит lapis lazuli Azur lazurita (m) lapis-lazuli
Малахит malachite Malachit (m) malaquita (f) malachite (f)
Нефрит nephritis Nephritis (f) lemanita (f) néphrite (f)
Оникс onyx Onyx (m) ónice (f) onyx (m)
Сердолик cornelian Karneol (m) cornalina (f) cornaline (f)
Тигровый глаз tiger's-eye Tigerauge Ojo de tigre Oeil de tigre
Яшма jasper Jaspis jaspe (m) jaspe (m)
Коралл coral Koralle (f) coral (m) corail
Спас-на-Крови Church on the Spilled Blood Christi-Auferstehungs-Kirche El Salvador Sobre La Sangre Du Sauveur “Sur le sang verse”
Эрмитаж Hermitage Eremitage Ermitage L’Ermitage
Петропавловская крепость St. Peter and Paul Fortress Peter-Paul-Festung La fortaleza de Pedro y Pablo Forteresse Pierre-et-Paul
Медный всадник Bronze Horseman Der Eherne Reiter El Jinete de cobre Le Cavalier d’airain
Адмиралтейство Admiralty Admiralität El Almirantazgo Amiraute
Исаакиевский собор St. Isaac’s Cathedral Isaak-Kathedrale La catedral de San Isaac La Cathedrale Saint-Isaac
Дворцовая площадь Palace Square Schlossplatz Plaza del Palacio Place du Palais
Казанский собор Kazan Cathedral Kasaner Kathedrale La catedral de la Virgen de Kazan Cathedrale Notre-Dame de Kazan
Дворцовый мост Palace Bridge Schlossbrücke Puente del Palacio Pont du Palais
Петергоф Petehof Peterhof Peterhof Peterhof
Царское село Tsarskoye Selo Zarskoje Selo Tsarskoie Sielo Tsarskoe-Selo
Запонка cuff link Manschettenknopf botón bouton
Зажим для галстука tie clip Krawattenhalter ate el clip attachez le clip
Печатка signet Siegel (n) sello (m) cachet (m)


1. Фаберже………………………………………………………………….1

2. Матрёшка……………………………………………………………….24

3. Лаковая миниатюра………………………………………………...…35

4. Янтарь…………………………………………………………………...47

5. Фарфор…………………………………………………………………..52

6. Хрусталь………………………………………………………………...55

7. Хохлома…………………………………………………………………59

8. Икона……………………………………………………………………61

9. Мех……………………………………………………………………….65

10. Павлово-посадские набивные платки……………………………..71

11. Оренбургский пуховый платок……………………………...……..72

12. Жостово…………………………………………………………..……73

13. Уральские камни……………………………………………………..75

14. Часы……………………………………………………………………84

15. Александрит…………………………………………………………..89

16. Разное………………………………………………………………..…94

17. Тематический Словарь……………………………………………...96

18. Содержание…………………………………………………………..103

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