Contacts with other languages and cultures

inside / outside Belarus

List here what you have noticed when meeting people speaking foreign languages in/ outside Belarus, watching films and reading books, for example:

– differences/similarities in everyday life (family, free time),

– differences/similarities in people’s behaviour,

– funny misunderstandings,

– something that raised your curiosity.

Здесь запиши, что ты заметил/а при встрече с представителями других культур, говорящих на иностранном языке в /за пределами Беларуси, смотря фильмы и читая книги. Например,

– различия/подобия в повседневной жизни (семья, свободное время);

– различия/подобия в поведении людей;

– смешные недоразумения;

– то, что показалось тебе любопытным

Language Язык When? Когда? What did I experience, hear and see? Что узнал/-а, услышал/-а, увидел/-а?

Think and write about a particularly vivid cultural experience which you had

either when watching a film, reading a book, meeting a representative of another culture in Belarus or when travelling abroad.

Подумай и опиши здесь культурное событие, которое произвело на тебя особое впечатление, когда ты смотрел/-а фильм, читал/-а книгу, общался/-ась с представителем другой культуры в Беларуси или путешествовал/-а за границей.



In this part you can reflect on the things you can do in the foreign language you are studying and assess your language proficiency yourself. For each can-do statement you can note whether you can do it very well, well or you need to practise it more.

Контрольные листы для самооценки/ внешней оценки

В этом разделе можешь тщательно обдумать, как ты владеешь иностранным языком, и оценить владение им. Можешь отметить, какими коммуникативными умениями ты очень хорошо или хорошо владеешь, над чем предстоит ещё работать.

Date ___________________

Topic __________________

Skill Self-assessment Teacher`s assessment
very well (100-90) % well (89-65) % have to practice (64-0) % (100-0) %
I can explain the meaning of words from my active vocabulary        
I can give synonyms/ antonyms to words from my active vocabulary      
I can paraphrase sentences using words from my active vocabulary      
I can understand a film and a play although it contains a few unknown words and expressions.        
I can understand the gist of radio programmes and can distinguish the speaker’s mood.      
I can understand the gist of TV programmes.      
I can understand the gist of a lecture or a presentation if the topic is more or less familiar to me.      
I can understand a discussion on a topic which interests me.      
I can understand what people are saying even when there is some background noise      
I can quickly get the meaning of long texts to decide whether these are of interest and necessary to me        
I can understand texts about current events in which the authors present and defend their points of view.      
I can fully understand texts in my areas of interest.      
I can understand the motives guiding the behaviour of charactersin literary texts.      
Spoken interaction
I can start, develop and conclude conversations taking into account the cultural traditions of the country whose language I am studying.        
I can express my thoughts and feelings and justify them.      
I can actively participate in longer conversations on familiar topics.      
I can explain and justify my opinions in an exchange of opinions.      
I can engage my companion in a conversation more actively.      
Spoken production
I can describe people, things and events in detail.        
I can give a summary of the news, short messages, interviews and reports.      
I can give a summary of a film, play or book.        
I can justify my opinion in a short presentation      
I can monitor and check my language use.      
I can write formal letters related to my studies.        
I can write detailed connected texts on familiar topics which interest me.      
I can write short summaries.      
I can write argumentative texts.      
I can write reviews.      
I can take part in written discussions.      
I can write coherent texts summarising information from several sources.      
I can write texts for presentations.      
I can write a CV.      

Teacher`s signature _____________________

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This is where you can reflect on how well you have achieved your objectives.

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