Ex.3. Give the English equivalents of the prepositions and conjunctions in brackets and translate the sentences.

I. Grammar and Vocabulary

Ex.1. Translate from English into Russian:

Best wishes-с наилучшими пожеланиями, All the best-всего хорошего, Take care-заботиться(береги себя), With love-с любовью, Lots of love-много любви, as for me-что касаемо меня, unfortunately-к несчастью, however-как только, as a rule-как правило, although-хотя, by the way-между прочим, etc.

Ex.2. Match:

1. Thanks for your letter. 2.Спасибо за твое последнее письмо!
2.Thanks for your recent letter. 1.Спасибо за твое письмо.
3.Thanks for your letter, it's great to receive it! 4.Всегда приятно получать твои письма!
4.It's always nice to get your letters! 3.Спасибо за твое письмо, замечательно получить его!
5.It was great to hear from you! 5.Это здорово - получить весточку от тебя!

Ex.2. Match:

1. reference 2 A the activity of annotating something.
2. annotation 1 B the action of mentioning or alluding to something
3. summary 4 C the action of introducing something
4. Introduction 5 D a list of books on a particular subject.
5. Bibliography 3 E a brief statement or account of the main points of something

Ex.3. Give the English equivalents of the prepositions and conjunctions in brackets and translate the sentences.

1. The energy (для-for) a nuclear power plant comes (из from) the heat releases (во время-during) fissioning of uranium (в-in) a nuclear reactor.

2. There are two main differences (между-between) a nuclear power plant a stream-electric power plant. The nuclear power plant uses a nuclear fuel (вместо-instead) a fossil fuel, and it uses a reactor (вместо -instead)) a boiler.

3. (Из-за-because of) their high consumption gas turbines are more expensive to operate than stream turbines.

4. The radioactive pollution produced (в-in) a reactor has all there forms: gaseous, liquid and solid.

5. The beta particles are dangerous for man (так как -as) they penetrate deep (в-in) the matter.

6. Pump-turbine units are used (как для-both) pumping the water (так и для-and) driving electric generators.

1. Энергия для атомной электростанции прибывает из тепловых выпусков во время расщепления урана в ядерном реакторе.

2. Есть два основных отличий между атомной электростанцией электростанция потока. Атомная электростанция использует ядерное топливо вместо этого ископаемое топливо, и она использует реактор вместо этого котел.

3. из-за их высокого потребления газовые турбины более дорогие, чтобы работать, чем турбины потока.

4. Радиоактивное загрязнение, произведенное в реакторе, имеет, все там формируются: газообразный, жидкость и тело.

5. Бета частицы опасны для человека, поскольку они проникают глубоко в вопрос.

6. Единицы турбины насоса используются и перекачка воды и приведение в действие электрических генераторов.

Ex.4. Think of questions about the following sentences:

1. The first central electric power station was installed in 1882.

When__was the first central electric power station installed?

What station_ was installed in 1882__?

2. Radioactive wastes damage man and his generation.

Who (m) damage man and his generation _______?

What wastes_can _ damage man and his generation _________?

3. The use of water power and wind power began more than 2,000 years ago.

The use of what kind of power__ began_ more than 2,000 years ago ___?

When__did __ the use of water power and wind power begin _________?

4. The cooling water is drawn from a source and passed through the condenser.

What kind of water__ is drawn from a source and passed through the condenser ___?

What________ water is drawn ________from?

What_ water is drawn from a source and passed ___through?

Ex.5. Choose the correct form:

1. One can (reduce, be reduced) heat losses in a transmission line.

2. Heat losses should (reduce, be reduced) constantly and effectively.

3. The output of machinery is steadily being (increasing, increased).

4. Man has been constantly (increasing, increased) the output of machinery.

5. The man principles of energy production has (being, been) know to science for a long time.

6. The energy industry (undergoes, is undergoing) considerable development.

7. Development of nuclear power plants foe civil use (began, has began) in the mid-1950s.

II. Reading

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