Подготовка пострадавшего (больного)

Перед прибытием вертолета необходимо:

· Переместить пострадавшего (больного) как можно ближе к месту приема вертолета.

· Убедиться, что при пострадавшем (больном) имеются все данные о лекарствах, которые ему требуются.

· Подготовить все документы моряка, паспорт, медицинскую карточку и другие необходимые документы пострадавшего (больного). Упаковать их, чтобы в дальнейшем передать вместе с пострадавшим.

· Убедиться, что члены экипажа судна готовы к подъему пострадавшего (больного) на носилках, спущенных с вертолета, если это потребуется.

Пострадавшго необходимо положить в спасательном жилете на носилки лицом вверх и надежно закрепить ремнями.


1. Международная конвенция о подготовке и дипломированию моряков и несению вахты 1978 года измененная конференциями 1995.2012 г.(ПДМНВ 1978.2012) СПб ЗАО ЦНИМФ 2012г.

2. A Master Guide for Berthing. Eric Murdoch, Brian Glover BA, Chris Clarke OBE.The Standard P&I Club.Cris Taylor, Witherby &Co LTD, Ayesbury str., London EC1ROET, 2000, 40p.

3. Amendments to the International Aeronautical and Marine Search and Rescue (IAMSAR) Manual.4Albert Embankment London SE17SR 2010, 23 p.

4. International Aeronautical and Marine Search and Rescue (IAMSAR).8 Edition, London 2010, Vol 1,2,3.

5. ISM Code and guideliness on implementation of the ISM Code Third Edition, CPI Books Limited,Reading RG1 8EX, London, 2010,74 p.

6. Guide to helicopter operation.Marisec Publication 12 Carthusian Street London EC1M 6EZ.Fourth Edition, 2008, 110p.

7.Guedelines on Fatigue. 4 Albert Embarkment,London, 2002, 91p.

8. ISGOTT International Safety Guide for Oil Tankers and Terminals, fifth Edition,OCIMF,Witherby Seamship International 4 Dunlop Square, Deans Estate Livingston, EH54 8SB, Glasgow, 2006, 424p.

9. Life Saving Appliances including LSA Code 2010 edition. CPI Bath Press Bath, London, 266p.

10. SAR Convention,Third Edition MPG Books Bodmin, London, 2006,26 p.

11. SOLAS Conalidated Edition, 2004.Consalidated text of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea,1974, and ita Protocol of 1988;articles, annexes and certificates.IMO London, forth edition, Bath Press Bath,2004. 628p.

12. SOLAS Amendments IMO London, Bath Press Bath, 2008 and 2009.46 p.

13. Ships Captains Medical Guide.World Health Organization, 20 Avenue Appia,Geneva 27, Switzerland, 2007. 233p.

14. Peril at Sea and Salvage. Guide for Masters.Fifth edition OCIMF, WHITHERBY&CO, LTD, London ECIR OET, England. 1998, 73p.


Подготовка пострадавшего (больного) - student2.ru


(Approved and Published by the Council of Lloyd’s)


1 Name of the salvage Contractors: (referred lo in this agreement as "the Contractors’') 2Property lo be salved The vessel her cargo freight bunkers stores and any other property thereon but excluding Ihe personal effects or baggage of passengers master or crew (referred to in this agreement as “the property”)
3 Agreed place of safety: 4Agreed currency of any arbitral award and security (if other than United States dollars)
5 Date of this agreement 6 Place of agreement
7Is the Scopic Clause incorporated into this agreement? Slate alternative: Yes/No
8 Person signing for and on behalf of the Contractors   Signature: 9 Captain or other persons signing for an on behalf of the property Signature:

Contractors’ basic obligation:The Conlractors identified in Box 1 hereby agree to use their best endeavours to salve the properly specified in Box 2 and lo take the property to the place stated t'i Box 3 or to such other place as may hereafter be agreed If no place is inserted in Box 3 and in the absence of any subsequent agreement as to the place where the property is to be taken the Contractors shall ta*e (he property to a place of safety.

Environmental protection:While performing the salvage services the Contractors shall also use their best endeavours to prevent or minimise damage to the environment

Scopic Clause:Unless the word “No" in Box 7 has been deleted this agreement shall be deemed to have been made on the basis that the Scopic Clause is not incorporated and forms no part of this agreement If the word “No* is deleted in Box 7 this shall nol of itself be construed as a notice invoking the Scopic Clause within the meaning of sub-clause 2 thereof

D Effect of other remedies:Subject lo the provisions of the International Convention on Salvage 1989 as incorporated into English law {"tlie Convention") relating to special compensation and to the Scopic Clause if incorporated the Contractors services shall be rendered and accepted as salvage services upon the principle of "no cure - no pay” and any salvage remuneration to which the Contractors become entitled shall not be diminished by reason of the exception to the principle of "no cure - no pay' in the form of special compensation or remuneration payable to the Contractors under a Scopic Clause

E Prior services:Any salvage services rendered by the Contractors to the property before and jp to the dale of this agreement shall be deemed to be covered by this agreement

F Duties of property owners:Each of the owners of the property shall cooperate fully witn the Contractors In particular

i the Contractors may make reasonable use of the vessel's machinery gear and equipment free of expense provided that the Contractors shall not unnecessarily damage abandon or sacrifice any property on board,

ii the Contractors shall be entitled to ail such information as they may reasonably require relating to the vessel or the remainder of the property provided such information is relevant to the performance of the services and is capable of being provided without undue difficulty or delay,

Hi the owners of the property shall co-operate fully with the Contractors in obtaining entry to the place of safety stated in Box 3 or agreed or determined in accordance with Clause A.

G. Rights of termination:When there is no longer any reasonable prospect of a useful result leading to a salvage reward in accordance wilh Convention Articles 12 and/or 13 either the owners of the vessel or the Contractors shall be entitled to terminate the services hereunder by giving reasonable prior written notice lo the other

H Deemed performance: The Contractors' services shall be deemed to have been performed wnen the property is in a safe condition in the place of safely stated in Box 3 or agreed or determined in accordance with clause A For the purpose of this provision the property shall be regarded as being in safe condition notwithstanding that the property (or part thereof) is damaged or in need of maintenance if (i) the Contractors are not obliged to remain in attendance to satisfy the requirements of any port or habour authority, governmental agency or similar authority and (ii) the continuation of skilled salvage services from the Contractors or other salvors is no longer necessary to avoid the property becoming lost or significantly further damaged or delayed

I Arbitration and the LSSA Clauses: TheContractors remuneration and/or special compensation shall be determined by arbitration in London in the manner prescribed by Lloyds Standard Salvage and Arbitration Clauses (“the LSSA Clauses") and Lloyd's Procedural Rules The provisions of the LSSA Clauses and Lloyd s Procedural Rules aredeemed lo be incorporated in Ihis agreement and form an integral part hereof Any other difference arising out of Ihis agreement or the operations hereunder shall be referred to arbitration in (he same way

J Governing law: Thisagreement and any arbitration hereunder shall be governed by English law

К Scope of authority:The Masler or olher person signing this agreement on behalf of the property identified in Box 2 enters into this agreement as agent for the respective owners thereof and binds each (but not the one for the other or himself personally) to the due performance thereof

L Inducements prohibited:No person signing this agreement or any party on whose behalf it is signed shall at any time or in any manner whatsoever offer provide make give or promise 4> provide or demand or take any form of inducement for entering into this agreement


1 Salvage security.As soon as possible the owners of the vessel should notify the owners of other property on board that Ihis agreement has been made If Ihe Contractors are successful the owners of such property should nole thal it will became necessary lo provide the Contractors with salvage security promptly in accordance with Clause 4 of the LSSA Clauses referred to in Clause I The provision of General Average security does not relieve the salved interests of their separate obligation to provide salvage security lo the Contractors

2 Incorporated provisons.Copies of the Scopic Clause; the LSSA Clauses and Lloyd's Procedural Rules may be obtained from (i) Ihe Contractors or (ii) the Salvage Arbitration Branch at Lloyds One Lime Street,

London ЕСЗМ 7HA

Telephone + 44(0)20 7327 5403 Fax +44(0)20 7327 6827

Email lloyds-salvage@lloyds com www lloydsagency com


Подготовка пострадавшего (больного) - student2.ru

ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ 3. Список тревог

  Details of training J AN F EB MAR A P R MAY J UN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC   Note
Technical breakdown                          
Excessive list                          
Fire in port or terminal                          
Operational spill                        
Emergency spill                        
Enclosed space rescue inc. pumproom rescue                          
Man overboard                        
Bomb threat & Search                        
Terrorist / Anti-Piracy                        
Contraband/Stowaway Search                        
Other Security Drill/Training                        
Lifeboat/liferaft station                        
Abandoning ship / Launching of life boats (incl FPD training)                          
Steering failure/ Emergency steering                        
Serious injury/medical emergency                          
Heavy weather damage                          
Helicopter operations                          
Search and rescue                          
Working at height emergency / rescue                          
Jettison of cargo                          
Shift of cargo                        
Structural Failure                          
Fire involving explosion (e.g. cargo spaces, chemical locker)                          
OPA90 vessels only Q.I. Drill                        
  Oil Spill Response                          
Davit-launched Liferaft Training                         If fitted
Gas or Toxic Vapour Release                          
Emergency Towing Equipment                          

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