Intonation of imperatives

Have a holiday, Mrs. Bloggs.

Stop washing, Mrs. Bloggs.

Don’t drop that pot, Mrs. Bloggs.

Put it on the box, Mrs. Bloggs.

Обычно команды, приказы, инструкции произносятся нисходящим тоном, а просьбы – восходящим.

6. Drill.Askyour fellow students: in a form of commands; in a form of requests.

To underline all the verbs in the sentence; to read the sentence aloud; to correct the mistakes in the test; to wait a moment; to fetch some chalk; to go to the cinema; to cheer up; not to ask many questions; not to read aloud.

Unit 9. BALL

[ :] – долгий лабиализированный монофтонг заднего ряда низкого подъема узкой разновидности. Язык находится в задней части полости рта, задняя спинка языка поднята к мягкому небу (выше, чем для [o]). Губы округлены, но не выпячены.

Произносите звук громко, протяжно, низким голосом.

1. Intonation of imperatives - Listen and repeat :

Don-Dawn, cod-cord, cot-caught, pot-port, fox-forks, spots-sports.

2. Intonation of imperatives - Listen and repeat:

or, score, four, all, always, footballer, Paul, forwards, audience, forward, George, the Roarers, awful, airport, reporter, forty, walking, York.

3. Dialogue. Sports report from Channel 4

A.: This morning the Roarers football team arrived back from York. Paul Short is our sports reporter, and he was at the airport.

P.: Good morning. This is Paul Short. All the footballers are walking towards me. Here’s George Ball, the goalkeeper. Good morning, George.

G.: Good morning. Are you a reporter?

P.: Yes. I’m from Channel 4. Please tell our audience about the football match with York.

G.: Well, it was awful. We lost. And the score was four, forty-four. But it wasn’t my fault.

P.: Whose fault was it?

G.: The forwards.

P.: The forwards?

G.: Yes. The forwards. They were always falling down or losing the ball!

4. Tongue twisters. Can you say these three times … fast?

I thought a thought.

But the thought I thought wasn't the thought

I thought I thought.

Unit 10. BOOK

[u] – краткий лабиализованный монофтонг заднего продвинутого вперед ряда высокого подъема широкой разновидности. Язык находится в задней части полости рта, но не так далеко, как при артикуляции русского [у]. Задняя спинка языка слегка приподнята. Губы округлены, но не вытянуты вперед.

1. Intonation of imperatives - Listen and repeat:

pot-put, cock-cook, god-good, lock-look, rock-rook, box-books.

2. Intonation of imperatives - Listen and repeat:

put, look, good, foot, could, full, woman, bedroom, living-room, bookshelf, cookery books, shouldn’t you, didn’t you, Mr. Cook.

3. Dialogue. A lost book

Mr.: Woman! Could you tell me where you’ve put my book?

Mrs.: Isn’t it on the bookshelf?

Mr.: No. The bookshelf is full of your cookery books.

Mrs.: Then you should look in the bedroom, shouldn’t you?

Mr.: I’ve looked. You took that book and put it somewhere, didn’t you?

Mrs.: The living-room?

Mr.: No. I’ve looked. I’m going to put all my books in a box and lock it!

Mrs.: Look, Mr. Cook! It’s on the floor next to your foot.

Mr.: Ah! Good!

4. Intonation:

Should you? Could you? Would you? She couldn’t cook, could she? He wouldn’t look, would he?

Intonation of disjunctive questions.

Разделительные вопросы состоят из двух интонационных групп. Первая интонационная группа обычно произносится с нисходящим тоном. Интонация второй синтагмы зависит от отношения говорящего. Если говорящий не уверен в ответе и ждет мнения собеседника, то вторая интонационная группа произносится с восходящим тоном. Если говорящий уверен в ответе и не ждет его, то вторая часть произносится с нисходящим тоном.

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