Pronounce with aspiration

Ткет ткач ткани на платки Тане.

– Тук-тук-тук! – Кто там? – Почтальон Печкин.

Drill. Intonation of adverbials.

Обстоятельственные группы в начале предложений обычно произносятся низким восходящим тоном. В конце предложений они, как правило, полуударны или безударны.

1. During the latest years our country has changed beyond recognition.

2. In 1918 the capital of the country was moved to Moscow.

3. Under tsar Fyodor Moscow was already considered to be one of the largest cities in Europe.

4. In front of you is an ancient monument of Red Square - Pokrovsky Cathedral.

5. On the left you can see the Tower of London.

Unit 27. DOOR

1. Pronounce with aspiration - Listen and repeat:

tore-door, tarts-darts, cart-card, write-ride, train-drain, trunk-drunk.

2. Pronounce with aspiration - Listen and repeat:

do, date, Daisy, Dotty, darling, dancing, told, tried, rained, stayed, studied, repaired, did, David, Donald, decided, damaged, Sidney, didn’t, cards, bad cold, children, goodbye.

3. Dialogue. A damaged telephone

Daisy: Dunston 238282.

Donald: Hello, Daisy. This is Donald.

Daisy: Oh, hello, darling.

Donald: What did you do yesterday, Daisy? You forgot our date, didn’t you?

Daisy: Well, it rained all day, Ronald, and I have a bad cold, so I decided to stay at home.

Donald: Did you? I telephoned twenty times and nobody answered.

Daisy: Oh, the telephone was damaged. They repaired it today.

Donald: What did David do yesterday? Did he and Dotty go dancing?

Daisy: No. They stayed at home and played cards with the children.

Donald: And what did you do? Did you play cards too?

Daisy: No. Sidney and I listened to the radio and studied. What did you do yesterday, Donald?

Donald: I’ve just told you, Daisy. I tried to phone you twenty times!

Pronunciation -ed endings.

Ed=d ed=t ed=id

Played brushed waited

Cleaned laughed painted

Snowed pushed shouted

Closed watched wanted

Filled danced landed

Studied walked departed

5. Tongue twisters. Can you say these three times … fast?

She dreams of her dear old darling Daddy, held deep down in a dark, dank, dirty dungeon, doomed to die on her wedding day.

Pronounce with aspiration.

Дай девочке дядины подарки.

Давай достанем деньги из деревянной шкатулки.

7. Drill. Intonation of paranthesis.

Интонация вводных слов в начале предложения зависит от говорящего. Если говорящий не придает значение вводным словам, они, как правило, произносятся быстро, часто неударны и не образуют отдельную синтагму. Если говорящий придает большое значение вводным словам, они образуют отдельную синтагму и произносятся либо нисходящим, либо восходящим или нисходяще-восходящим тоном. Вводная смысловая группа в конце предложения обычно безударна или полуударна и продолжает мелодию предшествующей смысловой группы.

Вводная смысловая группа в середине предложения может произноситься как с восходящей, так и с нисходящей интонацией.

Can you see him, now? - Of course I, can. You know, I can't.

How many pencils do you want? - Buy me half a dozen, please.

When can you come? - I think I shall be free on Sunday.

Would you like to go to the opera? - Indeed, I would. Of course, I would.

Can you visit me? - By the way, where do you live?

Thank you very much. - Please, don't mention it.

Where's Billy? - In bed, I hope.

Do you like tennis? - Personally, I'm not fond of tennis.


Unit 28. KEY

[k], [g] – заднеязычные велярные смычные взрывные согласные. Задняя спинка языка касается мягкого неба, образуя полную преграду, [k] – глухой звук, произносится с аспирацией, [g] – звонкий.

Произносите [k], [t] перед акцентируемой гласной с придыханием, а в конечном положении энергично.

1. Pronounce with aspiration - Listen and repeat:

car, carpet, cuckoo, cup of coffee, American, ticket, pocket, school, scarf, scooter, sky, of course, because.

2.K is usually quieter here:

like, talk, look, work, milk, ask, plastic.

3. K is usually very quiet here:

black dog, take two, cake fork, electric, picture, exactly, book shelf, asked, worked, looked, talked.

4. Pronounce with aspiration - Listen and repeat:

Clark, clock, claver, cream, cricket, six, next, exciting, expensive, excuse me, cakes, forks, clocks, likes, talks, quiet, quick, quickly, question, thank you.

5. Dialogue. The cuckoo clock

Mrs. Cook: Would you like some cream in your coffee, Mrs. Clark?

Mrs. Clark: No thank you. But I’d like a little milk.

Mrs. Cook: Would you like some chocolate cakes?

Mrs. Clark: Thank you.

Mrs. Cook: Take two. Here’s a cake fork, and here’s a…

Mrs. Clark: Excuse me, Mrs. Cook. But what’s that next to your bookshelf? Is it a clock?

Mrs. Cook: Yes. It’s an American cuckoo clock.

Mrs. Clark: Is it plastic?

Mrs. Cook: Oh, no, Mrs. Clark. It’s very expensive clock. It’s an electric clock.

Mrs. Clark: Well, it’s exactly six o’clock now, and it’s very quiet. Doesn’t it say cuckoo?

Mrs. Cook: Of course, Mrs. Clark. Look!

Clock: Cuckoo! Cuckoo! Cuckoo! Cuckoo! Cuckoo! Cuckoo!

Mrs. Clark: How exciting! What a clever clock!

Clock: Cuckoo!


A clean shelf a clean bookshelf

A clean glass a clean whisky glass

A black cup a black coffee cup

A plastic ring a plastic key ring

A dirty bottle a dirty coke bottle

An electric clock an electric cuckoo clock

An expensive cake an expensive chocolate cake

7. Tongue twisters. Can you say these three times … fast?

Kris Kringle carefully crunched on candy canes.

A cup of proper coffee in a copper coffee cup.

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