Class 3 Components. Peripherals

There are 7 components which allow humans to interface with computers. Three of them you have studied during your previous lessons, they are printers, modems and scanners.

Display devicesinclude computer monitors and other display devices. CRTs and LCDs are common. LCDs are a more recent development, and will replace CRTs as they become more affordable. LCD’s in addition to being lighter also use less energy and generate less heat.

Sound Output includes internal or external speakers and headphones.

Mouseis a user interface device that can enable different kinds of control than a keyboard, particularly in GUIs. Most mice (sometimes the plural is ‘mouses’ to prevent confusion with the rodent) are made from plastic, and may use a ball to track movement, an LED light, or a laser. Today you can get a wireless mouse that allows you to easily give a presentation with out being tied to a desk. And the track ball can be used as just as the optical mouse.

A keyboard is an input device which is connected to a computer and used to type instructions or information into the computer. The keyboards sold have 101 to 106 individual keys. Keyboards differ between languages. Most English-speaking people use what is called a QWERTY layout. This refers to the order of the top row of keys. Some foreign languages (i. e. German) use QWERTZ, where the Z and Y are switched. Many laptop computers do not include a number pad. Modern keyboards sometimes have extra controls such as volume, and keys that can be programmed to bring up programs of the user’s choice. The keyboards hook up to the computer with PS/2 or USB connector.


Exercise 1.Find English equivalents:

Сенсорная клавиатура, подключаться, цифровой блок клавиш, переключаться, печатать или вводить инструкции, наушники, устройство отображения данных, динамик, мышь, компоновка, беспроводная мышь.

Exercise 2. Match at first the synonyms, then the antonyms.

Display, device for text recognition, individual key, keyboard, device for data printing, expensive, external, monitor, input device, modem, device for sound output, screen, scanner, output device, speakers, printer, headphones, LCD, affodarable, separate key, CRT, internal, device for Internet connection.

Exercise 3.Read the following statements. Decide whether they are true or not, or maybe only in some cases. Prove your point of view. Maybe you’ll need the information form your previous lessons (Lesson VII “Input and Output Devices”)

· Nowadays the most popular types of printers are laser and color inkjet printers.

· The inkjet computers are always more expansive.

· Laser printer gives higher-quality printing than the inkjet printer.

· Today all the printers are connected to the computer through USB.

· Using modems two computers may communicate over a telephone line, with the data passed between them being represented as sound.

· Integrated modem is the most important part of modern computers.

· Scanners can digitize only paper documents with texts.

· Modems are usually involved with dial-up internet services.


Exercise 1.Convert the following sentences into Passive Voice and translate.

1. The motherboard includes RAM, BIOS, expansion slots and some other components. 2. The computer uses two speakers for sound output. 3. This new CPU will control and manage the computer operation more successfully than the previous one. 4. He stored information on the disc. 5. Uninterruptible power supply gives the energy for our computers nonstop. 6. Flash drives are replacing the floppies now. 7. The wireless mouse became more and more popular. 8. By next Friday he will have bought a new PDA. 9. Portable computers are becoming much cheaper nowadays. 10. You should take care of your keyboard.

Exercise 2.Replace the underlined words with is/are referred to (называется)

1.A set of instructions that a computer can understand is called a program. 2. Assembly language and machine code are collectively called low-level languages. 3. A language directly understood by the machine is known as machine language. 4. Devices which measure temperature, pressure, etc. are called sensors. 5. A machine capable of sending and receiving text and pictures along telephone lines is known as a fax. 6. A group of computers that can communicate with each other is known as a network. 7. A person who uses a computer is called a user. 8. A program that has been created to damage your computer system is known as a virus. 9. The smallest unit of information in a computer system is called a bit. 10. An individual dot on a computer screen is called a pixel. 11. An exchange of signals, which establishes communication between the devices, is called a handshake.

Exercise 3.Translate the following word combinations paying attention to the Participle I and Participle II.

Executed program – executing program; stored data – the information storing on the disc; a written instruction; the cleaned surface of LCD; material for cleaning monitors; the software protecting from viruses; the computer provided with the most efficient power supply.

Exercise 4.Translate the following sentences paying attention to the Participle I and Participle II.

1. При подсоединении дополнительного оборудования к компьютеру нужно провести инсталляцию необходимого ПО.

2. Пользуясь флэшкой, ты можешь переносить большое количество информации, фотографий и музыкальных треков.

3. Он сейчас сканирует документ, поэтому не сможет вас проконсультировать.

4. Данные, сохраненные на этом диске, могут быть повреждены или потеряны, так как на нем есть несколько царапин.

5. Следует быть аккуратным при работе с клавиатурой, пролитый кофе или мелкий мусор приводит к поломкам.

6. Важно составить определенную последовательность выполнения инструкций, управляемых работой той или иной программой.

7. Если бы у вас была установлена антивирусная программа, то не пришлось бы удалять поврежденные вирусом файлы.

8. Известно, в комплект настольного персонального компьютера входит монитор, системный блок, клавиатура, мышка.

9. Каждый программист знает, что языки программирования делятся на языки высокого и низкого уровней.

10.Данные, которые должны быть изменены, включают таблицы, рисунки и две картинки.

Exercise 5.Translate the following sentences paying attention to the different types of conditionals.

1. It would be much easier to clean the mouse with a damp cloth. 2, If this computer had efficient anti-virus software, the data wouldn’t have been damaged by Trojan. 3. He would choose an ergonomical keyboard if he were there. 4. No computer is a trouble-free device, you should address the specialist if any occurs. 5. If your mouse cursor seems to jump or jerk across the screen, or actually stops as though its hit a wall and doesn't seem to want to move properly, it's probably dirty. 6. If you want to insert more boards than there are slots, you will need an expansion chassis, which provides additional slots. 7. Your computer would loose its data at power-down unless you started to use UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply). 8. They will plug in one additional printer if they need not only black-and-white printing. 9. It would be interesting to write program especially for schoolchildren. 10. If installed this operating system keeps up over 10MB of RAM.

Exercise 6.Put the proper modal verb.

1. The programmer ___ (должен) program this instruction first in machine language.

2. Last time he ____ (не смог) back up his files.

3. The flash drives ______ (сможет) replace the floppies and other removable storage media.

4. We _____ (разрешили) use these printer a week ago.

5. It (следует) be mentioned that computers are not trouble-free devices.



Exercise 1.Find the sentences where “have to/has to” is translated as “должен”

1) Computer rooms have to be air-conditioned.

2) Mice usually have one, two or three buttons.

3) The cartridge is empty, so you have to replace it.

4) You will have to explain how the proposed system works.

5) Explain how features have been designed.

6) You don’t have to use this software; there are other variants.

7) To answer this question you will have to look at every file.

8) Make sure that you will have enough time to complete the task.

9) Some clip art packages have as many as one million images.

10) Before you use speech recognition you have to allow the computer to get used to your voice.

11) Not all data has to be entered using a keyboard.

12) To communicate using e-mail, you first have to have an e-mail address of your own.

13) It is common in computing to have to transfer data between different computers.

Exercise 2. Say that you have to do the following

1) Keep the temperature in the computer room not too high!

2) Use Delphi to write this program!

3) Find out the capacity of your CD-ROM!

4) Back up your hard disk every week!

5) Defragment your hard disk every month!

6) Send this e-mail immediately!

7) Scan these pages!

8) Use a graph plotter to produce a diagram!

9) Interpret this data!

10) Follow the instructions!

11) Delete this file!

12) Make an access request!

Exercise 3.Translate the sentences.

1) A Winchester disk we use in a PC may have a capacity of up to 300 gigabytes.

2) The operating programs computers use are not the same.

3) A background job computer performs deals with routine batch processing.

4) The changes you made may be undone.

5) The memory region you want to store information to may be specified.

6) The browse buttons you can see in every window make navigation easier.

7) The multiple monitors you can use with a single computer increase the size of your workspace.

8) The first thing you see when you start Windows is the desktop.

9) The only sound laser printers make is the sound of the cooling fans and the paper moving.

10) The number of instructions and amount of data computer can store in it is measured in bytes.

Exercise 4.Insert the proper modal verb.

1) Optical character recognition software … be used to scan financial documents.

2) Before data is stored on a disk, the disk … to be formatted.

3) Standard CD-R disks … be written to only once.

4) If the document … to be read at a later date then the same process will … to be performed.

5) All computer languages … be eventually reduced to binary codes.

6) Codes … always be the same length.

7) Typing … introduce many errors.

8) If the computer breaks down, you … not … to access the details.

9) Special software … reduce the size of files to about one quarter of their original size.

10) There … be no reflection on the screen.

11) Keyboards … be easy to use.

12) Fiber-optic cable … be the best choice.

Exercise 5.Find the sentences with the conjunction provided. Translate all the sentences. To provide – обеспечивать, снабжать предоставлять, Provided – если

1) When data is processed, information is provided.

2) You can keep millions of files in a very small space provided you use computerized storage.

3) A graphical user interface provided a way for the user to communicate with the computer through pictures.

4) Provided there are no mistakes in the program, the computer program is converted to machine code.

5) Provided you have a multimedia computer system and have a microphone, then you can play a live sound into the sound card of your computer.

6) You will see the video clips provided by multimedia software.

7) Utility programs are usually provided as a part of the operating system.

8) Codes are useful provided we know how to interpret them.

Exercise 6.Translate the sentences. Well – хорошо, ну As well as – а также

1) The same server may also provide access to files for downloading to the user’s system, and to electronic mail services, as well as other functions.

2) But where to start? Well, a good place to start is at one of the Internet’s search sites.

3) These controls must have been rather well designed because they are very prevalent in Windows programs today.

4) The site also includes reviews and ratings as well as lists of the most frequently downloaded programs.

5) You can download many free products, including the Internet Explorer Web browser, as well as updates and extras for other popular programs.

6) If all went well, you have a working program again.

7) Windows programming was very well suited to object-oriented programming.

8) As well as providing a connection to the Internet, ISPs provide a lot of content of their own.

Exercise 7.Translate the sentences with Emphatic construction. It is …that –именно

Model: It isprocessed data thatis called information. – Именно обработанные данные называются информацией.

1) It is the fan that is responsible for the hum that you get from a computer.

2) It is the small size that is the advantage of a palmtop computer.

3) It is a joystick that is mainly used for games.

4) It is a microphone that is the input device for such systems.

5) It is the sensor that records the frequency of the traffic.

6) It is English that high-level language instructions are similar to.

7) It is multimedia that is ideal for learning new things.

8) It is a special sound card that enables a computer to produce high quality sound.

9) It is defragmenting that improves the performance of a hard disk.

10) It is in terms if resolutions that video card capabilities are measured.

11) It was the World Wide Web that made the Internet widely popular around the world.

12) It is through the Object Inspector that you modify a component’s properties and events.

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