Intonation. Making a list

He bought a cup and some nuts.

He bought a cup, some nuts and some honey.

He bought a cup, some nuts, some honey and a brush.

В предложениях, содержащих перечисление, обычно каждая незаконченная смысловая группа произносится восходящим тоном.

6. Drill. Read the following sentences.

1. We saw a good deal during those two weeks. We went to Venice, Florence, Rome and Naples.

2. Which writers do you have to study for your examinations? – Chaucer, Shakespeare, Milton, Pope and Swift.

3. My husband is very fond of outdoor games. He plays tennis, golf, cricket and polo.

4. What lessons did you have today? – We had Latin, Math, French and history.

5. You could easily become an interpreter. You know English, French, German, Spanish and Russian.


Unit 6. HEART

[а:] – долгий нелабиализованный монофтонг заднего ряда высокого подъема узкой разновидности. При произнесении этого звука язык находится в задней части полости рта, задняя часть языка слегка приподнята. Кончик языка оттянут от нижних зубов. Рот слегка приоткрыт, губы нейтральны. Звук более задний, чем русское [а].

Произносите звук протяжно, громко, напряженно, низким голосом. В глотке не должно быть напряжения, звук имеет бархатистую тембральную окраску, он не должен звучать резко. Не раскрывайте широко рот.

1. Intonation. Making a list - Listen and repeat:

cap-carp, hat-heart, cat- cart, ban-barn, match-march, clack-clerk.

2. Intonation. Making a list - Listen and repeat :

cup-carp, hut-heart, cut-cart, bun-barn, much-march, cluck-clerk.

3. Intonation. Making a list - Listen and repeat:

ah! Arnold, So they are! can’t, garden, marvelous, bar, far, car, star, guitar, Barbara, Margaret, Charles, smart, Martin, Martha, dark, laugh, photograph.

4. Dialogue. At a party

A.: Where’s your glass, Barbara?

B.: It’s on the bar.

C.: Barbara! Margaret! Come into the garden! Martha and Charles are dancing in the dark.

A.: In the garden? What a laugh!

B.: So they are! They’re dancing on the grass!

A.: They’re dancing under the stars!

C.: And Arnold’s playing his guitar.

B.: Doesn’t Martha look smart!

A.: Look at Charles! What a marvelous dancer!

B.: Ah! Let’s take a photograph of Martha and Charles.

C.: We can’t. It’s too dark.

5. Tongue twisters. Can you say these three times … fast?

Six sharp smart sharks.

Cars can’t be parked here after dark.

Aunt Martha lives near Marble Arch.

Unit 7. (listen to the cassette)

Unit 8. CLOCK

[ ] – краткий лабиализованный монофтонг заднего ряда низкого подъема широкой разновидности. Язык находится в задней части полости рта, задняя часть языка приподнята. Рот широко открыт, губы округлены, но не вытянуты вперед. Русский гласный [о] менее открытый.

Прежде чем произнести звук, подготовьте органы речи: поднимите верхнюю губу (чтобы избежать выпячивания губ), опустите нижнюю челюсть резко вниз (чтобы обеспечить широкий раствор рта). Проделайте это упражнение 5-6 раз, не меняя положения верхней губы. Произносите звук отрывисто.

1. Intonation. Making a list - Listen and repeat:

hat-hot, cat-cot, Pat-pot, sack-sock, tap-top, backs-box.

2. Intonation. Making a list - Listen and repeat :

off, often, on, Onwash, a long job, got, bottle, want, what’s wrong, Mrs. Bloggs, sorry, holiday, horrible, washing, popular.

3. Dialogue. TV advertisement for Onwash

A.: What’s wrong with you, Mrs. Bloggs?

Mrs. Blogg.: What’s wrong with me? I want a holiday from this horrible job of washing socks!

B.: Buy a bottle of ONWASH, Mrs. Bloggs!

C.: ONWASH is so soft and strong.

D.: You don’t want lots of hot water with ONWASH.

A.: It’s not a long job with Onwash.

B.: Use ONWASH often.

C.: You won’t be sorry when you’ve got ONWASH.

D.: Everybody wants ONWASH.

Everybody: ONWASH is so popular!

4. Tongue twisters. Can you say these three times … fast?

If one doctor doctors another doctor, does the doctor

who doctors the doctor doctor the doctor the way the

doctor he is doctoring doctors? Or does he doctor

the doctor the way the doctor who doctors doctors?

Knott and Shott fought a duel.

Knott was shot and Shott was not.

It was better to be Shott than Knott.

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