Unit 18. (listen to the cassette)


Unit19. HOUSE

[аu] – дифтонг. Ядро дифтонга – гласный переднего отодвинутого назад ряда низкого подъема широкой разновидности, нелабиализованный. Он произносится почти так же, как первый элемент дифтонга [ai], затем язык делает движение назад и вверх в направлении звука [о], полное звучание которого не достигается.

1. Unit 18. (listen to the cassette) - student2.ru Listen and repeat:

car-cow, bar-bow, bra-brow, grass-grouse, arch-ouch.

2. Unit 18. (listen to the cassette) - student2.ru Listen and repeat:

ow! now, town, found, round, ground, Brown, lounge, loudly, upside-down, put, mouse, house, shouting, couch, our, ours, our house.

3. Dialogue. A mouse in the house

(Mrs. Brown and Mr. Brown)

Mrs.: I’ve found a mouse!

Mr.: Ow! You’re shouting too loudly. Sit down and don’t shout.

Mrs.: I’ve found a mouse in the house.

Mr.: A brown mouse?

Mrs.: Yes. A little round mouse. It’s running around in the lounge.

Mr.: On the ground?

Mrs.: Yes. It’s under the couch now.

Mr.: Well, get it out.

Mrs.: How?

Mr.: Turn the couch upside-down. Get it somehow. We don’t want a mouse in our house. Ours is the cleanest house in the town!

4. Tongue twisters. Can you say these three times … fast?

When in doubt leave it out.

Without doubt our scout will make photos of mountains and fountains.

Unit 20. PHONE

[зu] – дифтонг. Ядро дифтонга – гласный смешанного ряда среднего подъема узкой разновидности, лабиализованный. После произнесения ядра язык делает движение вверх и назад в направлении артикуляции [и], полное звучание которого не достигается.

1. Unit 18. (listen to the cassette) - student2.ru Listen and repeat:

burn-bone, fern-phone, Bert-boat, work-woke, flirt-float.

2. Unit 18. (listen to the cassette) - student2.ru Listen and repeat:

caught-coat, nought-note, bought-boat, jaw-Joe, ball-bowl.

3. Unit 18. (listen to the cassette) - student2.ru Listen and repeat:

Oh! No, Joe, go, ago, window, know, throw, snow, over, nose, hello, don’t, Joan, groans, closed, Jones, October, joking, woke, coat, OK.

4. Dialogue. Snow in October

(Joe Jones is sleeping, but Jone woke up a few minutes ago.)

Jone: JOE! JOE! JOE! Hello!

Joe: Oh! What is it, Jone?

Jone: Look out of the window.

Joe: No. My eyes are closed, and I’m going to go to sleep again.

Jone: Don’t go to sleep, Joe. Look at the snow.

Joe: Snow? But it’s only October. I know there’s no snow.

Jone: Come over to the window, Joe.

Joe: You’re joking, Jone. There’s no snow.

Jone: OK. I’ll put my coat on and go out and make a snowball and throw it at your nose, Joe Jones!

5. Unit 18. (listen to the cassette) - student2.ru Listen and repeat:

old, cold, sold, hole, hold, told, bowl, stole, gold.

6. Tongue twisters. Can you say these three times … fast?

Moses supposes his toeses are roses,

But Moses supposes erroneously,

For nobody’s toeses are posies of roses

As Moses supposes his toeses to be.

Soames never boasts of what he knows but Rose never knows of what she boasts.

Unit 21. (listen to the cassette)

Unit 22. BEER

[ ] – дифтонг. Ядро дифтонга – гласный переднего ряда высокого подъема широкой разновидности, нелабиализованный. После произнесения ядра язык движется к центру в направлении [э].

1. Unit 18. (listen to the cassette) - student2.ru Listen and repeat:

e-ear, bee-beer, tea-tear, pea-pier, bead-beard.

2. Unit 18. (listen to the cassette) - student2.ru Listen and repeat:

Lear, here, dear, clear, year, idea, atmosphere, mountaineer, Cheers! nearly, bearded, disappeared, Austria, windier, easier.

3. Dialogue. A bearded mountaineer

(Mr. and Mrs. Lear are on holiday in Austria)

Mr. Lear: Let’s have a beer here, dear.

Mrs. Lear: What a good idea! They have very good beer here. We came here last year.

Mr. Lear: The atmosphere here is very clear.

Mrs. Lear: And it’s windier than last year.

Mr. Lear: (speaking to the waiter) Two beers, please.

Mrs. Lear: Look, dear! Look at that mountaineer drinking beer.

Mr. Lear: His beard is in his beer.

Mrs. Lear: His beard has nearly disappeared into his beer.

Mrs. Lear: Sh, dear. He might hear.

Waiter: (brining the beer) Here you are, sir. Two beers.

Mr. Lear: (drinking beer) Cheers, dear.

Mrs. Lear: Cheers! Here’s to the bearded mountaineer!

Joining words.

a) R not pronounced:

Here they are. Here’s the beer. I can here Mr. Lear. Mr. Lear calls her dear. He’s a mountaineer.

b) R pronounced:

Here are all the books. The beer is here on the table. He can hear us too. Dear old Mrs. Lear is here in the kitchen. A mountaineer always drinks beer in the mountains.

5. Tongue twisters. Can you say these three times … fast?

He that has ears to hear, let him hear.

The theatre is somewhere here.

There’s none so queer as folk.

Unit 23. CHAIR

[ ] – дифтонг. Ядро дифтонга – гласный переднего ряда среднего подъема широкой разновидности, нелабиализованный, второй элемент – нейтральный гласный.

1. Unit 18. (listen to the cassette) - student2.ru Listen and repeat:

ear-air, beer-bear, pier-pear, hear-hair, tear-tear, Cheers!-chairs.

2. Unit 18. (listen to the cassette) - student2.ru Listen and repeat:

Claire, pair, chair, square, where, there, they’re, wearing, Mary, hairbrushes, nowhere, anywhere, upstairs and downstairs, carefully.

3. Dialogue. A pair of hairbrushes

Mary: I’ve lost two small hairbrushes, Claire. They’re a pair.

Claire: Have you looked carefully everywhere?

Mary: Yes. They’re nowhere here.

Claire: Have you looked upstairs?

Mary: Yes. I’ve looked everywhere upstairs and downstairs. They aren’t anywhere.

Claire: Hm! Are they square, Mary?

Mary: Yes. They are square hairbrushes. Have you seen them anywhere?

Claire: Well, you are wearing one of them in your hair!

Mary: Oh! Then where’s the other one?

Claire: It’s over there under the chair.

Joining words

a) R not pronounced: Claire, a pair, a square chair, It’s here, I’ve looked everywhere for them.

b) R pronounced: Claire and Mary, a pair of shoes, a square, envelope, there it is, they’re under the table, I’ve looked everywhere in the house.

5. Tongue twisters. Can you say these three times … fast?

Mary is scared of fairies in the dairy.

All’s fair in love and war.


Unit 24. PEN

[р], [b] – губно-губные смычные взрывные согласные. При их произнесении губы, смыкаясь, образуют полную преграду. Размыкание преграды осуществляется быстро и энергично, [р] – глухой согласный, произносится с аспирацией, [b] – звонкий согласный.

1. Unit 18. (listen to the cassette) - student2.ru Listen and repeat:

a pen, a pencil, a pin, a pear, Peter, Poppy, Paris, a pocket,

a postcard, a passport, a passenger, a policeman, a newspaper, a pepper pot, a spoon, a piece of pork pie, an airport, stupid, impatient,

a plane, a plastic plate, an apple, please, people, pretty, surprise.

2. Unit 18. (listen to the cassette) - student2.ru Listen and repeat:

The sound P is quieter in these words:

a cup, a pipe, an envelope, a stamp, Help!

3. Unit 18. (listen to the cassette) - student2.ru Listen and repeat. The sound P is very quiet in these words:

empty, helpful, stop talking, upstairs, perhaps, stop, pulling, dropped, Mr. Tupman, help me, stop shouting.


A.: Passports, please!

Pr.: I think I’ve lost the passports, Poppy.

P.: How stupid of you, Peter! Didn’t you put them in your pocket?

Pr.: (emptying his pockets) Here’s a pen…a pencil…my pipe…a postcard…an envelope… a stamp… a pin…

P.: Oh, stop taking things out of your pockets. Perhaps you put them in the plastic bag.

Pr.: (emptying the plastic bag) Here’s a newspaper…an apple…a pear…a plastic cup… a spoon… some paper plates… a piece of pork pie…a pepper pot…

P.: Oh, stop pulling things out of the plastic bag, Peter. These people are getting impatient.

Pr.: Well, help me, Poppy.

P.: We’ve lost our passports. Perhaps we dropped them on the plane.

A.: Then let the other passengers past, please.

Pr.: Poppy, why don’t you help? You aren’t being very helpful. Put the things in the plastic bag.

A.: Your name, please?

Pr.: Tupman.

A.: Please go upstairs with the policeman, Mr. Tupman.

5. Tongue twisters. Can you say these three times … fast?

A pleasant place to place a plaice is a place

where a plaice is pleased to be placed.

Pick a partner and practice passing,

for if you pass proficiently,

perhaps you'll play professionally.

Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.

Did Peter Piper pick a peck of pickled peppers?

If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,

where's the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?

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