Matching headings with paragraphs

Step 1. Survey the text. A list of headings can give you some useful information to help you quickly understand what each part of the text will be about.

Step 2. Skim-read each paragraph.This technique gives you a general idea of what the writer is saying in each paragraph.

Step 3. Determine which heading is the best match for each of the paragraphs marked by the numbers.

Empowerment of diversity
Recognition of diversity
Acknowledgement of diversity
Partnership in diversity
The ferment of change
New names for the new world
Managing Diversity
Ignorance of the other
What Is Multiculturalism?

Answer the following questions:

· What is the main topic of the passage?

(A) Multiculturalism as an outgrowth of the complexities of the twentieth century.

(B) The identity of a multicultural person.

(C) One’s culture as the door to one’s perception.

(D) An operational definition of multiculturalism.

· What does the passage mainly discuss?

(A) New approach to intercultural understanding.

(B) Intercultural understanding, which is based on the knowledge of culture.

(C) Essential similarities between people.

(D) The concept of multiculturalism.

· What is the author's attitude toward the opinion that the dangers must be avoided in grasping a proper understanding of multiculturalism?

(A) He shares this position.

(B) He strongly disagrees.

(C) He tries to be objective.

(D) He doesn’t care.

· Where in the four sentences does the author discuss the multicultural person as, at once, both old and new?

(A) The fact that where you stand determines what you see is a reality in most situations, and it is especially true for the concept of multiculturalism.

(B) Even in the face of inevitable change, no one really wants to change; people still prefer the old.

(C) Many people fear multiculturalism will bring in "foreign" concepts and ideas which will deviate the nation from its historic course.

(D) A new age demands new methods and new structures, for the ferment of change cannot be contained in the old structures.

· What is the main idea advanced by the author in the text?

(A) Multiculturalism is the basis for understanding the changes coming to our society.

(B) We may now be on the threshold of a new kind of person, a person who is socially and psychologically a product of the interweaving of cultures in the twenty first century.

(C) A new type of person is developing from the complex of social, political, economic, and educational interactions of our time.

(D) An understanding of the new kind of person must be predicated on a clear understanding of cultural identity.

Collect specific informationby pointing out groups of synonyms, semantic and thematic groups. Keep it in mind that vocabulary in context includes both single words (usually nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs) and two- or three-word phrases.

Read the passage: “In an age of cultural pluralism, multiculturalism is needed to manage diversity effectively. In essence, then, multiculturalism is nothing more than the art of managing diversity in a total quality manner. It is the only option open to educators, leaders and administrators in an ever-increasing culturally pluralistic environment. In schools the process of multiculturalism is best maintained through Multicultural Education, an intrinsic approach to education and curriculum construction that acknowledges and respects the contributions which the various racial/ethnic groups have made to society, and incorporates these contributions in an overall program of instruction which meets the needs of an ever-changing society and is sensitive to the personal and social development of all persons concerned.

Today's diverse student populations and workforce is simply not going to go away, but increase. This is the direction of the future – multicultural, multiethnic, multilingual communities. And effective leaders, concerned with the bottom line – the maximizing of profit, whether material or nonmaterial – are recognizing this new direction.

The art of managing diversity is thus of great concern to all persons charged with the responsibility of overseeing the work of others. Organizations, however, that try to force today’s reality into yesterday's management styles will seriously jeopardize the viability of their enterprise. Beyond the challenge of creating a humane educational environment where students and staff of diverse backgrounds and experiences learn to appreciate each other, lies the additional one of changing the structural arrangements. ”

· What is inferred in the sentence:... “multiculturalism is nothing more than the art of managing diversity in a total quality manner.”

· What is inferred in the sentence:“Beyond the challenge of creating a humane educational environment where students and staff of diverse backgrounds and experiences learn to appreciate each other, lies the additional one of changing the structural arrangements.”

· What is inferred in the sentence:“Organizations that try to force today’s reality into yesterday's management styles will seriously jeopardize the viability of their enterprise.”

How do these words and expressions:Multicultural Education, multiculturalism multicultural, multiethnic, multilingual, cultural pluralism, culturally pluralistic, diversity, diverse, various illustrate the author’s idea that multiculturalism is the basis for understanding the changes coming to our society?

Qualify the following questions and statements by marking that you 1/ strongly agree, 2/ agree, 3/ have no opinion, 4/ disagree, or 5/ strongly disagree:

· "No one after drinking old wine desires new; for he says, 'The old is better'". __________

· One of the backwashes of a narrow view of multiculturalism, especially as espoused by some women is what I call "maleism. __________

· In my country, one of the dangers that must be avoided in grasping a proper understanding of multiculturalism is bashism. __________.

· In my country, not much is gained in terms of creating a European educational system and society. __________

· White Maleism is the tendency of minority groups to blame white males for most of the social evil in the world today, especially as it relates to sexism and racism. ___________

· Does it happen in your country that educators try to force today’s reality into yesterday's management styles? __________

· People's sense of self-worth, value and dignity is most often determined not only by the kind of support and encouragement they receive from others, but also from how willing they are to self-examine negative behaviors in their own life and in their cultural group. __________

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