Give the summary of the text. Find the equivalents of the following Russian words and phrases in the text

Find the equivalents of the following Russian words and phrases in the text.

Позвоночный, внутреннее строение, схема, область, рассматривается, центральная нервная система, черепной, спиной мозг, периферическая нервная система, непроизвольный, частота сердечных сокращений, пищеварение, вегетативная нервная система, мышление, разум, абстрактное мышление, доля (мозга), кора головного мозга, раздражитель, набор, зрительное восприятие, обрабатывать, затылочная доля, слуховая зона коры мозга, височная доля, прийти в сознание.

Match the words with their equivalents.

1. myriad 2. distinct 3. respiration 4. pronounced 5. enjoy 6. alert 7. cf. 8. reside 9. arousal 10. elude a. compare b. have c. activation d. separate e. innumerable f. breathing g. be incomprehensible h. evident i. warn j. be situated

Translate from English into Russian. Use the words and expressions from ex. 2, 3.

1) The full description of brain functions so far eludes the researcher’s comprehension.

2) Visual perception is processed in the occipital lobe, whereas the primary auditory cortex resides in the temporal lobe.

3) Thought, reason and abstraction are the components of mental activity.

4) Heart rate and digestion are unconsciously controlled.

5) Cerebral cortex houses approximately 14 billion neurons.

Translate from Russian into English. Use the words and expressions from ex. 2, 3 or their forms.

1) Ему необходима пересадка спинного мозга.

2) Этот набор раздражителей может заставить человека прийти в сознание.

3) Дыхание контролируется вегетативной нервной системой.

4) Внутреннее строение мозга позвоночных – это искусное изобретение природы.

5) Здесь представлена схема отдельных областей мозга.

Pay special attention to the translation of the words in bold in the text. Paraphrase, if necessary.

Make a literary translation of the text.


Encephalization – the process of brain development

Семинар 8.


In this interview, Eric Robertson is talking Morgan Brooks about personal debt, and how this is affecting the British economy.

Eric: In the studio today we have Morgan Brooks from Stansley Banking Systems who will be talking to me about personal debt. We’ve probably all have had a period of debt in our lives, but I understand things are worse right now. Is that right?

Morgan: Well, this week the bank will release figures on levels of outstanding debt that were recorded in April. These will show the figure is close to one trillion pounds. That’s one thousand billion pounds. The shadow chancellor Vincent Cable, warned earlier this year that personal borrowings were heading for 1 trillion.

Eric: So, how do people get into this situation?

Morgan: Well, most of the personal debt comes from mortgages as well as credit cards and personal loans. However at this rate, personal debt will continue to increase to roughly 17 thousand pounds for every man, woman and child in the UK. These figures are bound to cause more concern over the level of debt.

Eric: So how can we deal with it?

Morgan: Well, the Liberal Democrat shadow chancellor, Vincent Cable, says the government should undertake a 10 point program to tackle these record levels of personal borrowing.

Eric: What would that include?

Morgan: Well this would include things like the government monitoring the sustainable level of household debt . Guidance to banks on safe levels of debt for individuals. And curbs on credit promotions. Mr Cable said that even the interest we pay on the debt, which is more than 6 billion pounds every month, is even beyond comprehension.

Eric: So what about the future?

Morgan: If interest rates continue, er, to increase as expected, and house prices fall; if oil prices continue to go up and inflation rises, many people could find themselves in difficulty. Even if we as consumers can recognize that we’re borrowing too much, it is not in the government’s interest to return to a boom and bust economy. Sometimes people have to be made to save for themselves.

Eric: OK thank you Mr. Brooks that was really interesting. Erm, Morgan, Morgan, you haven’t got, you couldn’t lend me a bit of cash could you? I’ve left my wallet at home.

Morgan: I’m a bit short myself, mate.


Give the summary of the text.

Find the equivalents of the following Russian words and phrases in the text.

Долг, непогашенные долги, зарегистрированный, миллиард, министр финансов, попасть (в ситуацию), ипотека, кредит, озабоченность, предпринять, разобраться (напр., с проблемой), отдельные лица, реклама кредитов, процент, процентная ставка, наличные.

Match the words with their equivalents.

1. things 2. release 3. figure 4. close 5. head for 6. roughly 7. be bound 8. deal with 9. curb 10. short a. number b. near c. stop d. be going to (= must) e. situation f. having little money g. approximately h. publish i. reach j. try to solve a problem

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