Agree of disagree with the following statements

1. A robot is a computer that outputs information.

2. Robotics systems don't do precise tasks accurately.

3. Software can detect light, sound and hit.

4. Robots have few applications in industry.

5. Robots are used to assemble and paint cars.

Find the words with the opposite meaning in the text.

1) inside; 2) interested; 3) unimportant; 4) primitive; 5) inaccurate; 6) old; 7) vague

Fill in the correct words from the active vocabulary.

1. Many people are working in the field of … .

2. Tasks performed by robots require a high degree of … .

3. Modern robotics combines … machine capabilities with … controlling software.

4. Robots have many … in industry.

5. Robots are used for … cars.

Read the sentences translating the Russian fragments into English.

1. Robots are (более эффективные) in their work than human beings.

2. Many people are working in the field of (робототехника).

3. A lot of (сложных) programs are written for robots.

4. Scientists and engineers (разрабатывать) robots for industry and homes.

5. Modern robots are capable of (имитировать) simple operations.

6. It is difficult to predict what the robots of the future will (выглядеть).

Answer the questions.

1. What is robotics?

2. What operations do robots perform?

3. What capabilities do modern robots combine?

4. What do you know about robots’ applications in industry?

5. Why are robots essential components of automated manufacturing systems?


Speak on the following topics.

1. The most well-known applications of AI in software development.

2. The key spheres of using expert systems.

3. Speak about the similarities between the way neural networks and the human brain work.

4. The advantages of using robots.


1. authorized(adj) - санкционированный 11. interconnection( n) - взаимосвязь
2. basic(adj) - основной 12. layer(n) - слой
3. bridge(n) - мост, перемычка 13. node(n) - узел
4. broadcast(v) - передавать 14. scope(n ) - масштаб
5. circuitry(n) - схема, цепь 15. share(v) - делить(ся)
6. compatible(adj) - совместимый 16. spread(v ) - распространяться
7. enable(v) - давать возможность 17. standalone(adj) - автономный
8. gateway(n)- межсетевой интерфейс 18. topology(n) - топология
9. high-capacity(n) - высокая емкость 19. transmission(n) - передача
10. hub(n) - гнездо коммутационной панели 20. wireless(adj) - беспроводной  

Text A: Network advantages and challenges

In the early years of the personal computer’s popularity, networks were scarce. Most personal computers functioned as standalone units.

Today, the pervasiveness of network has dramatically changed the face of computing by offering shared resources – hardware, software, and data made available for authorized network users to access. Networks offer the following advantages:

· Sharing networked hardware can reduce costs.

· Sharing networked hardware can provide access to a wide range of services and specialized peripheral devices. A network can allow multiple users to access internet services through a single internet connection. Networked peripheral devices, such as scanners, photo printers, plotters, high-capacity storage devices, and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) equipment, can be accessed by any authorized network users.

· Sharing data on a network is easy.

· Networks enable people to work together regardless of time and place.

The primary disadvantage of networks is their vulnerability to unauthorized access.

Networks are more vulnerable than standalone computers to malicious code. Whereas the most prevalent threat to standalone computers is disk-borne viruses, networks are susceptible to an ever-increasing number of worms, Trojan horses and blended threats.

Most computer owners are enthusiastic about the benefits provided by networks and believe that those benefits outweigh the risks of intrusions and viruses.

Read the questions and circle the correct answer.

1. What allows people to work together regardless time and place?

a) a network; b) a standalone computer; c) WWW

2. How many shared resources were mentioned in the text?

a) two; b) four; c) three

3. How is the network technology developing today?

a) rapidly; b) slowly ; c) normally

4. What can’t be called a security tool?

a) a firewall; b) an application; c) an antivirus software

5. Who can get an access to networked peripheral devices?

a) hacker; b) anyone; c) an authorized network user

Match the words with their synonyms.

1)personal 2)allow 3)benefit 4)provide 5)intrusion 6)scarce 7)number
a)supply b)invasion c)rare d)use e)public f)quantity g)permit

Read the sentences choosing the correct word in bold type.

1. A network connects various/variety IT components to allow you to share software.

2. According to the survey of 22 large transnational organizations networking/networks accounted 33 percent of their budget.

3. Many countries have become abundant/abundantly networked for business, government and personal communications.

4. Networks can provide authority/authorized users with the access to data stored on network servers or workstations.

5. The network technology is based on a set of fairly stable/stability concepts.

6. A network can be as simple/simplified as two desktop computers connected to the same printer.

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