Causative Verbs and Have/Got something done

Exercise 202

1. He got/had the fridge fixed. 2.1 got/had the floor washed. 3. She got/had the article typed. 4. He got/had the letter translated. 5. They got/had the house repaired. 6.1 got/had the car washed. 7. She got/had the dress made. 8. He got/had supper cooked. 9. He got/had the shirt ironed. 10. They got/had the fence built.

Exercise 203

l)to fe'el; 2) entertain; 3) to pay; 4) cleaned; 5) to rise; 6) carry; 7) carried; 8) to have, shaven; 9) leave; 10) changed; 11) work; 12) to buy; 13) washed; 14) to go; 15) to refuse

Exercise 204

l)feel; 2) to sign; 3)to give up; 4) to sell; 5) do; 6) installed; 7) shortened; 8) leave; 9) to hand 10. decide;

11) contribute; 12) to learn; 13) developed; 14) open; 15) to decrease; 16) attend; 17) to go; 18) to make; 19) forget; 20) watch; 21) to shave; 22) have

Exercise 205

Correct sentences: 2, 5,19, 21, 24, 25

1. My mother won't let anybody think ill of him. 3. The party was dull, and we decided to tell stories to make the time pass. 4. Nick got Mary to give him a lift to the school. 6. Let's try to get them to join our company. 7. She got the telephone repaired. 8. The thought of his coming made me feel ill. 9. The wind made the windows rattle. 10. They must have the problem settled. 11. She had the secretary make another copy. 12. He had the copy made. 13. They did their best to make themselves agree to the proposal. 14. He changed his mind to have his house painted green. 15. Let him choose his friends himself. 16. Your enthusiasm makes me feel young again. 17. She had a desire to let her life go on as though nothing had happened. 18. The director got his paper typed. 20. What makes you think so? 22. She is getting her hair cut tomorrow. 23. She did not let her daughter go to discos.

Exercise 206

1. The robbers made the people in the bank stand against the wall. 2. Let the child eat an ice-cream. 3.1 am not to blame. I was made to do it. 4. Yesterday I had my windows washed. 5. Let me try to do it myself. 6. The children are so noisy/making a lot of noise. Let them go for a walk. 7. He was made to do very dull work. 8.1 got her to go for a holiday. 9. He has his flat repaired. 10. Difficult circumstances made him act in' such a way. 11. Let's make a break for lunch. 12. You must get her to accept the offer. 13. Let me know when you want to see me again. 14. He got his neighbour to look after his dog during his absence. 15.1 wonder what made him kill the president. 16. She always lets her children watch cartoons on Sunday. 17. The suspect was made to lie on the ground. 18. She must have her watch repaired. 19. She feels bad, she got her tooth pulled out yesterday. 20. He did not build the house himself, he had it built.

Unit 16 The Gerund

Exercise 207

1) afford; 2) offer; 3)put off; 4) fail; 5) give up; 6) appear; 7) refuse; 8) intend; 9) seem; 10) be busy

Exercise 208

1) being; 2) finding; 3) asking, wasting; 4) talking, playing; 5) swimming; 6) repairing; 7) living; 8) airing; 9) going; 10) doing, receiving, going

Exercise 209 Ic, 2d, 3e, 4a, 5b

Exercise 210

1) paying, escaping; 2) making; 3) answering; 4) seeing, recognizing, commenting; 5) signing; 6) helping; 7) going; 8) buying

Exercise 211

1. Forgive my taking up so much of your time. 2. Do you mind his joining us? 3. Does he feel like staying here for another week? 4.1 appreciate your encouraging him when he failed in his experiment. 5. Do you know the reason for his feeling disappointed? 6. "It's no good your hating it," he said becoming didactic. 7. Only the other day they had been talking about something happening. 8. She was listening hard all the time for any sound of Jan's descending the stairs. 9. He wishes he'd never told you the truth but it's no use his denying it. 10. Cursing himself for not learning to drive a car he woke up Tony. 11. Of course, I should insist on your accepting the proper professional fee. 12. Bob was feeling rather unwell, and was not really looking forward to our visiting him. 13. My father thinks I am not capable of earning my own living. 14. He warned us that there was no point in our arriving half an hour earlier. 15. They were talking about her giving up the job and going to live in the country.

Exercise 212

1. The speaker was annoyed at being interrupted every other moment. 2. He showed no sign of being hurt. 3. They showed no sign of recognizing us. 4. He insists on being paid for his work done. 5. We did not want to speak to the correspondent and tried to avoid being interviewed by him. 6. Excuse me for giving so much trouble to you. 7. After being examined by the doctor I was given a sick leave. 8. They deny robbing the bank, but admit making plans about it. 9. The problem is not worth speaking of. 10. Why does he avoid meeting journalists? 11. She insisted on showing the files to her. 12. She does not stand reminding people of their duties and being reminded of hers. 13. He is not used to being spoken to like that. 14. He had never thought of security because he had no idea of being kidnapped. 15. Did you succeed in persuading your colleagues? 16. The TV set needs repairing. 17. He is looking forward to being given the main part in the play. 18. After being looked through the papers were registered. 19. He can't do anything without disturbing anybody or being disturbed. 20. Have you ever dreamed of earning a million dollars?

Exercise 213

1) watching; 2) seeing; 3) going; 4) speaking;

5) crying; 6) doing; 7) talking, persuading; 8) buying; 9) gambling; 10) getting; 11) trying; 12) visiting; 13) remembering

Exercise 214

l)by; 2) after; 3) without; 4) on, without; 5) by;

6) after; 7) before; 8) on; 9) after; 10) by/after

Exercise 215

1) accomplishing; 2) explaining; 3) his taking part, his being sent; 4) laughing; 5) gambling; 6) going; 7) stealing, cheating, buying; 8) finding; 9) supporting; 10) living, coming; 11) taking; 12) speaking; 13) calling

Exercise 216

1) of; 2) of; 3) from; 4) against; 5) in; 6) like, of; 7) up

with; 8)___; 9) forward to; 10)___; 11) on; 12) at; 13) of;

14) of; 15)___

Exercise 217

1. His being unable to resist r charm is funny. 2. You shouldn't deny their telling the truth. 3. It's no good taking advantage of people's weakness. 4.1 admit my confiding in this man. 5. Her mother was displeased with her daughter's accepting the proposal. 6. We were admitted to the hall after ringing the bell. 1.1 hope you don't mind my speaking to you frankly. 8.1 object to his being admitted to our closed circle. 9. He was afraid of my changing the decision. 10.1 regret giving you so much trouble. 11. After studying the weather forecast in great detail, he said he would go back to London. 12. Why do you insist on his being present there? 13.1 am really ashamed of not writing to you for so long. 14.1 remember your submitting the report to the secretary, 15.1 was prepared to dislike Mr. Kalada even before meeting him. 16. He suggested our starting at once. 17. Mrs. Knight disliked my telling the truth. 18. We are looking forward to your spending the summer with us. 19. He is responsible for the letter being delivered only today. 20. This woman's face attracted his attention as familiar for he remembered her passing by him several times.

Exercise 218

1) in worrying; 2) to order; 3) giving, to swear; 4) leave/leaving, to have been; 5) in being; 6) looking up; 7) to making; 8) going; 9) closing, sitting; 10) arranging; 11) to arrange; 12) to deal, to doing; 13) to speak; 14) to go; 15) having, to drive

Exercise 219

A 1) to look; 2) to point out; 3) meeting; 4) to phone; 5) locking; 6) paying; 7) to give; 8) seeing; 9) asking; 10) staying; 11) to send

В 1) to tell; 2) not learning; 3) failing; 4) to inform;

5) quarrelling; 6) to say; 7) missing; 8) to say; 9) not being able; 10) doing

С 1) be; 2) getting up; 3) think; 4) working; 5) study;

6) wandering; 7) bring; 8) having; 9) say; 10) doing; 11) do

D 1) to lose; 2) going; 3) explaining; 4) to write; 5) to persuade; 6) to forget; 7) catching; 8) cooking; 9) to introduce

E 1) doing; 2) to do; 3) buying; 4) to buy; 5) making;

6) to buy; 7) producing; 8) speaking

F 1) to take, of failing; 2) to leave, of meeting; 3) to say; 4) of going; 5) to tell; 6) of meeting; 7) to make, of falling

G 1) feeling; 2) laughing; 3) to do; 4) being attracted; 5) to solve, phoning

Exercise 220

1) switching off, go, check; 2) go, swimming, going, bathing; 3) to buy, to ask; 4) dining, have, to go, having; 5) travelling, standing, to go; 6) to come, seeing, listening;

7) to hear, seeing; 8) swimming, to bring; 9) lending, to write; 10) to start off, wait, snowing; 11) meeting, of meeting; 12) to say, to rewrite, rewriting; 13) to buy, having

Exercise 221

Correct sentences: 4, 9

1.1 think you made a mistake by coming here. 2. When he told me about his plans, I couldn't help being surprised. It absolutely wasn't in his line. 3.1 can't help you to prepare this historical sketch. 5. People often have difficulty learning a foreign language. 6.1 congratulated Ann on entering University. 7. We called after him, but he did not even stop to turn his head. 8.1 don't remember his telling anything of the kind. 9. It is not worth taking up the matter now; it can wait.

Exercise 222

Id, 2b, 3c, 4a, 5c

Exercise 223

1.1 insist on your showing the new automobile to us.

2. The little boy was proud of having such a noble friend.

3. This film is worth seeing. You can't help enjoying the wonderful performance of the actors. 4. It was impossible to get the tickets and he had to give up the idea of listening to the famous pianist. 5.1 remember his laughing loudly when telling the story. 6. She was sure that the boys had stopped working long ago and had run to the river. 7. She was sitting in the drawing room without saying a word and paying attention to her sister's chat. 8. He quickly went into the hall without answering the greetings. 9.1 am sick and tired of being old and wise and I can't stand being treated like an invalid. 10. He meant to begin his investigation with the garden examining. 11. After washing up and tidying up the kitchen she lay on the sofa. 12. If you don't tell me what the matter is, what is the use of my being here? 13.1 couldn't even walk without his coming up to me. 14. He can't bear being praised. 15. He did not like his daughter chatting on the phone for hours. 16. He was trying to find a pretext for leaving earlier. 17.1 hope you don't mind his being told everything. 18. Did you remember to post the letter that he gave you? 19. On seeing our difficulty, they offered their help. 20. They couldn't help laughing at the sight' of the clown.

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