X.4.1.5 Гранулометрический анализ

CEN ISO/TS 17892-4 Geotechnical investigation and testing — Laboratory testing of soil — Part 4:
Determination of particle size distribution.

DIN 18 123:1996 Soil, investigation and testing — Determination of grain-size distribution.

NF P 94-056:1996 Sols: Reconnaissance et Essais — Analyse granulometrique — Methode par tamisage a sec apres lavage (in French).

XP P 94-041:1995 Sols: Reconnaissance et Essais — Identification granulometrique — Methode de tamisage par voie humide (in French).

BS 1377-2:1990 Methods of test for soil for civil engineering purposes — Part 2: Classification tests; Subclause 9.2 Wet sieving method.

BS 1377-2:1990 Methods of test for soil for civil engineering purposes — Part 2: Classification tests; Subclause 9.5 Sedimentation by the hydrometer method.

BS 1377-2:1990 Methods of test for soil for civil engineering purposes — Part 2: Classification tests; Subclause 9.4 Sedimentation by pipette method.

SN 670 810c:1986 Granulats mineraux et sols; Analyse granulometrique par tamisage/Mineralische Baustoffe und Lockergesteine; Siebanalyse.

SN 670 816:1964 Materiaux pierreux; Sedimentometrie par la methode de l'areometre/Gesteinsmaterialien; Schlammversuch nach der Araeometermethode.

ASTM D2217-85 (1998) Wet preparation of s samples for particle size analysis and determination
of soil constants.

ASTM D422-63 (1998) Test method for particle size analysis of soil.

SS 0271 23:1992 Geotechnical tests — Particle size distribution — sieving.

SS 0271 24:1992 Geotechnical tests — Particle size distribution — sedimentation, hydrometermethod.

X.4.1.6 Определение пределов консистенции (предела пластичности)

CEN ISO/TS 17892-12 Geotechnical investigation and testing — Laboratory testing of soil — Part 12: Atterberg limits.

DIN 18 122:1997 Soil, investigation and testing Consistency limits Part 1: Determination of liquid limit and plastic limit.

NF P 94-051:1993 Soils. Investigation and testing. Determination of Atterberg’s limits. Liquid limit test using Casagrande apparatus. Plastic limit test on rolled thread.

NF P94-052-1:1995 Sols: Reconnaissance et Essais — Determination des limites d’Atterberg — Partie 1: Limite de liquidite — Methode du cone de penetration.

BS 1377-2:1990 Methods of test for soil for civil engineering purposes — Part 2: Classification tests; Clause 4 Determination of the liquid limit.

BS 1377-2:1990 Methods of test for soil for civil engineering purposes — Part 2: Classification tests; Clause 5 Determination of the plastic limit and plasticity index.

SN 670 345:1959 Essais; Limites de consistance/Versuche; Konsistenzgrenzen.

SS 0271 20:1990 Geotechnical tests — Cone liquid limit.

SS 0271 21:1990 Geotechnical tests — Plastic limit.

X.4.1.7 Определение степени плотности несвязанных грунтов

BS 1377-4:1990 Methods of test for soil for civil engineering purposes — Part 4: Compaction related tests; Clause 4 Determination of maximum and minimum dry densities for granular soils.

NF P 94-059:2000 Sols: Reconnaissance et Essais — Determination des masses volumiques minimale et maximale des sols non coherents.

X.4.1.8 Определение дисперсности грунта

BS 1377-5:1990 Methods of test for soil for civil engineering purposes — Part 5: Compressibility, permeability and durability tests; Clause 6 Determination of dispersibility.

X.4.1.9 Определение чувствительности к морозу

SN 670 321:1994 Essais sur les sols — Essai de gonflement au gel et essai CBR apres degel/Versuche an Boden — Frosthebungsversuch und CBR-Versuch nach dem Auftauen.

BS 1377-5:1990 Methods of test for soil for civil engineering purposes — Part 5: Compressibility, permeability and durability tests; Clause 7 Determination of frost heave.

X.4.2 Химические исследования грунтов и грунтовых вод

X.4.2.1 Общее

BS 1377-3:1990 Methods of test for soil for civil engineering purposes — Part 3: Chemical and electrochemical tests.

X.4.2.2 Определение органического состава

BS 1377-3:1990 Methods of test for soil for civil engineering purposes — Part 3: Chemical and electrochemical tests; Clause 4 Determination of the mass loss on ignition or an equivalent method ASTM D2974:1987, Test methods for moisture, ash, and organic matter of peat and other organic soils.

NF P 94-055:1993 Sols: Reconnaissance et Essais — Determination de la teneur ponderale en matieres organiques d’un sol — Methode chimique.

XP P94-047:1998 Sols: Reconnaissance et Essais — Determination de la teneur ponderale en matiere organique – Methode par calcination.

SS 0271 05:1990 Geotechnical tests — Organic content — Ignition loss method.

SS 0271 07:1990 Geotechnical tests — Organic content — Colorimetric method.

X.4.2.3 Определение содержания карбонатов

BS 1377-3:1990 Methods of test for soil for civil engineering purposes — Part 3: Chemical and electrochemical tests; Clause 6 Determination of the carbonate content.

DIN 18129 Soil, investigation and testing — Determination of lime content.

Head K. H., Manual of Soil Laboratory Testing. Vol.1: Soil Classification and Compaction Tests, 2nd ed; Vol 1:1992.

NF P 94-048:1996 Sols: Reconnaissance et Essais — Determination de la teneur en carbonate — Methode du calcimetre.

X.4.2.4 Определение содержания сульфатов

BS 1377-3:1990 Methods of test for soil for civil engineering purposes — Part 3: Chemical and electrochemical tests; Clause 5 Determination of the sulfate content of soil and groundwater.

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