Make a summary of this text. (List the materials mentioned and their main properties)

Try to make your own small text about properties of wood, gold (or any other material of your choice).

Part III

(… адрес интернет-странички с видеороликами…)




1. What do material engineers do in their career?

2. What do you think is the aim of a Material Science Centre?

3. Do you know the following words? Can you guess the meaning of any of them? Study the meaning of the words: “research”, “equipment”, “capability”.


Watch the video a part by part and answer the following questions:

00:05 – 00:24

4. What is Material Science Centre?

5. What does the Centre do?

00:25 – 00:37

6. What is the equipment the speaker is talking about used for?

00:38 – 00:45

7. What kind of equipment does the Centre have?

00:46 – 01:00

8. How many Universities in America have special equipment (or instruments for research) that the speaker is talking about?

01:11 – 01:41

9. What capabilities do these special instruments have?


10. Do you think that people need to have such Scientific Centers? Why?





1. What does materials science deal with?

2. Do you know the following words? Can you guess the meaning of any of them? Study the meaning of the words:

“to direct (= to be the head of)”, “faculty”, “equipment”, “microscope”, “to depend on”.


Watch the video a part by part and answer the following questions:

00:00 – 01:36

3. What is the speaker’s name?

4. What is the speaker?

5. What is studied at this school?

6. What practical things do they do at this school?

8. What faculty is mentioned in the track?

01:37 – end

9. Where is the speaker?

10. What equipment is the speaker talking about?

11. Does the school have only one microscope?

12. What does the usage of different microscopes depend on?


13. Who do you think will be interested in being a student at this school? Why?




1. What does materials science deal with?

2. Do you know the following words? Can you guess the meaning of any of them? Study the meaning of the words:

“simplified”, “to apply something”, “to manipulate”, “impact”.


Watch the video a part by part and answer the following questions:

00:00 – 00:27

3. What is the main idea of this short introduction?

00:28 - 00:52

4. What is the most simplified definition of ‘materials science’?

5. Who and what is the speaker?

6. What does the Materials Science study according to the speakers?

the 1 speaker: __________

the 2 speaker: ___________

the 3 speaker: ___________

00:53 – 04:33

7. What are the spheres of usage of Materials Science research that are mentioned in this part of video?

8. What do they study and do on practice at Penn State?

04:34 – 05:10

9. What is the idea of interdisciplinary learning?


10. Summarize the ideas of what materials science is, what it deals with, what it studies and why.


Part I

1. Read the following sentences below (1-3). What does the word ‘smart’ mean in each one (clever, fashionable, formal)?

1. He wore a smart suit to the meeting.

2. She’s the smartest girl in the class.

3. They stayed in a smart hotel in New York.

(“Engineering” Workshop by Lindsey White, OUP; Unit 6, pg.7, ex.1)

2. a) Look at the title of the text. Do you think the materials are clever, fashionable, or formal?

B) Read the text and check.

SMART MATERIALS Smart – or shape memory – materials are an invention that has changed the world of engineering. There are two types: metal alloys and plastic polymers. The metal alloys were made first and they are usually an expensive mixture of titanium and nickel. Shape memory materials are called ‘smart’ because they react to changes in their environment, for example: - plastics that return to their original shape when the temperature changes. One use is in surgery where plastic threads ‘remember’ the shape of a knot, react to the patient’s body temperature and make themselves into stitches; - metal alloys that have a ‘memory’ and can return to their original shape. They are used in medical implants that are compressed so they can be put inside the patient’s body through a small cut. The implant then expands back to its original shape. More everyday uses are for flexible spectacle frames and teeth braces; - solids that darken in sunlight, like the lenses in some sunglasses; - liquid crystals that change shape and colour. These have been used in climbing ropes that change colour if there is too much strain and weight on them. The future of these materials and their possible uses is limited only by human imagination. One clever idea is that if cars were made of smart metal, a minor accident could be repaired by leaving the car in the sun! * (the text is from: “Engineering” Workshop by Lindsey White, OUP; Unit 6, pg.7, ex.2)  

3. Find in the text:

- …появились первыми…

- …дорогостоящая (смесь)…

- …изначальная форма…

- …температура человеческого тела…

- …помещать внутрь…

- …небольшой надрез…

- …возможные способы использования…

- …человеческое воображение…

- …незначительное повреждение…

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