Вступительная часть (начало письма)/ Opening Lines

Your name has been given us by the British Chamber of Commerce in …

О вашей фирме мы узнали в Британской торговой палате в …

We have seen your advertisement in The Times, and would be grateful if you would let us have

details of. – Мы прочитали Ваше рекламное объявление в газете “The Times”и были бы Вам

признательны за подробную информацию о …

The British Embassy in B has advised to get in touch with you concerning …

В британском посольстве в Б. нам порекомендовали связаться с Вами относительно …

We saw your products demonstrated at the Leipzig Fair this year,

and would like to know whether you could send us – Мы видели Ваши товары на Лейпцигской

ярмарке в этом году и хотели бы знать, не могли бы Вы нам прислать …

Your advertisement in... states that you can offer... – Из Вашего объявления в … мы узнали,

что Вы можете предложить …

Messrs. M. and S., who we understand have been doing business with you for

some years, inform us that you may be able to supply us with...- Господа … , от которых мы

узнали, что они уже в течении нескольких лет имеют с Вами деловые контакты, сообщают нам,

что Вы можете поставить нам….

These fancy goods are in demand during tourist season (late May to early

September), but for the rest of the year sales are moderate, and often rather low – Эти модные

товары пользуются спросом в течение туристского сезона (конец мая – начало сентября),но в

оставшееся время года их продажа снижается, а зачастую даже резко сокращается.

You can count on a brisk turnover if prices are competitive and deliveries prompt.- Вы можете

рассчитывать на интенсивный товарооборот при условии, что цены будут

конкурентоспособными, а поставки продукции своевременными.

There is no market here for articles of this type in the higher price ranges but less

expensive models sell very well throughout the year.- Здесь нет рынка для продажи изделий

такого рода в диапазоне высоких цен, однако более дешевые модели имеют хороший сбыт в

течение всего года.

There is brisk demand here for high-quality sports shirts of the type you manufacture.- У нас

большой спрос на высококачественные спортивные рубашки такого образца, которые

производит Ваша фирма.

Demand for this type of machine is not high, but sales this year will probably

exceed 50 000 pounds.- Спрос на такого рода машины (станки) не большой, но товарооборот

(объем продаж) в этом году, по-видимому, превысит сумму 500 000 фунтов стерлингов.

Asking for information.

If we place orders with you we will have to insist on prompt delivery.- Если мы разместим свои

заказы в Вашей фирме (заключим договор), то мы будем настаивать на своевременных

поставках .

Can you guarantee delivery within four weeks of receiving orders.- Вы можете гарантировать

поставку товаров в течение 4 недель со дня получения заказа.

We would appreciate a sample of each of the items listed above.- Мы были бы Вам признательны,

если бы Вы прислали нам по одному образцу каждого изделия, которые указаны в Вашем


Will you please send us your catalogue and price list for …- Пожалуйста, пришлите нам свой

каталог и прейскурант на …

We are also interested in your terms of payment and in discounts offered for regular purchases and

large orders.- Пожалуйста, сообщите нам Ваши условия оплаты и дисконты, предлагаемые

Вами за регулярные закупки и большие заказы.

We would be glad to receive specifications of your new typewriter, together with your current export

price list and details of trade discounts.- Были бы рады получить от Вас спецификацию Вашей

новой пишущей машинки, вместе с существующим экспортным прейскурантом и данные об

учете торговых векселей (торговых дисконтах).

Will you please quote prices c.i.f. Hannover for the following items in quantities stated …-

Пожалуйста, назначьте цену на следующие изделия в количестве .., включая СИФ

(стоимость, страхование и фрахт до места назначения Ганновер)

Closing sentences

We hope to hear from you shortly. – Надеемся на скорый ответ.

We are looking forward to hearing from you.- С нетерпением ожидаем скорого ответа.

We would appreciate a prompt answer.- Были бы Вам очень благодарны за Ваш скорый ответ.

Since the season will soon be under way, we must ask you to replay by the end of this month.-

Так как скоро начнется сезон, мы просим Вас дать нам ответ к концу этого месяца.

As our own customers are pressing us for a quotation, we hope you will be able to make us an offer

within a fortnight from to-day’s date.- Так как наши собственные клиенты настоятельно требуют

от нас котировку цен, то мы надеемся получить от Вас предложение в течение 2 недель,

начиная с сегодняшнего числа.

Запомните следующие предложения, которые обычно употребляются в письмах запросах.

Please, quote your price (f.o.b. London; c.i.f. Lisbon) – Составьте, пожалуйста, свою

котировку/расценку (цена фоб/цена франко-борт Лондон)(цена сиф Лиссабон).

As we do a considerable trade in this line, we expect a keen price.- Так как мы ведем оживленную

торговлю в этой области, то мы надеемся на низкие цены.

We require the goods by 20 May at the latest.- Мы просим поставить товар не позднее …

Would you be able to deliver within 3 weeks of receipt of our order? – Просим поставить товары в

течение 3 недель с момента получения нашего заказа.

If your goods are up to sample, they should sell readily in this market.-Если Ваши товары

соответствуют образцам, то они будут легко продаваться на этом рынке.

If the quality is right and the price competitive, we think we can promise good results.-Если качество

Ваших товаров хорошее, а цена конкурентноспособная, тогда мы можем обещать Вам

хорошие результаты.

As we under contract, please let us know whether you can guarantee shipment by 15 June 2005.- Так

как мы связаны договором, пожалуйста, известите нас, сможите ли Вы гарантировать отгрузку

Provided you can guarantee regular supplies and premise delivery within a fortnight of receiving our

orders, we should have no trouble in marketing your products here – В том случае если Вы

гарантируете регулярные поставки и обещаете доставку товаров в течение 2 недель с момента

получения наших заказов, у нас не будет проблем в сбыте Ваших изделий.

…we would like to know whether you would be willing to grant us a special discount.- мы бы хотели

знать, будете ли Вы готовы представить нам специальную скидку.

… we would like to discuss the possibility of a contract of agency with you.- мы бы хотели обсудить

возможность заключения агентского договора с вами.

As we are the leading dealers in this town\area\country – Так как мы являемся ведущими дилерами/

посредниками в этом городе…

Since we have connections throughout the country…- Поскольку у нас есть контакты / связи на

территории всей страны …

In view of the fact that we are sole agents for this product … - Принимая во внимание тот факт, что

мы являемся единственным агентством по сбыту этой продукции


20 February 2005

The Excelso Company Ltd.

High Wycombe, Bucks. B84 I WE

Dear Sirs

We have just received an enquiry from a multi-national organisation owning several luxury hotels

in East Africa. They are opening a new hotel next spring, and have asked us to submit quotations

for furniture and fittings in accordance with the attached list.

The articles in question must be hard-wearing' and up-to-date in design, and delivery by February

of next year is essential. Will you please let us know, therefore, whether you will be able

to complete an order for the quantities required within the time at your disposal.

We will also be glad to have an estimate for the number of containers required and the approximate

cost of packing.

Please let us have your quotation as soon as possible.

Yours faithfully



Jennifer Ring (Miss)

Overseas Dept.

Dear Colleague:

I am pleased to inform you that the American Institute for Legal Education will again offer two programs

in July and August on the campus of the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. The Institute's programs

are for lawyers and law students from outside the United States who are interested in the American

legal system. The 1998 programs are "Orientation in American Law" and "Introduction to

American Business Law". Participants from over 20 countries attended last summer's programs.

In order to maintain the quality of our programs, we limit each class to 25 students. All classes are

conducted in English and are taught by prominent law professors and practicing attorneys. Each program

also includes unique workshops such as contract drafting, negotiation, legal research and writing,

and trial advocacy. Participants live in modern apartments next to the campus.

If you need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. If the programs are not

suitable for your needs or you have already received this brochure, please pass it along to others who

may be interested.

Sincerely yours,


David H. Entin, Esq. Director

The British international school, Moscow


117593 Moscow

Novoyasenevski Prosp 19-5

Tel: 425 51 00

Fax: 426 38 111

15th April 1998.

Dear Parents,

This is an important time for all students taking external examinations and one of the most

important aspects of this is thorough revision.

Study leave for students in Year 11 will start on Friday 1st May and for those students taking

'A' Levels in Year 13 on Monday 1 lth May.

We hope that students will make appropriate use of this time and that they will benefit from

the time made available to them.

Although lessons will be suspended during the study period, students may come to school and

will be provided with facilities to study silently during the examination period. Teaching staff

will also be available for consultation and help.

It is essential for students to know when their examinations are taking place and advise all

students to prepare a written timetable for themselves which they should check against the

master timetables on the school notice boards. We wish all students taking examinations

this year good luck.

Yours sincerely,


John Power Deputy Head.


Many thanks for your prompt reply of 20 April to our enquiry for bell-wire.

We enclose our official order for 15,000 metres, which we understand you can

supply from stock. As we pointed out in our first enquiry, the quality must be up

to the sample we sent you, and the weight and colour of the cotton insulation identical

to that of the sample. Our order is placed on these conditions.

Yours faithfully

Dear Sirs

Thank you for your quotation of 75p per metre for cloth no. 110.

Before we place an order with you, we would like to know whether

you can quote us a slightly better price for the material. We are thinking in

terms of an order for some 2,000 metres, and as the cloth is for export

to a highly competitive market, a keen price is essential.

A prompt reply would be greatly appreciated.

Yours faithfully

We have received your quotation of 1 February and the samples of men's suitings we asked for,

and thank you for these. While we appreciate the good quality of your products, we find the

prices of these materials rather high for the market we supply. We have to point out that

very good materials of this type are being exported by European manufacturers at prices

from 10% to 15% below yours, so the prices you quote would make it impossible for us

to compete on the market in question.

We would like to place our order with you, but must ask you to consider making us a more

favourable offer. As our order would be worth around £8,000. you may find a concession worthwhile.

Yours faithfully

Rejection of offer

Dear Sirs

We thank you for your letter of 21 November, in which you offer us Brazilian coffee at 60p per kg.

We are sorry to tell you that we cannot take you up on this, as the price you are asking is

above the market level here for the quality in question. The coffee we bought from the same

source last year was not of the quality we had expected for the price quoted.


Hardware Merchants

150 Beachview Avenue

Bournemouth H77 6DP

30 January 2005


Mordern Plastics Ltd.

Melox House

Portsmouth P92 4CC

Dear Sirs

Thank you for your letter of 12 January and for the details of your plastic ware.

We have now seen samples of your products and are prepared to give them a trial,

provided you can guarantee delivery on or before ! March. The enclosed order is

placed strictly on this condition, and we reserve the right to cancel and to refuse delivery after this date.

Dear Sirs

We thank you for your letter of 21 November, in which you offer us Brazilian coffee at 60p per kg.

We are sorry to tell you that we cannot take you up on this, as the price you are asking is above the market level here for the quality in question. The coffee we bought from the same source last year was not of the quality we had expected for the price quoted.

Yours faithfully



I.B.K. Thorns Managing Director

Expressions regularly used when ordering goods

Opening phrases

Thank you for your offer of 2 June, which we accept on the terms quoted

Many thanks for your quotation for stationery. Please send us at once:

Will you please arrange immediate despatch of:

Please send through our forwarding agents, G. Green and Co. Ltd. the following goods:

Thank you for letting us have samples of... We would be glad if you would supply us with...

We have pleasure in ordering the following articles from your winter catalogue.

We enclose our order no... for...

Thank for your catalogue and price list. Kindly send us as soon as possible:

Our indent no. ... is enclosed.

Expressions referring to quality, etc.

a) The quality must be up the sample.

b) The material must match the enclosed pattern.

c) The minimum quality required is 400 kg. but we would accept up to a
maximum of 900 kg. if the quality is high.

d) Please send only poor wool. Mixtures are unsuitable.

e) The material supplied must be absolutely waterproof and we place
our order subject to this guarantee.

f) We enclose a trial order. If the quality is up to our expectations, we
shall send further orders in new future.

g) Weight and colour must be as sample supplied...

Expressions regularly used when ordering goods

Opening phrases

Thank you for your offer of 2 June, quoted

Many thanks for your quotation for stationery. Please send us at once:

Will you please arrange immediate despatch of:

Please send through our forwarding agents, G. Green and Co. Ltd. the following goods:

Thank you for letting us have samples of... We would be glad if you would supply us with...

We have pleasure in ordering the following articles from your winter catalogue.

We enclose our order no... for...

Thank for your catalogue and price list. Kindly send us as soon as possible:

Our indent no. ... is enclosed.

Переведите следующие наиболее употребительные предложения. Используйте их в своих деловых письмах, когда речь идет об альтернативных товарах (Alternative goods).

1. If pattern no. 63 A is not available please send 64, 65 or 66 A instead.

2. Please supply the nearest you have to the enclosed sample.

3. As we are out of this line, please send the nearest you have in stock.

4. We leave it to your discretion to supply a suitable substitute, should you
not have what we want, but the price must not exceed $ 1.75 per kg.

5. If you have a similar article but of better quality, please supply it instead,
provided the price is not more than 10 % higher.

6. We are prepared to pay up to $ 8.75, but only for a first-class article.
Please send us details of other makes, if you cannot supply at or below this

7. Please supply in no. 3 Ivory or no. 4 Cream finish in these articles are not
available in no. 2 White, as shipment must be effected by S.S. Diogenes,
sailing on 3 May.

Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык.

Rejecting an offer.

1. Большое спасибо Вам за Ваше предложение от 4-го апреля 2005. К
сожалению, мы должны сообщить Вам, что мы не можем
воспользоваться Вашим предложением в настоящее время.

2. Благодарим Вас за Ваше предложение и будем иметь его ввиду, если
нам потребуется когда-либо такое оборудование /оснащение/

3. Благодарим Вас за Ваше предложение... но, в этом случае, мы
вынуждены разместить наш заказ где-нибудь в другом месте.

4. С благодарностью сообщаем Вам о получении Вашего ответа на наш
запрос об оборудовании (мебели) из стали. Мы сохраним Ваш каталог
для ссылки в будущем, однако мы полагаем, что цена на Ваши изделия
слишком высока для этого рынка.

5.Мы очень признательны Вам за Ваше предложение товаров по
сниженным ценам, но мы считаем, что изделия такого качества на
рынке не будут пользоваться спросом вообще / что изделия такого
качества не конкурентоспособны вообще.

Запомните предложения, которые употребляются в деловых письмах, когда речь идет об аннулировании (отмене) заказа, о предупреждении / (уведомлении) об отмене заказа / Cancellation, Warning of cancellation.

1. Our indent is enclosed, but we must ask you to cancel any items
which you cannot execute by 3 October 2005

2. Please delete from the order any goods which you (cannot supply ex-
stock) (cannot ship within 14 days) (cannot supply exactly to sample).

3. We must insist on the observance of our terms and
conditions. If you cannot do this, we regret that we shall have to cancel the order.

4. Please supply such items as you have in stock, but treat all others as
cancelled. Your immediate advice would be appreciated.

5. As you have failed to deliver within the specified time, we have no
alternative but to cancel our order.

6. The recent slump in the market here makes it unavoidable for us to
cancel the remainder of our order.

7. We regret having to cancel our order for the two further machines,
but the worsening of the trading position here gives us to option.

8. Please cancel our order no. 25 7 December 2003

Если Вы в своем письме хотите осведомиться об инструкциях , то в таких случаях принято употреблять следующие типичные выражения

a) Please send us your instructions by cable / telex.

b) If our proposal is acceptable to you, please confirm by return.

c) Kindly use the enclosed order from when you make out your orders

as this will facilitate prompt and accurate execution.

d) Please wire / cable / telephone your order.

e) Kindly confirm your order at the price quoted.

f) If you accept our quotation, please advise us by telex.

g) Your reply by return would be appreciated.

h) If you let us have your instructions by midday Thursday at the latest

we could ship your order by S.S. Orion which sails on 25 September,

i) Please let us know your wishes by (Friday next) /(Friday without fail)

j) Will you kindly let us have an early decision.

Наши рекомендации