Exercise. 8 Match words and word combinations in column A with those in column B


1. the numbers to be operated on 1. числа с плавающей точкой

2. a magnetic core 2. самые последние достижения

3. an access time 3. напыление слоев

4. a computer’s memory 4. во время обработки

5. intermediate results 5. крупномасштабная интеграция

6. Large Scale Integration 6. магнитный сердечник

7. during processing 7. память компьютера

8. by spraying layers 8. промежуточные результаты

9. the latest achievements 9. время обращения

10.floating point numbers 10. числа, которые будут обрабатываться

Exercise 9. Translate these sentences into English.

1.Магнитные диски очень похожи на магнитный барабан, но они основаны на использовании дисков.

2.Частицы памяти на магнитных дисках могут сохранять больше 100,.000,000бит.

3. Главные единицы памяти были созданы из магнитных сердечников.

4. Регистры общей направленности – 16 регистров.

5. Регистры управления формируют регистры, отличающиеся друг то друга.

Exercise 10. Make the sentences complete using the information from the text .:

1. The computer’s memory stores…

2. The time required to transmit one computer word out…

3. Terms synonymous with the computer’s working memory RAM are…

4. Information that is stored inside a computer is stored …

5. The speed of modern computers is …

6. The slower models of registers use …

7. The capacity of a computer …

8. The speed of modern computers …

IV. Comprehension.

Exercise 11. Agree or disagree with the following statements.

Use phrase:I don’t agree with you; No, it is not so, I am afraid you are wrong, I agree with you, You are right.

1. The part of a digital computer which stores the informationis called storage.

2. One machine word consists of 40 bites.

3. The capacity of a computer is the quantity words that the memory unit can hold.

4. Memory unit is the part of the computer which stores information.

5. Floating-point registers are two registers, each being able to contain a double word.

6. Information that is stored inside the computer is stored in registers.

7. General Purpose Registers are used for storing the integer operands taking part in binary arithmetic operations.

8. The faster models of registers use magnetic cores.

9. ROM is called a firmware.

10. External memory may use magnetic tapes, magnetic drums, magnetic discs and floppy discs.

Exercise 12. Answer the following questions to the text

1.What is the general purpose of the memory or storage unit?

2. What information is stored in the computer memory?

3. Where is information stored inside the computer?

4. What is the memory access time?

5. What ways of memorizing words in a computer do you know?

6. What has lead to creation of memories on LSI circuits?

7. What is the latest achievements of modern electronics?

8. What memories are used in microcomputers?

9. What types of registers do you know?

V. Oral practice.

Exercise 13. Fill in the chart. Speak about memory or storage units.

Exercise. 8 Match words and word combinations in column A with those in column B - student2.ru

VI. Reading and comprehension.

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