Exercise 1. Answer the following questions. 1. What was Linux designed for?

1. What was Linux designed for?

2. Who developed Linux’s kernel?

3. How does Linux differ from proprietary systems?

4. Is it the same popular as Microsoft Windows? What do you think about its future?

5. What is the difference of Windows 8 from the other versions of Windows?

6. How does the new design system interface look like?

7. What newer technologies will be supported by Windows 8?

Exercise 2. Match English words and word combinations with their Russian equivalents.

low-cost operating system a анимированные значки
comprehensive system b недорогая операционная система
be extendible by contributors c интерфейс переносимой операционной системы
desktop predominance d господство на рабочих столах
develop from the ground up e расширяться пользователями
near-instant-on capabilities f интернет службы, основанные на использовании облачных вычислений
live tiles g универсальная система
swipe across the screen h провести пальцем по экрану
built-in support i почти мгновенные возможности
app store j разрабатывать с нуля
cloud-based online services k встроенная поддержка
portable operating system interface l магазин приложений

Exercise 3. Match the words on the left with their definitions on the right.

cloud computing a a short-range radio technology aimed at simplifying communications among Internet devices and between devices and the Internet
kernel b the central module of an operating system that loads first and remains in main memory.
bus c available to the general public for use and/or modification from its original design free of charge
USB (universal serial bus) d a type of electronic display that senses physical touch by a person’s hands or fingers, and then performs required actions
open source program e an external bus standard that supports data transfer rates of 12 Mbps.
touchscreen f a type of computing that relies on sharing computing resources rather than having local servers or personal devices to handle applications
bluetooth g a collection of wires through which data is transmitted from one part of a computer to another a program in which the source code is

Exercise 4. Make all possible word combinations from the words given below.

proprietary a between apps  
dynamic b support  
built-in c systems  
microprocessor d in versions  
completely e features  
switch f redesigned
comes g by contributors  
extendible h platforms  

Exercise 5. Match the word with the verb it is formed from.

application a extend
performance b define
extendible c interact
developer d refer
operating e process
definition f perform
reference g operate
service h apply
printer i manage
interactive j develop
management k serve
processing l print

Exercise 6. Mark the sentences: True/False/ No information.

1. Linux is a free or very low-cost operating system.

2. Linux is a remarkably complete operating system, including a graphical user interface, TCP/IP, the editor, and other components.

3. Linux is suitable only for computers on Intel platforms.

4. Linux is not publicly open and extendible by contributors.

5. Windows 8 is a successor of Windows 7 operating system.

6. “Metro” is the name of a Windows 8 system interface.

7. Windows 8 uses “Live Tiles”, which represent links to dynamic applications and features.

8. Near-instant-on capabilities allow to access the Internet in a matter of seconds rather than in minutes.

Exercise 7.

A) Choose the right word from the brackets. Translate the text.

Windows XP

Windows XP is an operating system introduced in 2001 from Microsoft's Windows family of (application, concurrent, operating, built-in) systems. Microsoft called the (edition, release, interface, status) its most important product since Windows 95.

Along with a redesigned look and feel to the user (interface, application, services, background), the new operating system is built on the Windows 2000 (setting, network, kernel, software), giving the user a more stable and reliable (firewall, service, desktop, environment) than previous versions of Windows. Windows XP comes in two (ways, versions, statuses, release): Home and Professional. The Professional Edition of Windows XP has more (network, kernel, background, wireless) features than the Home Edition.

The most visual innovation is the revised Windows interface which can (handle, run, display, perform) window elements in high colour.

With the new introduced multi-user function, a user is now able to (log on, apply, offload, run) his applications in the background even if he signs off and another user is logging on to Windows.

Another system modification is the Security Center, which shows the status and (features, setting, modification, activity) of the firewall, (wireless, automatic, revised, previous) updates and one additional antivirus program.

The company has focused on mobility for both editions, including plug and play (settings, versions, kernel, features) for connecting to wireless networks. The operating system also utilizes the 802.11x (wireless, mobile, concurrent, general-purpose) security standard.

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