Упражнения с использованием internet и компьютера

1. Разработайте шкалу Лайкерта для измерения полезности Web-страницы Ford Motor Сотрапy. Зайдите на страницу www. ford. com и оцените ее по разработанным вами шкалам.

2. Разработайте семантическую дифференциальную шкалу для измерения восприятия уел; экспресс-доставки отправлений FedEx и сравните ее с предложенной UPS. Необходимую информацию можно получить на страницах этих компаний (www. fedex. com www.ups. com).

3. Посетите в Internet сайт, посвященный шкалированию (www.siu.edu/departments/coba/mktg/osr). Найдите один пример использования шкалы Лайкерта и один пример семантического дифференциала. Напишите отчет, описывающий ситуацию, в которой эти шкалы использовались.

4. Посетите Internet страницы двух компаний, специализирующихся на маркетинговых исследованиях. Проанализируйте по одному исследованию каждой фирмы, чтобы критически оценить используемые детализированные шкалы.

5. Найдите в Internet два примера шкалы Лайкерта, семантической дифференциальной шкалы и шкалы Стэпеля. Напишите отчет, описывающий контекст, в котором применяются эти шкалы.


1. Chuck Ross, "TVB, Nielsen Examining TV Sweeps Alternatives", Advertising Age, May 12, 19S p. 10, 8; Douglas M. Stayman, David A. Aaker, "Continuous Measurement of Self-Report Emotional Response", Psychology & Marketing, May-June 1993, p. 199-214.

2. Heidi Toliver, "A Tale of Four Cities: How Paris, London, Florence and New York Measure — and React - to What Riders Want", Mass Transit XXII, March-April 1996, p. 22-30,107.

3. Patrick Dalton, "What Would You Do?, Bank Marketing, February 1996, p. 12, 49; "America Voice Opinions on the Services Industry", Marketing News, November 20, 1987, p. 18.

4. Ian P. Murphy, "RAMS Helps Best Western Tout Worldwide Positioning", Marketing News, January 6, 1996, p. 25.

5. ORTEK Data Systems, Inc.

6. G. Albaum, "The Likert Scale Revisited — An Alternate Version", Journal of the Market Reseat Society, April 1997, p. 331-348; C.J. Brody, J. Dietz, "On the Dimensionality of 2-Questi Format Likert Attitude Scales", Social Science Research, June 1997, p. 197-204; Rensis Like "A Technique for the Measurement of Attitudes", Archives of Psychology 140 (1932).

7. См. статью Jennifer L. Aaker, "Dimensions of Brand Personality", Journal of Marketing Research August 1997, p. 347-356.

8. Joel Herche, Brian Engelland, "Reversed-Polarity Items and Scale Unidimensionality", Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Fall 1996, p. 366-374.

9. John P. Walsh, Shu-Fen Tseng, "The Effects of Job Characteristics on Active Effort at Work", Work & Occupations, February 1998, p. 74-96; George H. Lucas, Jr., A. Parasuraman, Robert a! Davis, Ben M. Enis, "An Empirical Study of Salesforce Turnover", Journal of Marketing, July 1987, p. 34-59.

10. T.A. Chandler, C.J. Spies, "Semantic Differential Comparisons of Attributions and Dimensions Among Respondents From 7 Nations", Psychological Reports (3 pt 1), December 1996, p. 747-758.

11. R. Millar, C. Brotherton, "Measuring the Effects of Career Interviews on Young People — A Preliminary Study", Psychological Reports (3 pt 2), December 1996, p. 1207-1215.

12. Naresh K. Malhotra, "A Scale to Measure Self-Concepts, Person Concepts and Product Concepts", Journal of Marketing Research, November 1981, p. 456-464. См. также статью Jennifer L. Aaker "Dimensions of Brand Personality", Journal of Marketing Research, August 1997, p. 347-56.

13. Тем не менее существует незначительная разница в результатах в зависимости от того, яв­ляются данные порядковыми или интервальными. См. статьи M.D. Garcia-pena et al., "Development and Validation of an Inventory for Measuring Job Satisfaction among Family Physicians", Psychological Reports, August 1996, p. 291-301; John Gaiton, "Measurement Scales and Statistics: Resurgence of an Old Misconception", Psychological Bulletin 87 (1980), p. 564-567.

14. Timothy H. Reisenwitz, G. Joseph Wimbish, Jr., "Over-the-Counter Pharmaceuticals: Exploratory Research of Consumer Preferences Toward Solid Oral Dosage Forms", Health Marketing Quarterly, 1996, p. 47-61; S. Malhotra, S. Van Auken, S.C. Lonial, "Adjective Profiles in Television Copy Testing", Journal of Advertising Research, August 1981, p. 21-25.

15. Jan Stapel, "About 35 Years of Market Research in the Netheriands", Markonderzock Kwartaalschrift, 1969, p. 3-7.

16. Robert F. Devellis, Scale Development: Theories and Applications (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 1991); Michael J. Etzel, Terrell G. Williams, John C. Rogers, Douglas J. Lincoln, "The Comparability of Three Stapel Scale Fonns in a Marketing Setting", in Ronald F. Bush, Shelby D. Hunt (eds.), Marketing Theory: Philosophy of Science Perspectives (Chicago: American Marketing Association, 1982), p. 303-306.

17. A.M. Coleman, C.E. Norris, C.C. Peterson, "Comparing Rating Scales of Different Lengths — Equivalence of Scores from 5-Point and 7-Point Scales", Psychological Reports, April 1997, p. 355-362; Madhubalan Viswanathan, Mark Bergen, Terry Childers, "Does a Single Response Category in a Scale Completely Capture a Response?", Psychology & Marketing, August 1996, p. 457-479; Eli P. Cox III, "The Optimal Number of Response Alternatives for a Scale: A Review", Journal of Marketing Research, November 1980, p. 407-422.

18. D.F. Alwin, "Feeling Thermometers versus 7-Point Scales— Which Are Better", Sociological Methods & Research, February 1997, p. 318-340; M.M. Givon, Z. Shapira, "Response to Rating Scales: A Theoretical Model and Its Application to the Number of Categories Problem", Journal of Marketing Research, November 1984, p. 410-419; D.E. Stem, Jr., S. Noazin, "The Effects of Number of Objects and Scale Positions on Graphic Position Scale Reliability", in R.F. Lusch et al., 1985 AMA Educators' Proceedings (Chicago: American Marketing Association, 1985, p. 370-372.

19. D. Watson, "Correcting for Acquiescent Response Bias in the Absence of a Balanced Scale — An Application to Class-Consciousness", Sociological Methods & Research, August 1992, p. 52-88; H. Schuman, S. Presser, Questions and Answers in Attitude Surveys (New York: Academic Press, 1981), p. 179-201.

20. G.J. Spagna, "Questionnaires: Which Approach Do You Use?", Journal of Advertising Research, February-March 1984, p. 67-70.

21. Kathy A. Hanisch, "The Job Descriptive Index Revisited: Questions about the Question Mark", Journal of Applied Psychology, June 1992, p. 377-382; K.C. Schneider, "Uninformed Response Rate in Survey Research", Journal of Business Research, April 1985, p. 153-162.

22. К. M. Gannon, T.M. Ostrom, "How Meaning is Given to Rating Scales — The Effects of Response Language on Category Activation", Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, July 1996, p. 337-361

H H. Friedman, J.R. Leefer, "Label versus Position in Rating Scales", Journal of the Academy Marketing Science, Spring 1981, p. 88-92.

23. D. F. Alwin, "Feeling Thermometers versus 7-Point Scales— Which Are Better", Sociologic ' Methods & Research, February 1997, p. 318-340.

24. Последние исследования построения многомерных шкал приведены в статье Jennifer L. Aaker "Dimensions of Brand Personality", Journal of Marketing Research, August 1997, p. 347-256.

25. Например, см. статью Anusom Singhapakdi, Scott J. Vitell, Kumar C. Rallapalli, Kennel ' L. Kraft, "The Perceived Role of Ethics and Social Responsibility: A Scale Development", Journal

Business Ethics, November 1996, p. 1131-1140.

26. Stephania H. Davis, "Smart Products for Smart Marketing", Telephony, March 2, 1998, p. 66; Er 'Anderson, Wujin Chu, Barton Weitz, "Industrial Purchasing: An Empirical Exploration of the Buyclass Framework", Journal of Marketing, July 1987, p. 71—86.

27. K. Kim, Gary L. Frazier, "Measurement of Distributor Commitment in Industrial Channels Distribution", Journal of Business Research, October 1997, p. 139-154; Eric A. Greenlea

"Improving Rating Scale Measures by Detecting and Correcting Bias Components in Son Response Styles", Journal Marketing Research, May 1992, p. 176-188.

28. E.J. Wilson, "Research Design Effects on the Reliability of Rating Scales in Marketing — An Upda on Churchill and Peter", Advances in Consumer Research 22 (1995), p. 360-365; William I Perreault, Jr., Laurence E. Leigh, "Reliability of Nominal Data Based on Qualitative Judgments Journal of Marketing Research, May 1989, p. 135-148; J. Paul Peter, "Reliability: A Review Psychometric Basics and Recent Marketing Practices", Journal of Marketing Research, Februa 1979, p. 6-17.

29. Simon S.K. Lam, K.S. Woo, "Measuring Service Quality: A Test-Retest Reliability Investigation SERVQUAL", Journal of the Market Research Society, April 1997, p. 381-396.

30. David Armstrong, Ann Gosling, John Weinman, Theresa Marteau, "The Place of Inter-Rat Reliability in Qualitative Research: An Empirical Study", Sociology: The Journal of the Briti Sociological Association, August 1997, p. 597-606; M.N.Segal, "Alternate Form Conjoi Reliability", Journal of Advertising Research, April 1984, p. 31—38.

31. Robert A. Peterson, "A Meta-Analysis of Chronbach's Coefficient Alpha", Journal of Consum Research, September 1994, p. 381-391; L.J Cronbach, "Coefficient Alpha and the Internal Structu of Tests", Psychometrika 16 (1951), p. 297-334.

32. David M. Zeitlin, Richard A. Westwood, "Measuring Emotional Response", Journal of Advertisi Research, October—November 1986, p. 34—44.

33. D.G. McTavish, "Scale Validity— A Computer Content-Analysis Approach", Social Scien Computer Review, Winter 1997, p. 379-393; Peter J. Paul, "Construct Validity: A Review of Ba Issues and Marketing Practices", Journal of Marketing Research, May 1981, p. 133—135.

34. Более подробно о проблеме достоверности см. в статье M. Joseph Sirgy, Dhruv Grewal, Tama F. Mangleburg, Jae-ok Park et al., "Assessing the Predictive Validity of Two Methods of Measuri Self-image Congruence", Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Summer 1997, p. 229-24 Rosann L. Spiro, Barton A. Weitz, "Adaptive Selling: Conceptualization, Measurement, ai Nomological Validity", Journal of 'Marketing Research, February 1990, p. 61—69.

35. Обсуждение обобщаемое™ и ее применения в маркетинговых исследованиях приведено в статьях Shuzo Abe, Richard P. Bagozzi, Pradip Sadarangani, "An Investigation of Constn Validity and Generalizability of the Self-Concept: Self-Consciousness in Japan and the Unit States", Journal of International Consumer Marketing, March-April 1996, p. 97-123; Joseph Rentz, "Generalizability Theory: A Comprehensive Method for Assessing and Improving t Dependability of Marketing Measures", Journal of Marketing Research, February 1987, p. 19—28.

36. Timothy R. Hinkin, "A Review of Scale Development Practices in the Study of Organizations", Journal of Management, May 1995, p. 967-SS.

37. Michael R. Mullen, George R. Milne, Nicholas M. Didow, "Determining Cross-Cultural Metric Equivalence in Survey Research: A New Statistical Test", Advances in International Marketing, August 1996, p. 145-157; E. Gencturk, T.L. Childers, R.W. Ruekert, "International Marketing Involvement— The Construct, Dimensionality, and Measurement", Journal of International Marketing, April 1995, p. 11-37.

38. Alan L. Unikel, "Imitation Might Be Flattering, but Beware of Trademark Infringement", Marketing News, September 11, 1997, p. 20-21; Betsy McKay, "Xerox Fights Trademark Battle", Advertising Age International, April 27, 1992, p. 1-39.

39. Scott J. Vitell, Foo Nin Ho, "Ethical Decision Making in Marketing: A Synthesis and Evaluation of Scales Measuring the Various Components of Decision Making in Ethical Situations", Journal of Business Ethics, May 1997, p. 699-717; R.E. Reidenbach, D.P. Robin, "Some Initial Steps toward Improving the Measurement of Ethical Evaluations of Marketing Activities", Journal of Business Ethics, July 1988, p. 871-879; R. Eric Reidenbach, Donald P. Robin, "A Response to On Measuring Ethical Judgments", Journal of Business Ethics, February 1995, p. 159-162.

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