The University of London

In 1836 the University of London was created to conduct the examination and to grant degrees upon the students from any institution situated anywhere in the British Empire.

Up until 1900 the University of London was only an examining and degree-awarding body, but in that year an Act of Parliament permitted to provide lecture rooms, museums, laboratories, work shops, etc. for both teaching and research. Today the University of London is a federation of colleges, each largely independent. There are four faculties of Theology, thirteen of Arts, thirty-one of Medicine, ten of Science, etc.

The University of London grants degrees to all who satisfy its examinations, with the exceptions of engineering and medical degrees (for which the study at an approved institution is required). The London external degree has been of great importance in the development of the university system.

Many of the new independent universities were at first university colleges (i.e. university institutions which could not award their own degrees) and for them the University of London became the degree-awarding body. The London external degree is very important to students in technical colleges and some teacher-training colleges, as well as for private students working on their own, away from educational centers.

The development of new qualifications (e.g. the new Diploma in Technology) and increasing enrolments in regular university courses have made the external degree less important.

1. Find the English equivalents to the following:

a) … был только органом, принимавшим экзамены и присваивавшим степени

b) Лондонский университет присваивает степени всем, кто выдерживает экзамены.

c) … степень, присеваемая заочно, имеет очень большое значение.

2. Point out what information is given in the text:

1) One of the characteristic features of our public education is the equal right to education for all citizens.

2) The specialized institutes train specialists for one of the fields of culture or national economy.

3) The development of new qualifications (e.g. the new Diploma in Technology) has made the external degree of the University less important.

Mark the statements true (T) or false (F) according to the article.

1. The University of London is the oldest university in Great Britain.

2. In 1836 the University of London was created to grant degrees the students from the British Empire.

3. The University of London is one independent college.

4. The University of London has four faculties.

5. The London external degree hasn’t been of great importance in the development of the university system.

6. The development of new qualifications and increasing enrolments in regular university courses have made the external degree less important.

Read and complete the e-mail with the verbs from the box.

a) allowed b) let c) make d) allowed to e) makes f) doesn’t let

Hi, Michele,

We’re having great fun in London, except for the problems with our host family. The lady we are staying with is very strict and she 1) _______ us come home by 10 p.m. every evening, so we can’t go out with the other students, which is a shame. We aren’t 2) ________ to bring friends home either, and she 3) ________ us cook. We have to eat her cooking all the time, and it’s terrible! The school is really good though, and we like our teachers. They 4) ________ us study hard, but we’re 5) _______ choose which books we use, and they 6) ________ us talk in Spanish if we need to. Hope you’re having a good time on the beach!

Lots of love


Test yourself.

1. This university town is the location for Harry Potter's Hogwarts Hall.

a) Oxford b) Bristol c) Bath d) Cambridge

2. The Boat Race is rowed between which two universities?
a) Cambridge and Durham b) Durham and Bath

c) Oxford and Durham d) Oxford and Cambridge

3. What universities have the highest academic reputation in the UK?

a) London University and Bristol University

b) Redbrick Universities

c) Cambridge University and Oxford University

d) Glasgow University

4. What is the first degree awarded by universities?

a) a doctor’s degree b) a bachelor’s degree

c) a master’s degree d) nothing

5. This university is a collection of 35 colleges.

a) Oxford b) Bristol c) Bath d) Cambridge

6. A university consists of a number of …: art, law, music, economy, education, medicine, engineering, etc.

a) colleges b) faculties c) departments d) institutes

7. The organization … of Oxford and Cambridge differs from that of all other universities and colleges.

a) life b) system c) structure

8. Each student goes to his …. to read and discuss an essay which the student has prepared.

a) teacher b) professor c) tutor d) assistant

9. This university includes internal and external students only to sit for their examinations.

a) Oxford b) Bristol University c) London University d) Cambridge

10. British University year is divided into … terms.

a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5

6. Give the Russian equivalents to the following:

a graduate course; to get a scholarship; cost of studies; to arrange lectures; tutor; Oxonian; Cantabrigian; tutorial system; scholar; on the basis of “A” level results; a former polytechnic.

7. Make up a story about:

· one University in Great Britain

· the system of Higher education in Great Britain

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