Ex. 11 Scan the text “Sources of law” and pick out the sentences with passive voice constructions. Define the tense and translate the sentences

Ex. 12 Find the mistakes and correct the following sentences.

1. The Russian legal system not based on judge-made law.

2. The laws adopted in the Russian Federation may not contravene the Constitution.

3. Two types of legislation enacted by the Federal Assembly.

4. The Constitutional court of Russia vested with the power of constitutional review.

Ex. 13. Choose the correct answer.

1. What is the main idea of the text “Sources of law”?

a) Written law ( the Constitution, federal constitutional laws, and federal laws) is the main legal source in Russia.

b) The Constitution is the supreme Russian law and major legislative instrument.

c) The list of federal constitutional laws is prescribed by the Constitution.

d) The Constitution protects priority and direct effect of federal laws throughout the territory of Russia.

2. Which statement corresponds to the text?

a) The federal Assembly can delegate its powers to other law-making bodies.

b) All the laws must comply with the Constitution.

c) The list of federal constitutional laws is made by the President of the Russian Federation.

d) In case of a conflict between federal law and another act issued in Russia, the by-laws will prevail

Speaking tasks

Ex. 14 Give a definition to each source of law.

Ex.15 Make a brief summary of the main sources of law in Russia.

Ex. 16 Compare the main sources of British and Russian law. Using the information of ex.10 make a presentation of other legislative instruments in Russia.

Make use of the expressions below.

1. Greeting the audience Good morning/good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Good afternoon, everyone. Thank you for coming
2. Introducing yourself My name is ….and I’m +position I’m +name+from+organization
3. Stating the purpose Today I'm going to tell you about... I’m here today to talk about…
4. Stating the main points My presentation consists of three parts First , I’ll tell you about…. Second , I’ll talk about.... Finally, we are going to look at…
5. Main part a) Let's start/begin with ... Now let's move on to ... And finally I'd like to turn to… b) Showing visuals and giving more details I'd like to show you a picture/a photo.. I'd like to add (that)…
6. Summarizing So, first I spoke about then we talked about finally we looked at
7. Conclusion In conclusion, I’d like to say that…
8. Questions Now if you have any questions, I'll be happy to answer them

Section 2 Classification of law

Pre-reading tasks.

Ex.17 Look at the title of the Unit. Using your background knowledge write down a list of words related to the topic.

Ex. 18 Match the words and word-combinations with their Russian equivalents:

1. to establish a system; a. регулировать отношения;
2. a category of law; b. правовой статус;
3. the principal 4. source of law; c. норма права;
5. to deal with; d. главный источник права;
6. rule of law; e. рассматривать;
7. legal status; f. отрасль права;
8. to arise from; g. установить систему;
9. criminal code; h. уголовный кодекс;
10. closely connected; i. возникать;
11. to regulate relations. j. тесно связанный.

Ex.19 Fill in the chart with the word families, translate them into Russian language.

to organize    
to regulate    
to employ    

Reading tasks.

Ex. 19 Scan the text paying attention to the translation of pronoun “it”.

Classification of law

Law is a system of rules established by the state.

Civil law concerns disputes among a citizens within a country, and public law concerns disputes between citizens and the state, or between one state and another.

The system of law in our country consists of different categories of law.

Constitutional law is the leading category of the whole system of law. Its principal source is the country’s Constitution. It deals with social structure, the state system, organization of state power and the legal status of citizens.

Administrative law is closely connected with constitutional law but it deals with the legal forms of concrete executive and administrative activity of a government and ministries.

Criminal law defines the general principles of criminal responsibility, individual types of crimes and punishment applied to criminals. Crimes are wrongs which, even committed against an individual are considered to harm the well-being of society in general. Criminal law takes the form of a criminal code.

International law regulates relations between governments and also between private citizens of one country and those of another.

Financial law regulates the budget, taxation, state credit and other spheres of financial activity.

Civil law is connected with relations in the economic sphere of life, with relations involving property, its distribution and exchange. The right in property is the central institution of civil law.

The rules of employment law include the legislation on the employment of industrial and office workers and regulate matters arising from employment relations.

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