Put the sentences into the interrogative form

Example:She is learning to cook now. – Is she learning to cook now?

1. He is doing the exercise now.

2. Ann is translating the text now.

3. Phil is travelling round the Europe now.

4. I was studying at the university at this time yesterday.

5. The Browns will be visiting their relatives on Sunday.

6. They were staying with some friends in London last week.

7. I was putting in weight when I was eating many sweets.

8. She is working in London this week

9. The child was crying bitterly when he fell on the ground.

10. The guests are leaving the room.

Exercise 11

Open the brackets and put the verbs into Present Simple or Present Progressive

Example:Kate usually (read) a book in the evening but today she (cook) dinner.

Kate usually reads a book in the evening but today she is cooking dinner.

1. Tom usually(play) football but today he (play) tennis.

2. What language they ___________ (speak) in Holland?

3. The professor ____(speak) five foreign languages. Right now he _____(speak) Dutch.

4. My friend always ______(tell) me the truth, but I see that she ______(tell) a lie now.

5. I usually ________(drive) to my work. Be careful! You __________(drive) too fast.

6. She, as a rule, ____(wear) smart hats. But today she _____(wear) a funny-looking one.

7. I ______(do) a lot of work every day. Don’t worry! I know what I _______(do).

8. Every Sunday he ______(watch) birds in a forest. Be quiet, the photographer ____(watch) that bird. He (want) to take a picture.

9. You ___(eat) fruit every day? What’s the name of the fruit you ___(eat) with such pleasure?

10. She ____(adore) French perfume but I can’t understand what perfume she _____(wear) tonight.

Exercise 12

Answer the questions about the actions, which are in progress now

1. What are you doing at the moment?

2. What is your neighbour doing now?

3. Are you studying at the university?

4. Are you writing a book?

5. What were you doing at this time yesterday?

6. What will you be doing at this time tomorrow?

7. What were you doing at 5 o’clock the day before yesterday?

8. What will you be doing at 10 a.m. on Saturday?

Exercise 13

Translate from Russian into English using the Progressive Tenses

1. Чем занимается Иван? – Он проводит научное исследование.

2. Что ты делаешь? – Я пишу заявление о приеме в университет.

3. Где ты был вчера в 9 вечера? – Я был у Игоря. Мы готовились к экзамену.

4. Что ты делаешь в субботу? – Я иду на дискотеку с друзьями.

5. Ты свободен во вторник вечером? – Нет, я занят. Я буду играть в баскетбол с друзьями.


Task 1

Read and translate the text

Succeeding in College

To succeed in an American college, a student must be organized. The college will have a department with advisors who can help the student to structure the best program. It is then depends on the student to take four or more courses at once, write and hand in term papers on time, and prepare for examinations.

Pay Attention to People Differences.

Difference is the word to remember when communicating with professors and their requirements. They’ll all be different. It is important to have a good knowledge of what the individual professors are looking for, which professors are difficult to communicate with or have personality problems, which professors are well loved or generate a lot of loyalty among the students. The more experienced students can be helpful sources for this information.

Respect the Rules.

Throughout a college student’s career, he or she must pay careful attention to deadlines, university regulations and the paperwork the university bureaucracy requires. Fees should be paid on time. Lack of attention to paperwork and deadlines can cause tremendous problems, especially for foreign students.

Choose Courses with Care.

Another part of college success is the choice of a “major” subject. It should be an area the student is happy with. It is important to consider the employment situation after college, or whether or not graduate study is planned. Advance planning will give the college student a good career foundation.

Task 2

What are the main factors of success for an American student? Give the main ideas of the text

Main ideas:To succeed in an American college, a student must…

Vocabulary practice

Exercise 1

Fill in the correct word from the list below

Tremendous, subject, courses, situation, term, program, loyalty, people, problems

1. ________ problems

2. to take _______

3. to structure ______

4. _____ papers

5. _____ differences

6. personality _____

7. to generate ______

8. employment ________

9. major _____

Exercise 2

Insert the right prepositions. Make up sentences with the expressions

1. to succeed ___

2. to depend ___

3. to hand ___

4. to prepare ___

5. to pay attention ___

6. to communicate ___

7. to look ___

8. ___ time

9. to generate loyalty ____

Exercise 3

Match phrases in column A with their translation in column B

1. сдавать курсовые работы вовремя 2. готовиться к экзаменам 3. общаться с профессорами 4. лояльно относиться к студентам 5. студенты старших курсов 6. полезные источники информации 7. уважать правила 8. крайний срок сдачи чего–либо 9. плата за обучение 10. основной предмет, специализация a. major subject b. to generate loyalty among the students c. fee d. experienced students e. to prepare for examinations f. to communicate with the professors g. to hand in term papers on time h. useful sources for information i. deadline j. to respect the rules

Exercise 4

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