Minsk-the Capital of the Republic of Belarus

Minsk is my native town. It is the capital of the Republic of Belarus and I am proud to be its citizen. Minsk is an ancient town with a rich history.

More than 2000 years ago on the banks of the Nemiga and Svisloch rivers came into existence the city of Minsk or Mensk as it was called before.The name of the city is believed to be associated with the river Menka that flowed into the lake Ptich not far from the city. But the legends say that the city derives its name from the word "mena" as in the ancient times there was a barter market on the right bank of the river Svisloch. Mensk was first mentioned in chronicles in 1067. In the 12th century Mensk became the center of the independent Polotsk principality. In the late 13th century the principality became part of the Great Duchy of Lithuania.

The 14th -15th centuries were very important in the life of Mensk and its inhabitants. It was the period when the Belarusian nation was formed with its national language and culture. In the middle оf the 16th century the Lithuanian Princes united with the Polish Kingdom and formed a united state Rzecz Pospolita. It was at that period when Mensk was renamed into Minsk. Till the 18th century the Belarusian people were vassals to Polish feudal lords who exploited them cruelly.

In the 18th century (1793) Belarus was annexed by Russia and was turned into a province with Minsk as its center. In 1812 the Napoleon troops burnt the city almost to ashes. In the 20th century the Belarusian capital underwent not once foreign occupation : in 1918 it was occupied by Germany; in 1919-1920 by Poland.

During the Great Patriotic War our capital was almost completely destroyed by the fascist invaders. We can say that in the post-war years it was rebuilt anew to become even more beautiful.

At present Minsk is the capital of the Republic of Belarus which is an independent state with its own state symbols, Parliament and President. It is a big developing city with the population of about 2 million. It occupies the territory of 200 square kilometers.

Every visitor of our city admires its beautiful buildings, wide streets and avenues, green parks and monuments. Minsk is also a big traffic center with a wide network of roads, railways, airlines and two Metro lines.

Minsk is the major industrial and cultural center and one of the most beautiful cities. The city has acquired its peculiar look and colouring thanks to the well-planned avenues and squares, to the green of the parks and gardens stretching along the Svisloch river, to its historical monuments.

There are hundreds of plants and factories in the city which produce various goods. Tractors and lorries, motorcycles and bicycles, TV-sets and watches, refrigerators and computers, textile and footwear are manufactured here. Our Belarus tractors and MAZ trucks enjoy a high reputation both in our country and abroad.

Minsk is also known as a city of science and students. There are many state and non-state institutions of education which train specialists in different fields of economy and social life.

The cultural life of the Belarusian capital is varied and very interesting. In Minsk there are many museums and exhibitions, theatres and concert halls, cinemas and libraries, clubs and concert halls. Among the theatres it is worth mentioning the National Academic Bolshoi Theatre of Opera and Ballet, the Yanka Kupala State Academic Theatre, and the Gorky State Russian Drama Theatre which are extremely popular with the public.

Minsk is a Hero-City. It was honoured with this title in 1974 for the courage and heroism displayed by its inhabitants during World War II.

Minsk today is a city with broad possibilities for development. Embassies, banks, business centers, public and private institutions, offices have been springing out in the city. Minsk is attractive and very romantic in all seasons of the year. This special city is beloved by its inhabitants and by all Belarusians.

Answer the questions:

1. How old is Minsk?

2. What is the past of the capital of the Republic of Belarus?

3. Where is Minsk located?

4. The Belarusians suffered a lot during the Great Patriotic War, didn’t they?

5. What goods are manufactured by the industrial enterprises of Minsk?

6. What are the main sights of Minsk?

7. Do you like to go to the theaters of Minsk?

8. Which of them are the most popular with the public?

9. Are you proud of your city?


associate (v) – ассоциировать

derive (v) – происходить

chronicle (s-pl) – хроника, летопись

annex (v) – присоединять

Minsk-the Capital of the Republic of Belarus - student2.ru inhabitant

citizen житель


admire (v) – восхищаться

display – демонстрировать, проявлять

independent – независимый

occupy (v) – занимать

population – население

colour, colouring – колорит

Embassy – Посольство

Vocabulary Notes

the Great (Grand) Duchy of Lithuania – Великое Княжество Литовское

Polish Kingdom – Польское Королевство

to undergo occupation – подвергнуться оккупации

fascist invader – фашистский захватчик

to be proud of – гордиться

barter market – рынок меновой торговли

to be honoured with the title – быть удостоенным овации

to acquire its peculiar look – приобрести свой особенный вид

to spring out – появляться, возникать

feudal lords – феодальные властители (помещики)

to turn into – превращать (-ся)

to burn the city almost to ashes – сжечь город почти дотла

a big traffic centre – большой транспортный центр

state symbols – государственная символика

wide network of roads – широкая сеть дорог

to stretch along – простираться вдоль

to be extremely popular with the public – быть особенно популярным у публики

to enjoy a high reputation – пользоваться большой популярностью

to be beloved – быть любимцем


Ex. 1. Use the articles, read and translate the sentences.

1. Minsk is ... capital of the Republic of Belarus.

2. Minsk is ... ancient town with a rich history.

3. The name of ... city is believed to be associated with ... river Menka that flowed into ... lake Ptich not far from ... city.

4. But the legends say that ... city derives its name from ... word “mena” as in ... ancient times there was ... barter market on ... right bank of ... river Svisloch.

5. Minsk was first mentioned in ... chronicles in 1067.

6. In ... 12thcentury Minsk became the center of the independent Polotsk Principality.

7. In ... late 13th century ... Principality became part of ... Great Duchy of Lithuania.

8. ... 14th – 15th centuries were very important in ... life of Mensk.

9. In ... middle of ... 16th century the Lithuanian Princes united with ... Polish Kingdom.

10. In 1812 ... Napoleon troops burnt the city almost to ... ashes.

11. In ... 20th century ... Belarusian capital underwent not once ... foreign occupation: in 1918 – it was occupied by ... Germany; in 1919-1920 – by ... Poland.

12. During ... Great Patriotic War our capital was almost completely destroyed by ... fascist invaders.

13. At present Minsk is ... Capital of ... Republic of Belarus which is ... independent state with its own state symbols.

14. Minsk is also ... big traffic center with ... wide network of roads, railways, airlines and two Metro lines.

15. There are hundreds of ... plants and factories in ... city which produce various goods.

16. Minsk is also known as ... city of science and ... students.

17. Minsk is ... Hero-City.

18. Minsk was honoured with this title in ... 1974 for ... courage and heroism displayed by its inhabitants during ... World War II.

19. Minsk is attractive and very romantic in all seasons of ... year.


Study the meaning and pronunciation of the following words:

fission (n) [fiSn] – размножение путем деления клеток

enlarge (v) [in`lRG] – увеличиваться

split (v) [splJt] – раскалываться, расщепляться

elongation (n) [,JloN’geiSn] – удлинение

branching (n) [,brRnCIN] – ветвление

budding (n) [bAdiN] – почкование

observe (v) [qb’zWv] – наблюдать

liquid (n) [likwid] – жидкость

solid (n) [solid] – твердое тело

medium (n) [‘mJdjqm] – среда

nutrient (a) [‘njHtriqnt] – питательный

requirement (n) [ri’kwaiqment]

value(n) [‘vxljH] – величина, значение

acidity (n) [q’siditi] – кислотность

alkalinity (n) [,xlkqliniti] – щелочность

render (v) [rendq] – воспроизводить, приводить в состояние к-л.

in vitro - в лабораторных условиях

consist (v) [kqn’sist] – состоять

solution (n) [sq’lHSn] – раствор

aqueous (a) [‘eikwiqs] – водный

pure (a) [pjuq] – чистый, беспримесный

impurity (n) [im’pjuqriti] – примесь

provide (v) [prq’vaid] – обеспечивать

require (v) [ri’kwaiq] – требовать

digest (v) [dai’Gest] – переваривать

suitable (a) [‘sjHtqbl] – подходящий

enrich (v) [in’riC] – обогащать

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