Write down words that come to your mind on the topic “My Family and Me”.


Изменения, происходящие в нашей стране, рост международного сотрудничества, поставили выпускников технических вузов перед необходимостью владения иностранным языком. Формирование готовности и развитие способности специалистов содействовать налаживанию межкультурных и научных связей требует развития умений, необходимых для общения как в повседневной жизни, так и профессиональной деятельности.

Учебное пособие «Английский язык» предназначено для студентов 1-2 курсов заочного отделения всех специальностей ИПР. Оно является составной частью учебно-методического комплекса, который призван обучить студентов общению на английском языке на коммуникативно-достаточном уровне, реализуемому в различных видах речевой деятельности и обеспечить формирование языковой, коммуникативной и лингвострановедческой компетенции.

В основу данного учебного пособия положены такие принципы, как информативность, новизна, доступность и соотнесенность с задачами обучения на данном этапе. Пособие построено на коммуникативной основе. Наряду с развитием умений говорения, ставятся задачи формирования лексических навыков, расширения потенциального словаря, улучшения произносительных навыков, развитие умений разного вида чтения, усвоение элементов грамматики.

Учебное пособие состоит из двух частей. Первая часть включает девять уроков, содержащих языковой материал, соответствующий бытовой сфере общения. Во второй части, состоящей из четырнадцати уроков, представлен текстовой материал, который соотносится с профессиональной тематикой основных специальностей подготовки ИПР.

Структура пособия предусматривает комплексное построение урока, направленное на развитие разных видов речевой деятельности. Каждый урок включает в себя тематические тексты на английском языке, которые служат основой для формирования лексических навыков, развития умений говорения. Усвоение лексического и грамматического материала является необходимым также для развития практических навыков и умений чтения и перевода на английском языке. В качестве одной из основных задач данного пособия ставится обучение чтению. Упражнения, предложенные в пособии, направлены на развитие основных видов чтения – изучающего, ознакомительного, поискового и просмотрового.

Каждый урок предполагает выполнение студентами ряда предтекстовых и послетекстовых упражнений, групповую, индивидуальную формы работы и работу в парах.

Полученные в ходе работы знания и приобретенные умения могут служить базой для дальнейшего самообразования.

Данное издание, переработанное и дополненное, подготовлено коллективом авторов – преподавателей Томского политехнического университета. Составители выражают искреннюю благодарность Р.Н. Абрамовой, Т.Ф. Долгой, Е.С. Овчинниковой, А.Ю. Снисар и др. за апробацию материалов на базе ИГНД.



Lesson I. MY FAMILY AND ME……………………………………........
Lesson II. Hobby and Free Time…………………………………..
Lesson III. Daily Life..………………………………………………....
Lesson IV. Our University.………………………………………….
Lesson V. MY SPECIALITY..............................................................…….
Lesson VI. my home towN….…………………………......................
Lesson VII. MY JOB……………………………………….........................
Lesson VIII. ENGINEERING JOBs………..............................................
Lesson IX. NEW ENERGY FROM OLD SOURCES……………............


Lesson I. WHAT IS GEOLOGY?...………………………………….........
Lesson II. THE USES OF GEOPHYSICS….…………….……..........…..
Lesson III. THE PHYSICS OF THE EARTH….………………...............
Lesson IV. HYDROGEOLOGY….…………………………......................
Lesson V. DRILLING………………………………………........................
Lesson VI. MINERAL EXPLORATION…………………………………
Lesson VII. MINING…………………………............................................
Lesson VIII. OIL EXTRACTION…………………..................................
Lesson IX. ECOLOGY ANd GEOECOLOGY………….........................
Lesson X. PIPELINE CONSTRUCTION……….......................................
Lesson XII. What is chemistry……………………………………..
Lesson XIV. WHY IS WATER SO IMPORTANT?..................................


Lesson I

My Family and Me


What is a family?

What does a family mean to you?

Do you have your own family?

Write down words that come to your mind on the topic “My Family and Me”.


Write down words that come to your mind on the topic “My Family and Me”. - student2.ru Write down words that come to your mind on the topic “My Family and Me”. - student2.ru


1) family - семья  
2) large - большой  
3) flat - квартира  
4) industrial centers - промышленные центры  
5) automobile plant - автомобильный завод  
6) marks - отметки  
7) to do well -хорошо учиться  
8) to enter - поступать в ВУЗ  
9) by correspondence - заочно  
10) to combine -совмещать  
11) friendly - дружелюбный  
12) to spend time - проводить время
13) to listen to music - слушать музыку
14) relatives - родственники
15) uncle - дядя
16) aunt - тетя
17) cousins - двоюродные братья и сестры

1. Read the following words and remember their pronunciation.

[e] relative, together, spend, enter

[i] sister, listen

[a:] father, plant, mark,

[Λ] mother, cousins


Our family is not very large. I have a father, a mother and a sister. We all live together in a new flat in one of the industrial centers of Minsk.

My father Igor Ivanovich is 45 years old. He works at a big automobile plant as an engineer. He likes his work and spends most of his time there. My mother’s name is Olga Petrovna. She is a teacher of music. My mother always has a lot of work to do about the house and at school.

My sister Alla is three years younger than me. She is a pupil. She does well at school and gets only good and excellentmarks.

My name is Tanya. Last year I left school and entered the University. I study by correspondence. I combinework with studies. Our family is very friendly. We like to spend time together. In the evenings we watch TV, read books and newspapers, listen to music or just talk about the events of the day. I have many relatives: uncles, aunts, cousins and also many friends. We are happy when we are together.

I was born in Tomsk. I am single. I’m interested in sports and music. I’m especially fond of rock–and-roll. Last year I entered the University. I have very little free time, because I work and study at the same time. I study at the correspondence department.

Lesson II

Hobby and Free Time


What is a hobby?

What is your hobby?

Explain your associations.


1) to differ - отличать
2) to include - включать
3) gardening - садоводство
4) travelling - путешествие
5) stamps - марки
6) postcards - открытки
7) to be fond of - любить
8) to contain - содержать
9) twice a week - два раза в неделю
10) to keep fit - быть в форме
11) pool - бассейн
12) skating-rink - каток
13) to collect - cобирать, коллекционировать
14) variety - разнообразие, многообразие
15) activity - деятельность
16) useful - полезный
17) healthy - здоровый, полезный для здоровья

1. Read the following words and remember their pronunciation.

[i] differ, activity, swimming, winter, disk

[i:] skiing, week, feel

[ai] wide, like, twice, organized

[ei] taste, favourite, skating

Hobby and Free Time

Hobbies differlike tastes. They include a wide variety of activities, everything from gardeningto travelling.

Almost everyone collects something at some period in his life: stamps, coins, books, toys, and postcards. My friend collects compact discs. He is fond of listening to music and his collection contains many interesting discs of his favorite jazz singers. Some of my friends like reading, others prefer going to the clubs and parties.

As for me, I’m fond of sport. I go to the gym twice a week. The exercises help me to keep fit. Once a week I go swimming to the pool. I think it’s very usefulfor my health. I also like winter sports like skiing and ice skating, because it’s quite cold in our region. So, when I’m free I often go to the skating -rink and it makes me feel great. I think sport helps people to be healthy and makes them to be more organized.

Lesson III



What are week days?

What are days off?

Say what you usually do on week days?

Say what you prefer doing on days off?


1) to work for - работать в
2) oil company - нефтяная компания
3) to combine - совмещать
4) to get up - просыпаться
5) morning exercises - зарядка
6) on foot - пешком
7) employee -работающий по найму
8) to take (10) minutes to - занимать (o времени)
9) to have a rest - отдыхать
10) by correspondence - заочно
11) report - доклад
12) as a rule - как правило, обычно
13) to be busy - быть занятым

1. Read the following words and remember their pronunciation.

[Λ] company, study, lunch, does

[a:] class, start

[o:] sport, call, morning, short, report

[o] watch, o’clock, office

[i] busy, live, finish, dinner

[i:] keep, week, employee


Nick works for an oil company. He’s going to be an engineer and studies at the Polytechnic University. It’s not easy to combine work with studies, so Nick’s working day begins very early. He gets up at 7 o’clock a.m. and does his morning exercises.

After breakfast he goes to work. He starts his work at 8 o’clock in the morning. As Nick lives not far from his work he goes there on foot. It takeshim 10 minutes to get to his work. Nick usually has his lunch at home. But sometimes when he’s very busy with his work he has his lunch in his office. There’s a small café for the company’s employees. Nick finishes work at 6 o’clock in the evening. He usually has dinner at home. He likes cooking.

After dinner he has a short rest, reads newspapers, makes some telephone calls, and watches TV. Then he prepares for his classes. Nick studies by correspondence,so he often goes to the library to get ready for his classes or to write a report. As a rule, he has no free time on his week-days. Besides, three times a week Nick goes to the sport club to keep fit. He’s very busy.

1. Nick works for _____________ .

2. He combines ________________ .

3. He gets up __________________ .

4. Nick goes to work _____________ .

5. It takes him ___________________ .

6. When Nick is busy at work, _______________ .

7. There is a small café for _____________ .

8. After dinner he _______________ .

9. He often goes to the library because he ___________ .

10. As a rule, on his weekdays he _________________ .

Match the occupations (A-D) with the texts (1-4).

A student B business woman C waiter D postman  
1) I start working at 9 a.m.. I finish at about 7 p.m.. I often work late, and sometimes work at home too. I usually have lunch in a restaurant because my company pays. I go to work by train.  
2) My job is an evening one. I start at 6 o’clock in the evening and finish at about 2 o’clock in the morning. I have a break and I eat in the kitchen. I wear a uniform.  
3) Sometimes my classes start at 9, sometimes at 10 in the morning. I usually have lunch at cafeteria. In the evening I often work in the library. I go everywhere by bicycle.  
4) I start early – at 5 o’clock in the morning. I usually finish at about 12 o’clock in the afternoon, so, I always have lunch at home.

What is their occupation?

1) Tim works for a radio station. He spends most of the time in the studio. He plays records and tells jokes. Sometimes Tim works till 1 or 2 in the morning. What is Tim’s occupation?

2) Diana works for a large company. She has her own secretary. She is responsible for the company’s money. Once a year Diana calculates the company’s profit. It’s a very well-paid job. What is Diana’s occupation?

Lesson IV

Our University


When was our University founded?

How many institutes are there at the University? What are they?

What do students have at their disposal?

How many departments for corresponding students are there?

What department do you study at?

What subjects do you study?

What’s your favorite subject?

What subject is the most difficult one for you?

Do you study successfully?

Is it interesting for you to study at the University?


1) higher school - высшая школа
2) to be founded - основанный
3) chemist - химик
4) contribution - вклад
5) establishment - создание
6) outstanding - выдающийся
7) well-known - знаменитый, известный
8) to graduate from - окончить ВУЗ
9) founder - основатель, основоположник
10) chief designer - главный проектировщик
11) helicopter - вертолет
12) full-time training - дневное обучение
13) department - отделение; факультет; кафедра
14) applied mathematics - прикладная математика
15) welding - сварка
16) drilling - бурение нефтяных скважин
17) to provide sb.with smth. - обеспечивать кого-л. чем-л.
18) various - разный, разнообразный
19) sophisticated - усовершенствованный, сложный
20) up-to-date - современный
21) installations - установки, оборудование
22) available - доступный
23) post-graduate - аспирант

1. Read the following words and remember their pronunciation.

[e] speciality, helicopter, technical, welding

[ǽ] graduate, establishing, mathematics, many

[Λ] other, country

[a:] part, department, staff

[јu:] student, computer, newest

[i:] chief, magazine

[k] Polytechnic, technical, chemical, chemistry


The Tomsk Polytechnic University is one of the oldest and largest Higher Educational Institution in our country. It was founded in 1896. At first it was called Technological Institute. The greatest Russian chemist D.I. Mendeleev made great contribution to the establishment of this first higher technical school in Siberia. Such outstanding scientists as V.A. Obruchev, I.N. Butakov took part in training of young engineers.

Many well-known scientists graduated from our University: Academician M.A. Usov – the founder of Siberian Geological School, M.I. Kamov – the chief designer of helicopters, N.V. Nikitin – the designer of TV Ostankino Tower and many others.

Nowadays the University has 10 institutes and Institute of Natural Resources is among them. There are departments with full-time traininganddepartments for students who combine work with studies. The students are trained in 60 specialities such as welding, drilling, applied mathematics, computers and automation, medical and industrial electronics, robotics and others.

The teaching staffs do their best in order to provide the students with all–round scientific and technical education. There are about 20 buildings where there are various laboratories, computer centers with sophisticated computers, experimental laboratories with up-to-date installations. There is a new modern library at the University. The latest published magazines, books and newspapers both in Russian and foreign languages are available forstudents. There are 15 hostels for students and post-graduates. The graduates of our University work in different fields of national economy all over the country and abroad.

Lesson V


Lead in

What field of engineering do you work in?

What specialties are popular at your Institute?

What is the name of the Institute you study at?


1) to specialize in - специализироваться
2) namely - а именно, то есть
3) mineral exploration - разведка полезных ископаемых
4) petroleum geology - геология нефти
5) oil (gas ) field development - разработки месторождения нефти(газа)
6) prospecting - разведка
7) hydrology - гидрология
8) geology - геология
9) (ore) mining - горное дело; горная промышленность; горные работы; разработка месторождения
10) prominent - выдающийся, знаменитый, известный
11) a wide range of - широкий спектр
12) to contribute to - вносить вклад
13) to deal with - имеет дело, заниматься, изучать
14) properties (chemical) - свойства (химические )
15) rock - горная порода
16) trend - направление
17) tuition - обучение
18) to embrace - охватывать
19) mineral extraction - добыча минералов
20) processing method - метод переработки
21) business administration - управление предприятием
22) vital for - важный, насущный
23) career development - трудовая жизнь; продвижение по службе
24) enterprise - предприятие

1. Read the following words and remember their pronunciation.

[Λ] study, industrial, production

[ei] range, embrace, great

[o] prospect, prominent, knowledge, property

[a:] department

[o:] explore, importance


I study at Tomsk Polytechnic University, Institute of Natural Resources. There are many specialties at our Institute, namely: mineral exploration, hydrology and geoecology, petroleumgeology, oil and gas field development, and others. I am a second-year student of the Geology and Mineral Exploration Department.

This department came into existence in 1901. It was called the Mining Department and for many years it was headed by theprominent scientist V. A. Obruchev. Among the well-known scientists who have contributed to the development of ore mining and to the work of our University are M. A. Usov, M. K. Korovin, K. V. Radugin, I. P. Schvartzev.

Modern geologists must know a wide range of subjects. During the first two years of studies students deal mostly with basic subjects. They get knowledge in higher mathematics, physics, general geology, mineralogy. General geology is of great importance to every specialist as it gives the general knowledge of the Earth, its history as well as the physical and chemical properties of rocks.

The new trendin the educational system is the development of courses in geo-ecology, computer science, economics, and marketing. So, we have mining engineering courses which provide wide and general tuition, embracing not only mineral extraction and processing methods, but also business administration, economics, as well as, communication skills which are vital for important career development. Practical training in the field and at different industrial enterprises is also of great importance. There students gain practical knowledge and experience needed for their future job. The graduates of our Institute get such specialties as exploration-geologists, geo-ecologists, mining engineers, drillers, petroleum reservoir engineers, geologists and others.

Lesson VI

My Home Town


What is the difference between the words “city” and “town”?

What are the characteristic features of the place where you live?


1) to be founded - быть основанным
2) to be situated on (in) - расположенный
3) to be surrounded by - быть окруженным
4) technical college - техникум
5)scientific - научный
6) research institute - научно-исследовательский институт
7) industrial enterprise - промышленное предприятие
8) to be evacuated to - быть эвакуированным
9) to give rise to - обуславливать, создавать, приводить к
10) discovery - открытие
11) deposit - месторождение

1. Read the following words and remember their pronunciation.

[i] Siberia, sixth, industry, river

[ә:] research, birch, University

[e] electrical, chemical, centre

[Λ] discovery, industrial, country, culture

[au] town, founded, now, surrounded

[i:] leading, cedar


My home town is Tomsk. Tomsk is an old Siberian town. It was founded in 1604 and now its population is over 500 thousand. It is situated onthe bank of the river Tom in West Siberia. It is surrounded by fine pine, birch, cedar and fir forest trees.

In old times Tomsk was just like any other small Siberian town – wooden houses, narrow streets, no parks and gardens. In 1888 Tomsk University, the first in Siberia, was opened and Tomsk became a centre of education and culture of Siberia. Tomsk is often called a student’s town. And it is really right. There are now six higher educational universities in Tomsk. There are also about 30 technical colleges. So every sixth person in Tomsk is a student. The Tomsk Polytechnic University is one of the oldest and largest higher educational institutions in our country. It was founded in 1896 and trains more than 16 thousand students.

Tomsk is a big scientific and cultural centre. The oldest in Siberia State University, the Polytechnic and Medical Universities have become the basis for the development of academic science in Tomsk and in 1979 the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences was founded. There are many research institutes in Tomsk. Many Tomsk scientists are well-known all over the world.

Tomsk is an industrial centre too. The first industrial enterprise was founded in Tomsk in 1920. During the Great Patriotic War many big industrial enterprises were evacuated to Tomsk and they gave rise to the development of industry in the region. There are many plants and factories in Tomsk now. The leading industries are electrical and mechanical engineering, metal-working, food-producing industries and others. Due to the discovery of oil and gas deposits, the chemical industry began to develop in Tomsk.

There are a lot of beautiful places in Tomsk. Tomsk is famous for its wooden architecture. You can see wonderful buildings decorated with traditional Russian woodwork, so called wooden laces.

Lesson VII



What is a job for you?

What kind of job would you like to have?

Is there a difference between jobs for men and jobs for women?

Lesson VIII



What does the word “engineering” mean?

What types of engineering jobs do you know?

Example: 1-i

1) chemical engineering a) дорожный транспорт
2) civil engineering b) машиностроение
3) electrical engineering c) металлургия
4) marine engineering d) разработка программного обеспечения
5) metallurgical engineering e) нефтепромысловое дело
6) mechanical engineering f) инженерное проектирование
7) transportation (traffic) engineering g) гражданское строительство
8) petroleum engineering h) электротехника
9) software engineering i) химическое машиностроение
10) design engineering j) кораблестроение


1) design engineer - дизайнер
2) production engineer - инженер производства
3) technician engineer - инженер-техник
4) test/laboratory technician - технолог-лаборант
5) service technician - технический специалист сервисной службы
6) installation (maintenance) technician - техник по обслуживанию
7) production planning and control technician - технолог по планированию и управлению производственным процессом
8) inspection technician - инженер-инспектор
9) designer (draftsman) - конструктор, проектировщик (чертежник)
10) skilled worker - мастер, квалифицированный рабочий, специалист
11) mechanic - oператор, механик, техник, слесарь
12) welder - сварщик
13) electrician - электрик
14) to create - производить
15) to extend - расширять, продлевать
16) to update - обновлять, модернизировать, приводить в соответствие с современными стандартами
17) application - применение, использование
18) reliability - надёжность; безотказность
19) component - составная часть, комплектующий
20) to ensure - гарантировать, обеспечивать
21) to handle - управлять чем-л.
22) fault - дефект, недостаток
23) to occur - происходить, случаться, совершаться
24) cost-effective - доходный, прибыльный, рентабельный
25) to require - требовать(ся)
26) to maintain - cохранять, содержать в исправности
27) to install - устанавливать; монтировать; собирать
28) preventative maintenance - планово-предупредительный ремонт
29) repairs - ремонт
30) incoming - входящий; поступающий
31) outgoing - выходной, исходящий
32) specifications - задание, технические требования
33) to manufacture - производить, изготовлять, делать
34) in accordance with - в соответствии с (чем-л. )
35) joining - соединение
36) to wire - подключать
37) to carry out - производить; выполнять, совершать

1. Read the following words and remember their pronunciation.

[ei] aim, create, detailed, maintain

[i] efficient, technician, equipment

[o] product, quality


Professional engineers may work as:

Design engineers: They work as part of a team to create new products and extendthe life of old products by updating them and finding new applications for them. Their aim is to build quality and reliability into the design and to introduce new components and materials to make the product cheaper, lighter, or stronger.

Production engineers: Theyensure that the production process is efficient, that materials are handled safely and correctly, and that faults which occur in production are corrected. The design and development departments consult with them to ensure that any innovations proposed are practicable and cost-effective.

Just below the professional engineers are the technician engineers. They requirea detailed knowledge of a particular technology – electrical, mechanical, electronic, etc.

Engineering technicians may work as:

Test/Laboratory technicians: They test samples of the materials and of the product to ensure quality is maintained.

Installation and service technicians: They ensure that equipment sold by the company is installed correctly and carry out preventative maintenance and essential repairs.

Production planning and control technicians: They produce the manufacturing instructions and organize the work of production so that it can be done as quickly, cheaply, and efficiently, as possible.

Inspection technicians: They check and ensure that incoming and outgoingcomponents and products meet specifications.

Designers (draftsmen ): They produce the drawings and design documents from which the product is manufactured.

There are also many skilled workers, such as:

Mechanics: They can be different in accordance with their work- engine mechanic maintenance mechanic, and others.

Welders: They do specialized joining, fabricating, and repair work.

Electricians: They wireand install electrical equipment.

Lesson IX



What is energy?

What sources of energy do you know?

What sources of energy are more efficient and why?

What source of energy is number 1 today?


1) world-wide - мировой, всемирно известный
2) demand for - спрос на
3) effort - усилие, попытка
4) delay - задержка, проволочка, приостановка, промедление
5) nuclear power plant - атомная электростанция
6) to increase - увеличивать
7) consumption - потребление (сфера потребления)
8) to expand - расширять(ся); увеличивать(ся) в объеме, в размерах
9) overall - всеобщий, полный, суммарный; глобальный
10) supply - ресурсы, запас
11) available - имеющийся в распоряжении
12) unlimited - безграничный, неограниченный
13) tides - приливы
14) current - течение
15) steam - пар
16) deposit - залежь; месторождение;
17) heat n - тепло, температура
18) heating - нагревание; подогревание
19) surface - поверхность
20) transfer - передавать
21) to circulate (through) - циркулировать
22) to estimate - оценивать
23) solar energy - солнечная энергия
24) solar cell - солнечный элемент
25) to produce - генерировать, вырабатывать
26) to convert (conversion) - превращать (превращение)
27) in the meantime - тем временем, между тем
28) mass production - серийное производство


At present the energy is the result of many complex and different factors, including a world-wide demandfor energy: effortsduring the recent past to develop new energy resources; delays in the construction of nuclear power plants, automobile changes that increasegasoline consumption. Demand must be moderated, and intensive efforts must be made to expand the overall energy supply.

But energy is available to use in practically unlimited quantities from other sources. Large amount of energy can be received from ocean tidesand currents, from tremendous underground steam deposits, from the power of wind and from the heat of the Sun. Here comes the Sun. The idea of heating houses with warmth of the Sun has become popular in the last few years.

Most solar-heating systems use a black surface to absorb the Sun’s heat. Engineers cover the surface with glass which lets in the rays, but holds heat. The heat is transferred to water that runs through small pipes. The hot water is then circulated through the house. It is estimatedthat 40 million new buildings will be heated by solar energy by the year 2000. The solar cell is another way to producepower from the Sun. It convertssunlight directly into electricity. These cells are used with great success in space program, but remain far expensive for wide-spread application. In the meantime, solar homes are being built and lived in from California to Connecticut. The next step is mass production of homes, office buildings and schools – all heated by the Sun.


Lesson I



What does the word “geology” mean?

What does geology deal with?


1) crust (Earth) - кора (земная)
2) event - ход событий
3) force (s) - сила
4) evidence - доказательство, подтверждение
5) to interpret - интерпретировать; понимать
6) to affect - воздействовать на, влиять на
7) endogenous - эндогенный
8) exogenous - экзогенный
9) to originate - происходить, возникать
10) volcanic activity - вулканическая активность
11) earthquake - землетрясение
12) destructive - разрушительный
13) effect - воздействие
14) weathering - выветривание
15) erosion - эрозия
16) transport (of rock material) - перенос
17) to pertain to - относиться, иметь отношение ( to - к чему-л. )
18) to be concerned with - связанный с чем-л.
19) to draw on - собирать информацию
20) to decipher - расшифровывать, понимать


The word geology comes from the Greek language and means “science or knowledge of the Earth”. Geology has to do with the nature and development of the Earth’s crust. Events, which happened hundreds of millions of years ago, have to be reconstructed from evidence that is available. Geology has been subdivided into several specialized disciplines. Classical geology interpretsthe events of the past in terms of processes, which occur at present.

The uppermost part of the crust is affected by two different kinds of forces. Firstly, there are endogenous forces that originatewithin the Earth. The crust is never completely at rest because of movements resulting from these endogenous forces. Everything is in motion. Volcanic activity and earthquakes are endogenous forces.

The form of the Earth’s surface is the result of a balance between the endogenous forces and exogenous forces that act at the Earth’s surface. They are the destructive effects of the weathering, erosionand transportof rock material. The principal agents of this process are water, wind and in the polar and mountain ranges, ice. Endogenous forces can result in the formation of new rocks (for example, in volcanoes), while exogenous forces are destructive and transportive. The study of the Earth’s geological history is called stratigraphy.

Regional geology aims at the integration of all the geological information pertaining to a particular area and this is expressed in the form of a geological map. Such maps are the essential basis of all kinds of practical geological work.

Applied geology is concerned with the practical use of geological knowledge (discovery of mineral resources, oil and water, etc.). The natural laws controlling geological processes have remained essentially the same for thousands of millions of years.

So, geology is the study of the Earth’s history and draws on all the technological resources of modern science in deciphering the record of the rocks as documents of Earth history. The present state of geology has been attained as a result of much work spread over many years, and even now, views on the Earth’s evolution and Man’s ideas of his own development are far from complete.



Explain your associations.


1) to process - обрабатывать, анализировать
2) to extract - извлекать, добывать
3) ore - руда
4) surface method - наземный метод
5) origin - происхождение
6) beyond (one's) scope - вне (чьей л.) компетенции
7) mineral exploration - разведка полезных ископаемых
8) geophysical exploration - геофизическая разведка
9) to call upon - обращаться
10) soil - грунт, земля, почва
11) covering - покрытие; оболочка
12) subsurface - подземный; заглубленный
13) mineral deposit - месторождение минерального сырья
14) to rely upon - полагаться, доверять
15) sought-for - искомый
16) to assist in - содействовать, способствовать,
17) procedure - метод; способ; методика
18) density - плотность
19) acoustic - акустический, звуковой
20) electrical conductivity - электропроводность
21) geophysical surveying - геофизическая съёмка
22) self-powered - безбатарейный
23) end product - конечный результат
24) needs - запросы
25) instrumentation - контрольно-измерительные приборы;
26) to utilize - использовать
27) reasonableness - обоснованность


In ancient times men noted that some heavier, shining rocks could be heated and processed to extract useful metals. Orerocks were sought by visual surface methods and eventually the science of geology became developed to explain the presence and origin of these useful materials. The geologist’s tasks have finally become so numerous that it is beyond the scope of any one person’s mind to contain all the knowledge and skills of the field of mineral exploration. Geophysical exploration is necessary in the search for minerals.

The methods of geophysics are most often called upon when soil or other earth coveringmaterials conceal the presence of possible subsurface mineral deposits. Then we rely upon the contrasts in physical properties of these sought-for minerals, or any associated properties of the deposit environment, to assist in the exploration procedure. The methods of geophysical exploration do not rely on the visual properties of mineral color but rather on the unseen contrasts in density, magnetism, acoustic behavior, electrical conductivity, or radioactivity of earth materials.

Instruments used for geophysical surveying usually are specially-engineered, self-powered devices designed to operate under a wide variety of environmental conditions. They are the end product of considerable research of geophysical conditions, field needs, and advanced methods of instrumentation. They utilizeminiaturized electronics, often together with mechanical and optical devices in order to achieve their purposes. The interpretation of geophysical exploration field results depends on geological reasonablenessas one of the necessary interpretative conditions. A combination of geophysical methods when used together with geological and geochemical information is much more helpful in understanding a subsurface exploration situation than using a single geophysical method alone.

Lesson III



Where do earthquakes occur?

What geophysical methods are used?

Can people predict where ore deposits are in the process of their formation?

What procedure could be called “geological mapping by geophysical methods”?

What are the main purposes of surveying?


1) in a broad sense - до известной степени, в широком смысле
2) to detect - открывать, обнаруживать
3) earthquake - землетрясение
4) environment - окружeние, среда
5) magnetic field - магнитное поле
6) particular - особый
7) applicable in - применимый, подходящий
8) to search for - вести поисковые работы
9) frequently - часто
10) background - предпосылка, происхождение
11) to provide - обеспечивать (чем-л. материальным) (with)
12) to occur - происходить, иметь место
13) weakness - cлабость, непрочность
14) be related to - относящийся к
15) ore mineral - рудный минерал
16) mineralized - минерализованный, минерализированный
17) mountain building - горообразование
18) to predict - предсказать
19) distribution - распределение
20) location - определение места ( чего-л.); нахождение, обнаружение
21) sparsely - редкий, разбросанный
22) preliminary - предварительный
23) resource evaluation - оценка ресурсов
24) underdeveloped - слаборазвитый
25) gravity - сила тяжести
26) geological mapping - геологическое картирование
27) detailed - подробный, детальный, доскональный
28) mineral exploration - разведка полезных ископаемых
29) overall - в (общем и) целом
30) by and large - в общем и целом, в общем
31) approach - подход


1. In a broad sense, the methods of geophysics are used to detect the very deep structure of the earth itself, to study earthquakes and earth’s magnetic field, and to give us a better understanding of our physical environment. These particular geophysical fields of knowledge are not directlyapplicable in the search for mineral deposits, but they frequently provide a useful background of indirect information. For example, we now know that earthquakes occur along zones of weakness on earth, often between continents and oceans, in regions that are also related to places where ore minerals are being deposited. Mineralized districts on the earth bear a relationship to areas where there has been past mountain building, and we can now see and predictplaces where ore deposits are in the process of being formed. Thus, through the study of the physical processes of earth movements and the broader, deeper aspects of geophysics we will learn more about the distributionand the regional location of mineralized areas.

2.Regional geophysical surveys, in which data are gathered somewhat sparselyover a large area, are often part of a preliminary resource evaluation program of an underdeveloped area. These surveys are carried out for the general purposes of learning the background subsurface physical characteristics of an area. Maps made from this grav

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