А.S. Bondarenko1, Candidate of Agriculture, Head of Laboratory

D.S. Burtsev1, Candidate of Agriculture, Head of Laboratory

1Saint Petersburg Forestry Research Institute, Institutskiy pr., 21, 194021 St. Petersburg, Russia

E-mail: [email protected]

2St. Petersburg State Forest Technical University named after S.M. Kirov, Institutskiy pereulok, 5, 194021, St. Petersburg, Russia

E-mail: [email protected]

The paper studied the growth of 22-year-old Pinus contortastandsin the Leningrad Region. These trees are half-sib offsprings of five different plus trees from their native habitat (Alberta, Canada). We have carried out a comparative analysis of sowing qualities of Pinus contortaseeds at primary introduction and local species (Pinus sylvestris). The research resulted in some preliminary conclusions about the level of adaptation of Pinus contortaat its introduction in the Leningrad region.

Since planting and up to the second age-class, the fastest height growth was observed in Pinus contortaoffsprings from Gordondale community, and the fastest diameter growth was observed in the offsprings from Swan Hills.

Seed germination in introduced species varied from 23.5 to 68.7 %. The best germination results were observed in the seeds of Pinus contortaoffsprings from Grovedale hamlet.

The amount of empty seeds in the offsprings under study varied between 14 and 41.8 %, suggesting the need for additional seed separation before sowing and further research on the properties of Pinus contorta pollen in Northwest Russia.

Keywords: Pinus contorta, introduction, course of growth, sowing qualities of seeds.


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А.S. Bondarenko1, Candidate of Agriculture, Head of Laboratory - student2.ru

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