Find equivalents from the text. Use them in sentences of your own.

Одна седьмая; огромная территория; восточная часть; северная часть; общая площадь; расположена на; Восточно-Европейская равнина; Западносибирская равнина; на юге, на севере, на западе, на востоке; морская граница; омывается; горный хребет; горная цепь; пресноводное озеро; чрезвычайно богата; природные и минеральные ресурсы; в последние годы; энергетическая сверхдержава; запасы газа; запасы нефти; запасы угля; ведущий экспортер; крупнейший производитель; гидроэнергетические ресурсы; запасы древесины; гражданская ядерная энергетика; ядерная электростанция; этническая группа; коренные народы; густо заселена; исторические и архитектурные памятники; широкое распространение; глава государства; премьер-министр; Федеральное собрание; государственная Дума; нижняя палата; верхняя палата; Совет Федерации; принимать федеральный закон; верховный главнокомандующий; накладывать вето на законопроекты; народное голосование; конституционный суд; Верховный суд; отменять законы; считать неконституционным; Эпоха Просвещения; Академия наук; эрудит; проложить путь; туристическое направление; уникальное сочетание; дух древней и средневековой Руси; играть важную роль

5. Answer the following questions:

1. What is the official name of your home country?

2. What part of the earth's surface does Russia occupy?

3. What countries does Russia border on? 

4. What countries does Russia share maritime borders with?

5. What mountains divide Russia into two parts?

6. What rivers are the longest in Europe and Asia?

7. What natural resources is Russia rich in?

8. Why is Russia described as an energy superpower?

9. What is the population of Russia?

10. When was the Constitution adopted in Russia?

11. The Russian Federation is a semi-presidential republic. What does it mean?

12. What is the Federal Assembly? What does it consist of?

13. What can the President do under the Constitution?

14. What are the most popular tourist destinations in Russia?

6. Find synonyms in the text and translate them into Russian:

1. the uppermost layer of something (par. 1) 2. be close to (par. 2) 3. different natural surroundings (par.3) 4. it may be (par. 5) 5. supplies of smth (par.6) 6. regularly; often (par.6) 7. at the present time (par.6) 8. all the inhabitants (par.7) 9. a draft of a proposed law presented to parliament for discussion (par.10) 10. very large (par.7) 11. officially agree to or accept as satisfactory (par.10) 12. assign a job or role to (someone) (par.10) 13. a person of wide knowledge or learning (par.11) 14. a new method, idea, product, etc. (par.11) 15. very old, or having existed for a long time (par.13)

7. Match the words on the left with their halves on the right:

1. the constitutional 2. armed 3. densely 4. tourist 5. a variety of 6. earth's 7. architectural 8. is located on 9. overturn 10. the mountain 11. total 12. maritime   a. laws b. surface c. border d. chain e. forces f. area g. destination h. court i. scenery j. populated k. two plains l. monuments  

Explain the difference between the following words and phrases.

a) land border and maritime border b) president and prime minister c) federal state and unitary state d) legislative power and executive power e) bill and law f) modern and ancient

Explain the meaning of the following words and phrases.

Polymath, popular vote, innovation, tourist destination, vegetation, exporter, ethnic groups, indigenous peoples, official state language, to pave the way

Find adjectives among the following words and classify them according to their suffixes.

Culture, arctic, ethnic, elect, continental, export, natural, civilian, enormous, interpret , mineral, historical, political, density, economic, important, vary, notable, famous, ancient, homogeneous, central, state, various, powerful, northern, European, range, moderate, recent, frequent, art, legislative, executive, deem,philosophy, painting, council, snowy, granite, nuclear

Some adjectives can form comparative and superlative degree, some do not. Divide the adjectives into two groups according to this criterion. Form comparative and superlative degrees from the adjectives.

Medieval, large, high, eastern, total, deep, rich, famous, mineral, snowy, ethnic, political, notable, pure, central, civilian, cultural, enormous, mineral, historical, arctic, classical, architectural, ancient, strong, rich, popular, important, constitutional

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