Comprehension and Discussion. Ex. 1. Say whether the following statements are true or false

Ex. 1. Say whether the following statements are true or false. Justify your answers with information from the text. For the statements you consider to be false, provide the correct information. Here are the possible openings for you.

Agreeing Disagreeing
really so absolutely so it can’t be denied it can be easily proved this is generally believed to be true this is believed by some to be true that is only partly true as far as I know as far as I have learnt from the contents as far as I remember (from the text) I don’t agree I don’t think that’s right

1. The universe still contains a lot of mysteries.

2. The sun is named “central figure” of the solar system only because of its central position.

3. All rotations and revolutions in the solar system are in the same direction.

4. Planets, asteroids and satellites are so-called dead.

5. The earth and the moon are separated by short distance, 384,000 km.

6. Galileo discovered the planet Jupiter in 1609.

7. The planets revolve around the sun in absolutely circular orbits.

Ex. 2. Which phrase on the right completes each eight sentences beginning on the left? Do you strongly agree or disagree with any of the statements?

1) Just as the sun has got its family of planets, revolving around it, … 2) It is the comet’s tail … 3) The sun’s nuclear energy, in the form of light and heat, has bathed the solar system for 5 billion years, … 4) Ceres, the largest asteroid, is a rocky body covered with dark clays … 5) Not only the entire solar system isolated in space, … 6) There are no asteroids … 7) Astronomers discovered two moons circling Neptune … 8) The earth rotates from west to east, … 9) The earth takes 365 ¼ days... a) …that we may be able to see with our naked eyes, without the aid of a telescope. b) ...but each of its principal members is separated from the others by vast distances. c) … six of these planets have their own satellites which are orbiting them. d) … which interfere with the orbit of Earth and are essentially dangerous. e) … the largest one orbiting in a direction opposite to the planet’s rotation. f) … to make a revolution about the sun. g) ...while its enormous gravity has kept the planets in their orbits. h) … which do not reflect sunlight. i) ...making one complete turn in about 28 hours.

Ex. 3. Choose someone to act as a President of the Royal Astronomical Society and answer the visitors’ questions.

What (is / are) Could you explain to me Can you tell me about What do you mean by Why the movements of the planets the planets stay on their orbits people can see other planets, asteroids, satellites the lifetime of a comet the composition of the solar system the sun is luminous the mean diameter of the solar system the central figure of the solar system scientists discovered numerous celestial bodies

Ex. 4. Speak on:

1. The composition of the Universe: the set of eight spheres, to be separated by unimaginable distances, a central figure, the family of bodies, to accompany, isolated in space, the solar system, to consist of, satellites, asteroids, comets, to orbit the sun, a galaxy, the mean diameter.

2. Our local star: a central figure, massive, luminous, to generate energy, nuclear fusion, to provide planets with heat and light, to pull the planets, to revolve around, circular orbits.

3. Comets: a “dirty snowball”, to approach the sun, to evaporate, a head of gas, to sweep into, the solar wind, a comet’s tail, to head back, outer reaches, an impressive spectacle.

4. The law of universal gravity: to lie in the same (opposite) plane, to stay on one’s orbit, an attraction, to pull each other, to pull away from each other, the force, to be discovered.

Ex. 5. Draw a scheme of the distribution of the planets in the solar system and compare their related position toward each other and the sun, using the words and phrases from the text.

Ex. 6. Read the words in the box, make sure you understand them and predict the consequences of asteroid attacks.

Asteroid; to intersect with the orbit of Earth; to bring great damage to; tsunamis; blast waves; electromagnetic changes near the surface; effects; to vary enormously; to depend on; the character of the object; speed; angle of entry; consequences; human life; natural ecosystem; atmosphere of Earth; to protect from; to burn up; to explode; at high latitudes.

Ex. 7. Choose one of the following items and write an essay. Use additional material.

1. A planet parade.

2. Are we alone in the Universe?

3. The Universe had a definite beginning. Will it then have a definite end?

4. Is there a ninth planet still to be discovered?

5. Pluto is still a puzzle.

Text B

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